alt="image 1"/>ELARA. Greek mythology name. Elara, a lover of Zeus who gave birth to a giant son (ouch!); it’s also the lovely name of one of the moons of Jupiter.
ELBA. Place name. The site of Napoleon’s exile became the great-great-aunt in the purple hat. Elbe, Ellba.
ELBERTA. English, ’highborn, shining’. The great-great-aunt in the purple hat, singing jazz. Elbertha, Elberthe, Elberthina, Elberthine, Elbertina, Elbertine.
ELDORA. Spanish, ’covered with gold’. Elderly. Eldorada, Eldoree, Eldorey, Eldori, Eldoria, Eldorie, Eldoris, Eldory.
ELEANOR. French variation of HELEN. In and out of fashion since Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine brought it from France to England in the twelfth century, this stately name is hot again and in the Top 50. Big plus: it’s a serious name, with a nickname—Ellie—that’s endearing. Aleanor, Alenor, Aleonore, Aline, Allinor, Eileen, El, Elaine, Elan, Elana, Elanee, Elaney, Elani, Elania, Elanie, Elanna, Elanni, Elanor, Elanore, Ele, Elea, Eleanora, Elen, Elena, Eleni, Elenie, Elenor, Elenorah, Elenore, Eleny, Elianora, Elianore, Elie, Elienora, Elienore, Ell, Ella, Elladine, Elle, Elleanor, Ellee, Elleigh, Ellen, Ellene, Ellenor, Ellenora, Ellenorah, Ellenore, Elleonor, Elli, Ellie, Ellin, Elliner, Ellinor, Ellinore, Elly, Ellyn, Elna, Elnora, Elnore, Elyn, Elynor, Elynora, Elynore, Enora, Heleanor, Helen, Helena, Helene, Helenora, Heleonor, Leanora, Lena, Lenora, Lenore, Leonora, Leonore, Leora, Lina, Nelda, Nell, Nelle, Nelley, Nelli, Nellie, Nelly, Nonnie, Nora, Norah, Norina. International: Eileanóra (Irish), Ealanor, Eilonóra (Gaelic), Eleanore, Eléonore, Elinor, Élénora, Elinore (French), Eleonora (Spanish, Italian, and Swedish), Eleonore (German).
ELENA. (ee-LAY-na) Spanish variation of HELEN. The rising popularity of this name is undoubtedly due to its being ’exotic lite’. Elaina, Elana, Eleana, Eleen, Eleena, Elen, Elene, Elenitsa, Elenka, Elenna, Elenoa, Elenola, Elina, Ellena, Lena.
ELENI. (ee-LAY-nee) Greek variation of HELEN. Much more old-fashioned than Elena, very common in Greece.
ELERI. (el-AYR-ee) Welsh, ’greatly bitter’. Striking name of a legendary princess and a Welsh river that feels both moody and modern.
ELEXIS. Greek variation of ALEXIS. We’d stick with the original A version. Elexas, Elexes, Elexess, Elexeya, Elexia, Elexiah, Elexius, Elexsus, Elexus, Elexxus, Elexys.
ELFRIDA. English, ’elf power’. Unappealing on every level. Alfrida, Alfrieda, Elfie, Elfre, Elfrea, Elfreda, Elfredah, Elfredda, Elfreeda, Elfreyda, Elfrieda, Elfryda, Elfrydah, Ellfreda, Elva, Elvah, Freda, Freddi, Freddy, Freeda, Frieda, Friedah, Fryda.
ELGA. Slavic, ’sacred’. Olga variant without the Russian spirit. Elgiva, Ellga, Helga.
ÉLIANE. (ae-lee-AHN) French variation of ELIANA. The soignée French member of this family of names. Elia, Eliana, Elianna, Elianne, Eliette, Elice, Eline, Elliane, Ellianne, Elyette. International: Eline (Dutch).
ELIDI. Greek, ’gift of the sun’. Try Elodie instead. Elida, Elide, Elidee, Elidia, Elidy.
ELIN. Swedish variation of ELLEN. Makes an old favourite sleeker and more modern.
ELIORA. Hebrew, ’the Lord is my light’. Melodic name ripe with vowel sounds. Eleora, Eliorah, Elira, Elleora, Elliora, Elora.
ELISA. Spanish and Italian, diminutive of ELIZABETH. The variations that start with A are heading up, the E versions down. Alisa, Elecea, Eleesa, Elesa, Elesia, Elise, Elisia, Elisya, Ellisa, Ellisia, Ellissa, Ellissia, Ellissya, Ellisya, Elysa, Elysia, Elyssia, Elyssya, Elysya, Ilisa, Lisa.
ELISABETH. Spelling variation of ELIZABETH. Found in France, Germany, Greece and other cultures, and represented by such notables as Swiss-born psychiatrist and author Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.
ELISE. French variation of ELIZABETH. This form maintains a steady popularity, due to its dash of French flair. Eilis, Eilise, Elese, Eliese, Elisa, Elisee, Elisie, Elisse, Elise, Elizé, Ellecia, Ellice, Ellise, Ellyce, Ellyse, Ellyze, Elsey, Elsie, Elsy, Elyce, Elyci, Elyse, Elyze, Ilise, Liese, Liesel, Lieselotte, Liesl, Lise, Lisel, Lisl, Lisette, Lison, Lissie, Lise.
ELISHEVA. Hebrew, ’the Lord is my pledge’. The name of Aaron’s wife in the Book of Exodus, it gains strength and distinction via the v sound. Eliseva, Elisheba.
ELISSA. Variation of ALICE or ELIZABETH. This version of a long-popular name is fading in favour of Alyssa and other variants. Alissa, Allissa, Allyssa, Alyssa, Elissah, Ellisa, Ellissa, Ellyssa, Elys, Elyssa, Elyssia, Ilissa, Ilysa, Ilyssa, Lissa, Lissie, Lissy Lyssa.
ELIXYVETT. Hybrid name. Few people go to such lengths to make a name different. Aren’t you glad? Alixevette, Alixyvetha, Elixevetta, Elixyvetha, Elixyvette.
Elizabeth’s International Variations
Irish Gaelic | Eilís |
Scottish Gaelic |