Анна Пигарёва

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      The shiny BMW of Presidential Aide Arkady Dvorkovich has been caught misbehaving on the roads which led to a collision with a Mercedes in Moscow.

      The one of the most prominent figures in President Dmitry Medvedev’s staff admitted his car was driving along a bus lane and is ready to pay the fine. «After the road accident a ticket was issued for a traffic rules violation, which is to be paid,» Dvorkovich wrote in his Twitter. Dvorkovich came out of the accident safe and sound, as well as passengers in the Mercedes, Gazeta.ru reported. The only the two cars suffered in the accident.

      Moscow’s road police said the accident happened on Wednesday morning, at 8:45 am on Pyatnitskoye Shosse when Dvorkovich’s vehicle was heading towards the city center with its flashing lights engaged.

      «The Mercedes, which was moving in the same direction, was trying to turn left and hit the car,» Gazeta.ru quoted road police’s spokesman as saying. Dvorkovich, however, said nothing about who is going to pay the fine – he himself or his driver. A representative of the Presidential Administration told Gazeta.ru that all penalties are to be paid by the people behind the wheel.

      Admit                                    Соглашаться, признавать вину

      Aide                                       Помощник

      Bus lane                                Полоса для автобусов

      Catch (caught, caught)          Ловить, поймать

      Collision                                Столкновение

      Direction                                Направление

      Happen                                  Случаться, происходить

      However                                 Однако

      Issue (v)                                  Выдавать

      Misbehave                              Плохо себя вести

      Pay (paid, paid)                       Платить

      Penalty                                   Наказание

      Prominent                              Заметный, видный

      Representative                       Представитель

      Staff                                       Штат, персонал

      Suffer                                     Страдать

      Ticket                                     Квитанция со штрафом                                                                   за нарушение

      Vehicle                                   Транспортное средство

      Wheel (steering wheel)          Рулевое колесо

      Write (wrote, written)             Писать

      Krymsk officials arrested over deadly flooding


      Three senior officials in southern Russia’s Krymsk district have been arrested in a probe into the mishandling of a flood that killed 171 people earlier this month, the Investigative Committee said on Sunday.

      The three arrested were Krymsk Mayor Vladimir Ulyanovsky, the former head of the district Vasily Krutko, who resigned after the flood, and acting head of the public department for the prevention of emergency situations, Viktor Zhanov. Ulanovsky was admitted to hospital shortly after his arrest, Interfax reported on Sunday without mentioning why.

      The worst flooding in the region in decades was caused by heavy rainfall on the night of July 6—7. Investigators said the suspects failed to deliver a timely warning and evacuate people from the area. The total death toll in the Krymsk district was 153 people, according to the Committee’s statement. The maximal penalty the suspects face if charges are brought against them is seven years of prison with possible deprivation of the right to hold specific posts.

      The fourth suspect, Irina Ryabchenko, head of the Nizhnebakinskaya settlement, which was also affected by the disaster, narrowly escaped arrest. Unlike the others she seems to be the only one who enjoys sympathy from locals. «She was affected by the flooding herself, local residents say.

      Yelena Topolyova, member of the Public Chamber who visited the disaster site, said: «The main person responsible for the consequences of the disaster according to local residents is Krasnodar regional governor Alexander Tkachyov». His ousting, however, looks unlikely. A United Russia party member, Tkachyov was re-appointed to his post by the State Duma in March for the next five years.

      According to             В соответствии с…

      Admit                        Госпитализировать

      Affect                        Наносить ущерб

      Against                      Против

      Area                           Район, область

      Cause (v)                    Послужить причиной

      Charges                     Обвинения

      Consequences           Последствия

      Deliver (v)                  Доставлять

      Deprivation                Лишение (прав)

      Disaster                      Бедствие

      Emergency situation   Аварийная ситуация

      Escape                        Спастись, избежать

      Fail                             Не сделать, не исполнить

      Flood                          Наводнение, потоп

      Former head               Бывший глава

      Heavy rainfall             Сильный ливень

      Member  of the Public Chamber – Член общественной                                                                  палаты

      Mention (v)                  Ссылаться, упоминать
