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accessed 1 March 2018.


      Steven Swinford, ‘Boris Johnson’s allies accuse Michael Gove of “systematic and calculated plot” to destroy his leadership hopes’, Telegraph, 30 June 2016, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/30/boris-johnsons-allies-accuse-michael-gove-of-systematic-and-calc/, accessed 3 September 2017; Rowena Mason and Heather Stewart, ‘Gove’s thunderbolt and Boris’s breaking point: a shocking Tory morning’, Guardian, 30 June 2016, https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jun/30/goves-thunderbolt-boris-johnson-tory-morning, accessed 3 September 2017.


      James Tapsfield, ‘Gove presents himself as the integrity candidate for Downing Street job but sticks the knife into Boris AGAIN’, Daily Mail, 1 July 2016, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3669702/I-m-not-great-heart-s-right-place-Gove-makes-bizarre-pitch-Downing-Street-admitting-no-charisma-doesn-t-really-want-job.html, accessed 3 September 2017.


      В 2017 году исследователи из Стэнфорда разработали алгоритм, который якобы определяет сексуальную ориентацию человека с точностью 91 % только на основе нескольких фотографий его лица (https://osf.io/zn79k/). Но алгоритм разрабатывался на основе фотографий, которые люди выбирали сами для загрузки на сайты знакомств, и поэтому он мог идентифицировать различия в культурных идеалах. Это не значит, что выражение лица геев обязательно отличается от выражения лица у людей традиционной ориентации. Скорее геи, размещающие свои фото на сайте знакомств для геев, пытают соответствовать другому культурному идеалу, чем люди традиционной сексуальной ориентации, публикующие свои фотографии на соответствующих сайтах знакомств.


      David Chan, ‘So Why Ask Me? Are Self-Report Data Really That Bad?’ in Charles E. Lance and Robert J. Vandenberg (eds.), Statistical and Methodological Myths and Urban Legends (New York, London: Routledge, 2009), 309–336; Delroy L. Paulhus and Simine Vazire, ‘The Self-Report Method’ in Richard W. Robins, R. Chris Farley and Robert F. Krueger (eds.), Handbook of Research Methods in Personality Psychology (London, New York: The Guilford Press, 2007), 228–233.


      Elizabeth Dwoskin and Evelyn M. Rusli, ‘The Technology that Unmasks Your Hidden Emotions’, Wall Street Journal, 28 January 2015, https://www.wsj.com/articles/startups-see-your-face-unmask-your-emotions-1422472398, accessed 6 September 2017.


      Norberto Andrade, ‘Computers Are Getting Better Than Humans at Facial Recognition’, Atlantic, 9 June 2014, https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/06/bad-news-computers-are-getting-better-than-we-are-at-facial-recognition/372377/, accessed 10 December 2017; Elizabeth Dwoskin and Evelyn M. Rusli, ‘The Technology That Unmasks Your Hidden Emotions’, Wall Street Journal, 28 June 2015, https://www.wsj.com/articles/startups-see-your-face-unmask-your-emotions-1422472398, accessed 10 December 2017; Sophie K. Scott, Nadine Lavan, Sinead Chen and Carolyn McGettigan, ‘The Social Life of Laughter’, Trends in Cognitive Sciences 18:12 (2014), 618–620.


      Daniel First, ‘Will big data algorithms dismantle the foundations of liberalism?’, AI & Soc, 10.1007/s00146-017-0733-4.


      Carole Cadwalladr, ‘Google, Democracy and the Truth about Internet Search’, Guardian, 4 December 2016, https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/dec/04/google-democracy-truth-internet-search-facebook, accessed 6 September 2017.


      Jeff Freak and Shannon Holloway, ‘How Not to Get to Straddie’, Red Land City Bulletin, 15 March 2012, http://www.redlandcitybulletin.com.au/story/104929/how-not-to-get-to-straddie/, accessed 1 March 2018.


      Michelle McQuigge, ‘Woman Follows GPS; Ends Up in Ontario Lake’, Toronto Sun, 13 May 2016, http://torontosun.com/2016/05/13/woman-follows-gps-ends-up-in-ontario-lake/wcm/fddda6d6-6b6e-41c7-88e8-aecc501faaa5, accessed 1 March 2018; ‘Woman Follows GPS into Lake’, News.com.au, 16 May 2016, http://www.news.com.au/technology/gadgets/woman-follows-gps-into-lake/news-story/a7d362dfc4634fd094651afc63f853a1, accessed 1 March 2018.


      Henry Grabar, ‘Navigation Apps Are Killing Our Sense of Direction. What if They Could Help Us Remember Places Instead?’ Slate, http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2017/07/10/google_and_waze_are_killing_out_sense_of_direction_what_if_they_could_help.html, accessed 6 September 2017.


      Joel Delman, ‘Are Amazon, Netflix, Google Making Too Many Decisions For Us?’, Forbes, 24 November 2010, https://www.forbes.com/2010/11/24/amazon-netflix-google-technology-cio-network-decisions.html, accessed 6 September 2017; Cecilia Mazanec, ‘Will Algorithms Erode Our Decision-Making Skills?’, NPR, 8 February 2017, http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2017/02/08/514120713/will-algorithms-erode-our-decision-making-skills, accessed 6 September 2017.

