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      Гайдар Е. Гибель империи. Уроки для современной России. – М.: Российская политическая энциклопедия, 2007.


      Vagit Alekperov, Oil of Russia: Past, Present & Future (Minneapolis: East View Press, 2011), pp. 323–328.


      Randolph S. Churchill, Winston Churchill, vol. 2, Young Statesman, 1901–1914 (London: Heinemann, 1968), p. 529 («bully»); Winston S. Churchill, The World Crisis, vol. 1 (New York: Scribners, 1928), pp. 130–36.


      Интервью с Робертом Андерсоном.


      «George Bissell: Compiled by his Grandson, Pelham St. George Bissell,» Dartmouth College Library; Paul H. Giddens, The Birth of the Oil Industry (New York: Macmillan, 1938), p. 52, chap. 3; Harold F. Williamson and Arnold R. Daum, The American Petroleum Industry, vol. 1, The Age of Illumination, 1859–1899 (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1959), pp. 23–24. Giddens and Williamson and Daum are basic sources. Paul H. Giddens, Pennsylvania Petroleum, 1750–1872: A Documentary History (Titusville: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1947), p. 54 («Seneca oil»); J.T. Henry, The Early and Later History of Petroleum (Philadelphia: Jas. B. Rodgers Co., 1873), pp. 82–83; Henry H. Townsend, New Haven and the First Oil Well (New Haven, 1934), pp. 1–3 («curative powers» and poem).


      Gerald T. White, Scientists in Conflict: The Beginnings of the Oil Industry in California (San Marino: Huntington Library, 1968), pp. 38–45 (on Silliman); Petroleum Gazette, April 8, 1897, p. 8; Paul H. Giddens, The Begnnings of the Oil Industry: Sources and Bibliography (Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1941), pp. 23 («I can promise»), 62 («unexpected success»); Giddens, Beginnings of the Oil Industry: Sources, pp. 33–35, 40 («hardest times»), 38, 8 («turning point»); B. Silliman, Jr., Report on the Rock Oil, or Petroleum, from Venango Co., Pennsylvania (New Haven: J. H. Benham's, 1855), pp. 9–10, 20.


      Abraham Gesner, A Practical Treatise on Coal, Petroleum, and Other Distilled Oils, ed. George W. Gesner, 2d ed. (New York: Baillie're Bros., 1865), chap. 1; Henry, Early and Later History of Petroleum, p. 53; Kendall Beaton, «Dr. Gesner's Kerosene: The Start of American Oil Refining», Business History Review 29 (March 1955), pp. 35–41 («new liquid hydrocarbon»); Gregory Patrick Nowell, «Realpolitik vs. Transnational Rent-Seeking: French Mercantilism and the Development of the World Oil Cartel, 1860–1939» (Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1988), pp. 104–08; Business History Review, ed., Oil's First Century (Boston: Harvard Business School, 1960), pp. 8 («coal oils»), 19 («impetuous energy»).


      R. J. Forbes, Bitumen and Petroleum in Antiquity (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1936), pp. 11–21, 57 («incredible miracles»), 92 («eyelashes»), 95–99; R.J.Forbes, Studies in Early Petroleum History (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1958), pp. 150–53; R. J. Forbes, More Studies in Early Petroleum History (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1959), pp. 20 («unwearied fire»), 71 («pitch and tow»).


      S. J. M. Eaton, Petroleum: A History of the Oil Region of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia: J. B. Skelly & Co., 1865), pp. 211–13; Beaton, «Dr. Gesner's Kerosene,» pp. 44–45.


      «Brief Development of the Petroleum Industry in Penn. Prepared at the Request of and Under the Supervision of James M. Townsend,» D-14, Drake Well Museum («Oh Townsend»).


      E. L. Drake manuscript, D-96, Drake Well Museum, p. 4 («I had made up my mind»); Herbert Asbury, The Golden Flood: An Informal History of America's First Oil Field (New York: Knopf, 1942), pp. 52–53 (Drake to Townsend); Giddens, Birth of the Oil Industry, pp. 30–31, 59–61 («Yankee»).


      Forbes, More Studies in Early Petroleum History, p. 141 («light of the age»); Giddens, Beginnings of the Oil Industry: Sources, pp. 81–83 (Bissell to wife), 59 («I claim»); Leon Burr Richardson, «Brief Biographies of Buildings – Bissell Hall,» Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, February 1943, pp. 18–19; Henry, Early and Later History of Petroleum, p. 349 («name and fame»); Townsend, «Brief Development,» D-14, Drake Well Museum («whole plan»); Giddens, Pennsylvania Petroleum, p. 189 («milk of human kindness»).


      Giddens, Birth of the Oil Industry, pp. 71 («hive of bees»), 169, 95 («mine is ruined»).


      Paul H. Giddens, The American Petroleum Industry: Its Beginnings in Pennsylvania! (New York: Newcomen Society, 1959), p. 28; Giddens, Birth of the Oil Industry, pp. 87, 123–24 («profits of petroleum» and «assailed Congress»), chap. 9.


      Giddens, Birth of the Oil Industry, p. 137 («smells»); William С Darrah, Pithole: The Vanished City (Gettysburg, Pa., 1972), pp. 34–35 («liquor and leases» and «vile liquor»), 230–31; Giddens, American Petroleum Industry, p. 21 (song titles); Paul H. Giddens, Early Days of Oil: A Pictorial History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1948), p. 17 («Oil on the brain»).


      Williamson and Daum, Age of Illumination, pp. 375–77, 759 («hidden veins»), app. E; August W. Giebelhaus, Business and Government in the Oil Industry: A Case Study of Sun Oil, 1876–1945 (Greenwich: JAI Press, 1980), p. 2.


      Andrew Cone and Walter R. Johns, Petrolia: A Brief