
Little Scenes for Little Folks

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      Little Scenes for Little Folks / In Words Not Exceeding Two Syllables


      How neat and nice this lit-tle boy and his sis-ter look, go-ing in their Sun-day clothes to church! The lit-tle girl has, I dare say, her prayer book in her bag, and her bro-ther has his un-der his arm. They seem by their fa-ces, to be good chil-dren, and ap-pear ve-ry fond of each oth-er. They have been taught by their kind pa-rents, that it is their du-ty to at-tend di-vine wor-ship, and pray to God, and the lit-tle girl is point-ing out to her broth-er the poor old wo-man on her way to church, and seems to be prais-ing her good-ness.


      Up-on my word, this is a ve-ry pret-ty look-ing par-rot, and the children seem much pleas-ed with it. I hope they ne-ver play a-ny tricks with it, or try to tease it, for par-rots when an-gry can bite pret-ty hard. Poll and her young friends seem to be quite on good terms, but I should not like to have my fin-ger so near her bill, unless I were cer-tain of her be-ing in a good hu-mour. Par-rots a-muse us much by their be-ing able to learn to talk far bet-ter than a-ny o-ther bird.


      What a pret-ty scene a flow-er gar-den af-fords! Roses, tu-lips, wall-flowers, and ma-ny oth-ers, a-like pleasing to the sight and the smell. The lit-tle boy de-serves to en-joy all the plea-sure that the gar-den can pro-cure him; for he is at work with his tools, his spade, his bar-row, and his roll-ing stone, which shews a de-sire of mak-ing him-self use-ful. I be-lieve, too, he has kind-ly gi-ven his eld-est sis-ter the rose at which she is smell-ing, and he will I have no doubt, help the young-est in fill-ing her bas-ket.


      We must con-fess that the lit-tle lass with the doll in her hand, makes a ve-ry cle-ver and care-ful nurse. She is shew-ing her new trea-sure to her friend on her right with no small de-gree of pride, at which we need not won-der, nor at the man-ner in which the oth-er ap-pears to ad-mire it, for it is a ve-ry hand-some af-fair. It must have cost the lit-tle girl's pa-pa and ma-ma a great deal of mo-ney, and I hope she will know how to va-lue and take care of it, and not throw it a-bout af-ter she has had it a lit-tle while, and get tir-ed of it, as I have known some silly children do.

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