I’ve written this book to lead you to the true source of all calm. That source is found in none other than Jesus Christ. It is through him that you can ultimately obtain peace in a peaceless world.
Throughout this little book you will find priceless gems of spiritual advice and comfort to help you face the challenges of each day. It is God’s will that none of his children become perplexed with the cares and toils of life, for he is more than willing to cover you with his calming presence.
Open this book at any page and claim those precious promises that will bring ultimate peace and calm to your life.
Richard Daly
Know God, know calm … no God, no calm
The secret of being calm is knowing the God of calm. The more you get to know him, the calmer and more at peace you will become within yourself.
For Further Reflection
Psalm 46:10
Anxiety is calm’s greatest destroyer … when we are agitated or frightened by events in our lives, let us learn to let God be God and accept his direction and leading.
For Further Reflection
Proverbs 16:3Philippians 4:6
There is security and rest in the wisdom of the eternal Scriptures.
For Further Reflection
James 1:5
If you’re going through an unusual amount of grief and pain, don’t despair. The master potter is at work in your life. He sometimes has to break us so he can remake us.
For Further Reflection
Jeremiah 18:4
Happiness is a product of the mind, of attitude and thought. It comes from you, not to you. To be happy you must choose to be happy: the Scriptures say, ‘as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.’
For Further Reflection
Proverbs 23:7