made that yourself,’ he asked.
‘Yes,’ she said shortly. ‘In the proper oven this time. Pastry doesn’t come out too well in the microwave.’
‘You must have found life very difficult being left with so much responsibility so young,’ he observed. ‘You said you had no other relatives?’
‘There’s a cousin on my mother’s side in New Zealand, but he has a family of his own to take care of.’ Claire kept her tone neutral. ‘We’ve managed.’
‘To keep your heads above water, maybe. I doubt if that business of yours brings in more than a bare living.’
‘That depends on your idea of a bare living. Our needs are fairly simple.’
‘How about desires?’
Claire swung to face him, the pie-slice clutched in her fist like a weapon. ‘Are you by any chance suggesting that Jill might have deliberately set out to entrap a wealthy husband?’
She had taken off the jacket of her pale grey suit on coming home, but there had been no time to change. He took his time replying, his gaze moving down to the vulnerable hollow of her throat revealed by the open collar of her thin lemon-coloured blouse, and from there to linger for a moment on the swell of her small firm breasts, before lifting again to view her stormy face with an expression that made her feel inadequate in every sense.
‘She wouldn’t be the first,’ he said hardily.
Claire calmed herself with an effort. Losing her temper was an indulgence which she couldn’t afford right now. Not with this man.
‘I see I was right in believing the capitulation a little too quick and easy,’ she retorted. ‘You’re determined not to let it happen, aren’t you?’
The grey eyes betrayed no discomfiture. ‘I’m determined to safeguard Scott’s future so far as I’m able, yes.’
‘You only have to look at the two of them to see how much in love they are!’ she declared.
His mouth twisted. ‘You think that’s all that’s necessary for a marriage to work?’
‘I think it’s a good basis.’
‘You’re a romantic.’ He made the words sound derogatory. ‘What about when the passion wears off?’
Claire gave him back look for look. ‘You’re confusing love with lust.’
‘I’m being realistic. Your sister is a very lovely girl. I can well understand how Scott could be carried away by her. Love of a kind, I’ll grant you, but what do they really have in common?’
‘What else is needed?’ she asked, trying to convince herself. ‘Jill might not have the same background, but she’s hardly out of the gutter.’
‘I wasn’t suggesting either of you were that.’ Ross was beginning to sound more than a little impatient. ‘It isn’t background I’m talking about.’
‘Oh, I think it is. You just don’t see Jill fitting in.’
There was a pause. He viewed her reflectively, hands thrust into trouser pockets in a manner far from relaxed. She was vibrantly conscious of his lean, fit length, of the latent strength in the broad shoulders and muscular forearms revealed by the pushed-up sleeves of his sweater. A man to be reckoned with in more ways than one; certainly not a man to make an enemy of. All the same, she had no intention of allowing him to walk roughshod over Jill’s dreams.
‘For someone who only learned of the situation a few hours ago, you’ve made a remarkably fast adjustment,’ he observed. ‘Maybe you see advantages for yourself too.’
Her eyes sparked, the pie-slice’s handle digging into her palm as her fingers closed fiercely about it. She had a sudden urge to stick it between his ribs. When she did speak, her voice was low and husky.
‘I neither want nor need anything from your family! All I care about is seeing Jill to rights. I’d have preferred a different start for her, obviously, but if your brother cares as much for her as she does for him—and I believe he does—then I’m ready to back them to the hilt.’
‘Regardless of what it might do to my father?’
Claire had forgotten about that. It brought her up short for a moment.
‘I realise it will be something of a shock for him,’ she said at length, choosing her words with care, ‘and I’m sorry it happened this way, believe me, but—’
‘Not one half as sorry as I am,’ came the grim interruption. ‘I came here tonight hoping for some cooperation from you, but obviously I’m not going to get it.’
‘Not the kind you’re looking for, for certain,’ she agreed. ‘I think your brother is well able to make his own decisions.’
Ross straightened abruptly. ‘You met him less than an hour ago. You’ve no idea what he’s capable of. Jill isn’t his first love.’
Claire stared at him, the wind knocked out of her. ‘You’re telling me he’s been in this same situation before?’
‘With regard to the pregnancy, no, but little more than a year ago he wanted to marry a girl he knew at Cambridge.’
She said tartly, ‘Did he change his own mind, or did you manage to talk him out of it that time?’
‘He realised what a fool he was being.’
‘He’s graduated now, and working for his living,’ she pointed out. ‘That surely makes a difference.’
‘Older, but surely no wiser.’ Ross was giving no quarter. ‘He isn’t even sure what he wants to do with his life as yet.’
‘Yes, he is.’ Claire was determined not to let the doubts take over. ‘He wants to marry my sister.’
‘And then what?’
‘That’s up to him to decide, isn’t it? After all, he can hardly be destitute.’
‘But you’d naturally have been just as ready to go along with this if he didn’t have two pennies to rub together.’
The cynicism came across loud and clear. Not without some basis, Claire was bound to admit. She made a concentrated attempt to be totally honest about it.
‘With a baby on the way, the financial aspect has to be important, of course. I’d hate to see Jill living hand to mouth. So, in that sense, the answer has to be no, I wouldn’t have been as ready to go along.’ She gave him no time to comment, her gaze unflinching. ‘Not that I could have stopped her going ahead with the marriage regardless. At her age she’s free to do whatever she thinks fit. The same way Scott is.’
Ross’s lip curled a little. ‘He’s past the age of consent, certainly.’
‘Then I’d suggest that you leave him to sort out his own affairs,’ she said crisply. ‘You can take the big brother theme too far.’
She turned away to pick up the plate containing the pie in one hand and the jug of cream in the other, feeling the shakiness in her lower limbs without surprise. There was something about Ross Laxton that would have rubbed her up the wrong way whatever the circumstances, she acknowledged. The fact that if Jill did marry Scott there would be other encounters was something she didn’t want to think about.
He followed her back to the dining-room, taking his seat again without a word. Claire served the pie, trying hard not to let matters swamp her completely. This morning she had been worried that the weather would keep customers away again. It seemed such a ludicrously small concern now.
Scott was the first to break the silence. ‘Whatever you tried on back there, you’re not going to change anything,’ he told his brother flatly. ‘Jill and I are going to be married—and soon.’
‘So you already said.’ Ross’s