James Schofield

Presentation Skills in 7 simple steps

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How to make sure the presentation has a realistic goal How to get help How to prepare the presentation material How to talk How to look How to give a good impression

       Step 2


      ‘The best way of learning anything is by doing.’ — Richard Branson, businessman and entrepreneur

       Five ways to succeed

       Think what your audience wants from your presentation.

       Give your presentation a clear structure.

       Take time to prepare your visual method.

       Get feedback from friends and colleagues in advance.

       Do a dry run of your presentation.

       Five ways to fail

       Use lots of acronyms.

       Cover your slides with too much text.

       Assume your audience knows a lot about your topic.

       Patronise your audience.

       Talk for longer than you are scheduled for.


      You can improve your chances of giving a successful presentation by paying attention to its structure. There are many ways to construct a presentation but here are three approaches that can be effectively used for most situations.

       The Classical approach

      This is based on the idea that the best way to get a message across is to repeat it. Our brains sometimes need time to adjust to a new concept and this method allows the audience to familiarise themselves with it. Here’s how it works.

       1 Tell ’em what you’re going to say

      In the introduction, after saying who you are and what your subject is, outline the main points you want to talk about.

       2 Tell ’em

      In the main body of the presentation, clearly outline each of your main points, making sure that you provide supporting evidence for each of your ideas. Use signposting language (see Step 4) so that your audience can see that you have finished one topic and have moved on to the next. That will help to retain their attention.

       3 Tell ’em what you said

      At the end, give your audience a summary of the key points of your presentation and what you want them to do with this information.

       The FAB approach

      The FAB (Features, Advantages, Benefits) approach appeals to the heart as well as the mind of the audience and is particularly powerful if you’re presenting a product or service. Here’s how it works.

       1 Features

      Explain the features of the product or service: This camera can send high-resolution pictures instantly to any email address.

       2 Advantages

      Show what makes this different from other products or services: It’s no longer necessary to download the pictures onto a computer.

       3 Benefits

      Make clear how this improves the life of the user: With this camera, you can be the first to get the pictures for a breaking story.

      Ultimately, most of our purchasing decisions are based on an emotional response to stimulus but we need to justify our decision with logic or else we feel we’ve been manipulated. This is what FAB can help the presenter to do.

       The Persuasive approach

      If you’ve done your research properly, you might realise that there will be people in your audience who are sceptical about your arguments. The Persuasive approach can help you to predict what their objections are likely to be and eliminate them before they start asking questions. Here’s how it works.

       1 Give your proposed solution

      Explain what you want: We need to provide more technical training to our sales team before they meet with customers.

       2 Go through the disadvantages of the solution

      Show the audience that you are aware of possible problems with your solution: Of course, this means some initial additional costs.

       3 Destroy the disadvantages

      Point out why the objections are redundant: However, making the sales team more effective will result in an increase in sales that will compensate for the costs of training.

       4 Go through the advantages

      Now start to sell your proposal: A better trained sales team will be more motivated and more efficient.

       5 Summarise the advantages

      Repeat the benefits of your proposal so they stick in the audience’s memory: So to recap, additional training will actually improve motivation, team spirit and, most importantly, sales.

       6 Call for action

      Tell the audience exactly what you want: So, I’d like to ask