274 Calm Yourself Before Giving Feedback
275 Use Your Own Carrots to Motivate You
276 Keep a Watchful Eye on Your Body When Criticizing Someone
277 Place Your Fingertips Together for Composure
278 When Making a Point Keep to it
279 Avoid Using the Label ‘Difficult People’
281 Wind Your Working Day Down Gradually
282 Keep a Spiritual Presence Present
283 Make Your Journey Home as Calm as it can be
284 Remember Your Body Speaks Louder than Your Voice
285 Watch Your Adrenalin Levels
286 Think of Pressure as Positive
287 Get Inspired Before Cracking the Hardest Nuts
288 Insist on Quality Time for Difficult Decisions
290 Nurture Yourself with Nature
291 Keep Reminding Yourself of Your Strengths
292 Aim to Use The Strengths that You Enjoy Most
293 Be Your Own ‘Head of Training’
296 Write a Reference for Yourself
297 Relax Before Going into a Meeting
298 Don’t Give Up Finding Your Dream Job
299 Ensure Your Environment is Helping You to Give Your Best
300 Think GEE to Check Your Rationality
301 Use Quotes to Top Up Your Optimism
302 Broadcast Your Deadlines for Decisions
303 Maintain an Upright Posture
304 Beware of Work Snacks and ‘Treats’
305 Do Early Morning Relaxations on Difficult Days
306 Carry a Stress Ball in Your Coat Pocket
307 Prioritize, Prioritize and Prioritize
308 Network Even When You Don’t Appear to Need to
309 Use Secret Stretches to Stay Relaxed
310 Don’t Highlight Your Near-misses
311 Keep Your Pleas for Prayer Time
312 Never ‘Watch Your Pots Boil’
313 Help Others Up Their Career Ladder
314 Personalize Your Business Card
318 Compliment Your Colleagues Without Expectation of Return
319 When Wearing an ‘Eye-catcher’, be Prepared to Talk
320 Don’t Become Your Colleagues’ Clown
322 Spread Your Toes and Feel Your Heels
323 Let Time-wasters Waste Themselves
324 Say ‘Sorry’ Once and Once Only
325 Share Your Successes Cautiously
326 Insist on Quality Time for Quality Projects
327 Keep an Eye-mask and Earplugs in Your Desk or Briefcase
328 Choose Companies that Share Your Values
329 Beware of Taking Decisions too Personally
330 Don’t Push Yourself Beyond Your Attention Span
332 Count the Cost to Your Self-esteem Before Giving in