doctors. So, what’s the catch? There are a lot of small details, but here are a few of the biggies:
You have to be 18 years or older.
You have to be capable of making and expressing a healthcare decision on your own.
Your terminal illness has to have a six-month mark. So if your doctor gives you a year to live, you won’t qualify.
You have to be a resident of Oregon.
Patients must take the medication on their own. It is prescribed by a doctor, but the doctors will not administer it.
Most patients who have chosen to go this route have received prescriptions for an oral barbiturate from their doctor.
Who Lives the Longest?
According to the 2007 life expectancy projections from the CIA, the Japanese live the longest. France, Canada, Australia, Sweden and Switzerland also have citizens that tend to stick around.
Afghanistan 43
Australia 80
Canada 80
China 72
France 80
India 68
Israel 79
Japan 82
Kazakhstan 67
Kenya 55
Lesotho 39
Liberia 40
Madagascar 62
Mozambique 40
Nepal 60
Nicaragua 70
Niger 63
Philippines 70
Russian Federation 65
Rwanda 48
Sierra Leone 40
Somalia 48
South Africa 42
Spain 79
Sweden 80
Switzerland 80
Uganda 51
United Kingdom 78
United States 78
Zimbabwe 39
Did You Know...
Measles and whooping cough are among the top ten causes of death in Pakistan.
Poisonings are the third leading cause of death in Russia and Kazakhstan followed by suicide at number four.
The life expectancy of a baby born in Zimbabwe in 1993 was 61 years. HIV/AIDS has caused that number to plummet to 39 years in 2007.
Thirty-eight states in America allow for capital punishment. Most use lethal injection as their primary means of execution, but there are still a few that can’t seem to let go of tradition and have more than one way to do the deed. Kentucky, for example, will administer a lethal injection to anyone who was sentenced after 31 March 1998. If you were lucky enough to get sentenced on 30 March 1998, you get to choose between lethal injection or electrocution. Ah, the freedom of choice!
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