Genell Dellin

Montana Gold

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      But why think about that when she could rerun the tape in her mind of Jared sweeping off his hat to her? She grinned at her reflection in the mirrored walls of the elevator and messed with her hair a minute while it was still damp from the shower. Then she bent over at the waist and tossed her head around to separate the curls.

      The elevator stopped and she heard the door open. She straightened up to find some big guy in a ball cap and sunglasses right in her face, charging into the elevator before she could even get out of it. He had both hands full of carry-out bags—Mexican food, judging from the smell. She looked at them, her mouth watering. Yep. Enrique’s. The best in town.

      He whirled around to punch the door-close button.

      “Hey,” she said. “I’m getting off here.”

      Some girl outside in the lobby yelled, “We know it’s you, Chase. You shouldn’t lie to us.”

      Startled, Elle looked at the guy’s face and saw, just before he reached for her, that it really was Chase Lomax in ragged shorts and flip-flops.

      He grabbed her up off her feet and bent his head. Found her mouth with his.

      “Wait for us,” another girl yelled. The sound of running feet echoed off the marble floor, slid to a stop. “Oh, no!”

      Kissing her, without so much as a “Hi, there, Elle.” Burning her up. She tried to struggle but he had both her arms pinned to her sides.

      And suddenly she wanted to stay right where she was forever because the shock was wearing off and she was starting to feel. A lot more than she ever had before.

      The door slid closed. The girls began banging on it.

      “We know your room number, Chase, honey,” they yelled. “See you there.”

      Loud giggles.

      “We’ll show you a real good time.”

      The elevator moved up, the voices faded away. But Chase kept on kissing her.

      She had to make him stop it. Right now. Who did he think he was, anyway?

      Somebody who could send lightning right through her whole body, that’s who. Lightning so strong it shook her to her toes.

      He had to stop this now. But she couldn’t move any part of her body. Except her lips. And her tongue…

      When he finally let her go she pulled back and away, fighting to get a handle on her breathing.

      “What’s the matter?” he demanded.

      Her blood rushed through her so fast it made her dizzy.

      “You’re asking me? It’s more like, what’s the matter with you? How’d you get the idea you could get away with kissing me like that without even bothering to say hello?”

      She touched her lips. They were still on fire.

      “You have got a helluva nerve, Chase Lomax.”

      He grinned at her as he took off his shades. He hung them in the neck of his huge, baggy T-shirt that had a bucking bull and rider with Git ’R’ Done written above it. He wore ragged denim shorts and flip-flops, for God’s sake. Chase Lomax was known for always being starched and ironed, custom-booted and hatted.

      “I asked if you’re all right because you were bent over double shaking your head when the doors opened,” he said. “Like you were in pain or something.”

      “I was drying my hair.”

      He stared, then burst out laughing. “Oh, well, then.”

      His laugh was contagious but she wouldn’t let herself join in. He could not get away with this scot-free. He’d shaken her up pretty good.

      “Oh. I see. You thought I needed help, so you just grabbed me and kissed me senseless. Is that how you treat somebody you think’s in pain?”

      He grinned that slow, charming grin of his again. “It made you feel better. Didn’t it?”

      He held her gaze and wouldn’t let it go. She must be a sight. She could feel heat in her cheeks, so her face must be red. Plus she was gasping, trying to slow her breathing. And her heartbeat.

      “You nearly scared me to death to try to get rid of those girls. And it was all wasted. They’re coming to your room.”

      Something flashed deep in his brown eyes.

      “Now you’ve hurt my feelings. I don’t think it was wasted,” he drawled. “I liked that kiss.”

      She wasn’t going to let that kind of baloney into her head. She wasn’t even going to think about that kiss again. At least, not now.

      “You didn’t kiss me like you were scared to death,” he said. “You kissed me back, like you were enjoying it just as much as I was.”

      Something inside her shifted.

      It was true. Her lips were still throbbing. Her whole body was throbbing. For the first time in her life.

      And over one kiss. Was this proof that maybe she wasn’t so abnormal after all?

      The mirror felt cold against her back, yet she was warm inside. Chase Lomax had done that to her.

      Change the subject, Elle. Get away from this. You’ll have to analyze it later. Think about it later.

      She looked at his gorgeous grin. He had a wonderful mouth. A really great mouth. And truly fine lips. Not just in the way they looked, but…

      Stop it, Elle. Move on, Elle.

      “Why are you running around dressed like an undercover cop?”

      “Trying not to be recognized, of course.”

      “Why? You had a ninety-point ride tonight. Don’t you want to celebrate? Hear how the fans love you? Sign autographs?”

      He lost his grin as he shook his head. “I guess I’m kinda past all that. I’m just tryin’ to get my highs from the ride.”

      “Well, don’t despair. In a minute you’ll have those girls waiting at your door to give you a ride.”

      “Womanizing’s another thrill that’s kind of fadin’ on me,” he admitted. “My rep in that area is way overblown these days.”

      A little silence fell.

      “I’m sorry if I scared you,” he said. “I thought you knew it was me and you wouldn’t mind if I kissed you.”

      “Why wouldn’t I mind being snatched off my feet and manhandled to save your great big self from some little bitty girls?”

      “Well, after the way you danced with me the other night…”

      “What do you mean? That I danced like I enjoy being… used?” Her tone of voice came out deadly serious.

      He stepped back and looked at her until she thought maybe she was pretty abnormal, after all. Would a normal woman have taken offense at that kiss?

      “No,” he said slowly. “You danced like you enjoyed dancing. With me.”

      “So does it always follow that if you like dancing with somebody you also like to kiss them?”

      He smiled a little. “Not always, I guess. I’m sorry if I upset you, Elle.”

      He sounded so sincere that she said, “Okay. It’s okay.”

      He gave her that grin again and damn, it nearly melted her where she stood. She didn’t even know if she could talk any more while his kiss was so fresh on her mouth.

      The elevator stopped and he hit another button to make it move again. She gave herself a little shake to try and make her mind work.