Rebecca Pugh

Right Here Waiting for You: A brilliant laugh out loud romantic comedy

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What about that online dating malarkey? Have you thought about giving that a go? It’s quick and simple. Thinking about it, I could set you up on a date with my grandson Simon. He’s about the same age as you. Good lad too. He’s on the lookout for a woman, tired of the single life now. He works full-time, takes good care of himself, and tells a cracking joke or two. What do you reckon?’

      Sophia was trying her best not to cringe. Being set up on a date by Cath was a bit… much, wasn’t it? Simon sounded nice but she didn’t know him. He could be anyone. Still, Cath was a genuine woman and if she said he was an okay guy then Sophia trusted that he was. What was she even thinking of here? ‘I’m not too sure… Like I said, what with Esther and work, it’s tricky too organise anything that…’

      ‘Nonsense. You know as well as I do that you’re making excuses. Why? You’re a gorgeous, young, independent woman, Sophia. I bet, if you put yourself out there, you’d have a line of men waiting to take you out. Come on, give it a whirl. See what happens. I promise you he’s nothing out of the ordinary. Just a genuinely nice guy who I know would enjoy your company. Go on, make my grandson’s day!’

      As her name suggested, Sophia Good was a good person at heart, and now she felt as if she couldn’t turn down Cath’s offer without insulting her in some way. She wriggled uncomfortably in the seat and chewed her bottom lip. She caught Cath’s persuasive gaze in the mirror and felt herself cave immediately. ‘Okay. Fine. Let’s do it.’ Perhaps it was time to add a little excitement to her days, after all? It would be nice to have something to look forward to.

      ‘Really?’ Cath waved her arms in the air in celebration. ‘Fantastic! Oh, he’ll be chuffed to bits, and wait till I tell him what a cracker you are. He won’t be able to believe his flipping luck. Once we’re done here, I’ll take your phone number and text it across to him.’

      Cath continued cutting Sophia’s hair while wearing a massive, almost manic, grin and Sophia wondered what on earth she had just let herself in for. She’d only popped into the salon for a quick cut to tidy herself up a bit. Now, thanks to her inability to say no to people, she’d be leaving with a date lined up for some time in the very near future with a man she had never even met.


      By the time she’d dropped Esther off at school the following morning, Sophia had already heard from Simon. He seemed eager to meet her and had been texting her non-stop ever since the first message had arrived the previous evening while Sophia had been cooking Esther’s dinner in the kitchen. She’d frowned at the unknown number when it had popped up on-screen, until he’d signed the message off with a friendly ‘Simon x’. The conversation had flowed easily between them since, and Sophia was enjoying chatting to someone new and getting to know him.

      Simon was thirty-one and worked at a call centre full-time. He’d said he couldn’t wait to take her out and was nothing but kind and complimentary, but the thought of having to meet him face-to-face and find something to talk about while sitting opposite him sent nerves raging in her stomach, and she wished, not for the first time, that she’d turned down Cath’s offer as soon as the kind woman had made it. Now Simon had her number, Sophia knew it would be almost impossible to get him to delete it. And alongside all those dating worries was Michael, and what he’d think, and what he’d say.

      Part of Sophia, the stupid romantic part that still believed in ridiculous fairy tales and non-existent happy-ever-afters, imagined that the thought of her going on a date would make Michael jealous, but then the rational part of her mind kicked in and she saw sense once again. After all, he’d been pushing her to dip her toe into the world of dating recently, simply because he was being brave enough to do it himself and wanted her to be brave too. So he wouldn’t be jealous. If anything, he’d be happy for her.

      So, why did she feel so miserable since he’d announced he was venturing into the world of online dating? Why did she feel jealous? It wasn’t like she’d ever made him aware of her feelings. She’d kept it all inside, telling herself she was simply waiting for the right moment to arrive, but the thing was, the right moment had probably passed her by and now she’d gone and stuffed the whole thing up.

      Once her morning shift at the post office had finished, Sophia headed home. She needed to find something to wear for the fast-approaching reunion. Just a week to go, so she was hoping next-day delivery was an option. With her legs tucked beneath her and a hot cup of coffee at her side, she eyed the items on-screen, but she wasn’t entirely sure what she was looking for.

      A couple of hours passed, leading Sophia nicely into early afternoon as she went from one retail site to the next, trying and failing to imagine herself in any of the dresses that caught her eye. Just when she was about to give up, she paused and looked twice. On the screen was a simple yet gorgeous floor-length, backless black dress. She eyed it in contemplative silence for a few seconds, wondering whether she’d be able to pull it off. She wasn’t sure she’d ever worn anything like it before. It was classy. It was sexy without revealing too much. Not too expensive either, so Sophia decided to go for it, and once she’d added a pair of black stilettos to her basket, along with a sparkly black clutch, she proceeded to the checkout with a sense of accomplishment.


      The next morning, Sophia spotted Michael waiting for her at the school gates. They walked together to the café once free of their kids.

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