Sergey Semashko


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about what you’re doing, otherwise you risk flopping into the trough with manure. It’s a figure of speech. Turnover. I mean – you’re gonna look gross. The career of a righteous man always begins with the fact that he inevitably falls into a living hell. From there, he will get to the shore – in purgatory. And then, the breakdown of brow the gates of heaven and is proud to join them, having lost the ability to think properly. Shall I tell you how the halo flashes above your head? This may only be seen once. Quite an unexpected sight. Beautiful. Majestic. But, to tell – you will not tell anyone. They start laughing. Finger pointing. Crazy to call. They know better. In General, “duiba” if it is not backed by a professional focus, a real peace of garbage. Everyone you allow, with great pleasure spit in your head, and he, in the meantime, will do what he likes. Let them turn to experts on mental issues from three to ten thousand per hour. Give them the opportunity to plant currency savings in a professional psychoanalyst and they will begin to think carefully what to do. Send them to the Rostov cross club, where the whole factory is quite wise psychologists. This club, once, was founded by Mikhail Litvak and did a terrible job on its development. This guy knows how to do it. The only drawback of this club – in front of you no one will dance chacha on the table and play an imaginary violin. Unlike fake psychologists, cross-country psychologists will begin to break down your inner walls, remove defensive reactions, if you understand what we are talking about. They will teach you how to handle stressful situations. That’s possible. After all, the process of quality psychotherapy is not as pleasant as it may seem. What’s the point because I see a lot of friends, ready at any moment to provide support. If you can put it that way, of course. In fact, they cannot give me any support – I am their support. My friends won’t let me get what I want. They hold me. Jealous. I don’t have time to sit with them and constantly entertain, or to wipe the tears, snot, Poo. They’re adults – may include salaries of professionals. There they will learn to understand the social situation. There they will be taught normal treatment of people. There they will learn to work, not to work under a stick. Enthusiasm. Altruism. Nobility. Perhaps the most important life guidelines of any prosperous society. I don’t accept the appearance of help instead of help. I do not recognize the appearance of friendship, instead of friendship. I do not recognize the appearance of social status, instead of status. These guys think so: you see, I did you a favor, now you owe me. If you correctly understand the structure of nature, the structure of the social plane, then you must first understand that brotherly love (Agape – in Greek) contains a function – love your enemy. When they say, I helped you, and now you help me – he will help someone else who will be closer. You can be sure of that. Everyone’s so arrogant, I see. Many people think that the world revolves around them. That’s not so. Pride, vanity, authority – vices from which it is necessary to get rid. Give me a chance to live free. I got this. I’ll be back anyway. Long live a free life impossible. The exception here is erotic love – love between a woman and a man. It is exceptional in nature. Its roots go so deep that life without a loved and capricious person is difficult to imagine. Though, you can fall in love with another/the other. But then, whether you want to or not, all over again have to feel. In General, erotic love is once and for life. I despise talking about Dating, hanging out, making a wedding in a hurry. Uncompromising destiny will bring you back to the place. Quickly or slowly – but will return, not hesitate. You gasp when round and round you meet a person, causing fear in you prior to intercourse. Let us once again: I am not against friendship – I am against mutual responsibility; I am not against love – I am against love not with whom it is necessary. As famously said Vladimir Makanin, when said pair matched in heaven, but feel like the fate to the fate lapped, not everyone is able. I hate social media and trying to add hundreds of friends by sorting them into categories. I see social media as a huge super mega-supermarket. Business platform for the sale of goods and services. There’s nothing more to do. Therefore, I am not surprised that people sit for days with Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte, because we still, let’s not forget, consumer society, we want or do not want. We even consume so-called friends. Openly declare friendship I am interested only if its goals coincide with mine, and my public. As long as society is not interested, the problems of personal progress and the evolution of the population in the state – I refuse to be friends. Although I have a lot of time and effort pay of those who surround me. Although, they are very annoying that indifferent. Although, I wanted to spit on the prejudices of the people, is not conducive to my development or the development of its own. Let them do what they want, so long as they don’t touch me. Partly, when I need someone’s support, all I hear is: go work and earn; stop doing nonsense (I mean – literature); who do you think you are, and so on… Who do you think you are, my dear friends?! Do you think I should support you all my life for your pants, without having the slightest hope for a better life? I’ve gone to such an extreme in these sacrifices that it’s hard to believe I’m capable of something like this. I give the last to the first beggar I meet without regretting the departed. I lost everything: the apartment I inherited, the job where I earned a hundred thousand rubles a month, the woman I love more than life itself. So, friends, when you say to me, go to work. You will first appreciate what I have sacrificed for you, and I continue to sacrifice. We sit in my kitchen at night, drinking tea, discussing Boobs. Instead, I could write a couple more pages, maybe not a new novel, but that’s my main job. Literature is the craft by which I earn my living. Creativity is a property of the mind that fills emptiness. Genius is a property of the mind that allows one to progress intellectually. Friendship is a system of relationships that allows the whole herd to evolve intellectually. I’m cynical. Yes. It’s you in me brought up the cynicism and neglect of the people. You made me like this. Are you saying I’m wrong? “I wanted to help you.“Well, help! Fuck you I dark forest talking about?! Help is to contribute to my development and to achieve my cherished goal. You wanted to – then, changed your mind? What’s the matter? And a whole generation will follow me and help the others. And you, during this time, you will be where/there, but higher. I despise hypocrisy, attempts to justify the situation by window ways. Let’s not forget that we are a consumer society, and this implies a consumer attitude towards people. We are not a social society, because money, salary, jackpot, rollback, today are the highest value. Remember, by chance, a book by Dale Carnegie where much is said about the value of friendship? He viewed friendship as a potential capital, expressed in three hundred and sixty-five million dollars, which he earned on their enterprises. Smile. You got screwed. Society taught me cynicism, capris and prenebrezhimo. Society has brought up an enemy of the people in me. But the biblical commandment says: love thy neighbor as thyself – love thy enemy, for he is always near. I see people walking around in sheep skins all the time, afraid to drop their disguises. Sincerity is the basis of a good friendship. I don’t get used to any company. But it’s the failure of the society that raised me to be what I am now to accept me as I am now. With all the guts. I don’t need anyone. But please don’t forget that I’m just like all of you. I, too, like all of you, believe in the power of capital. I, too, like all of you, know how to gently cheat. I, too, like all of you, love to be a Freeloader. Why are you rejecting me? Well, the problem partly lies in the fact that I will naebo your system of perception of the world. You’ll have to recreate yourself. And so we returned to the subject, Cho could immediately kill all in their lazy brains: what I do is called psychoanalysis. So, not idle talk my nerves if you don’t like my point of view, a blow to the experts, where for ten Grand an hour, you will put brains into place. Any one of you is a potential enemy of the people. Don’t believe? Skin the sheep. Let’s see what you are not a cynic, not a hypocrite, not a fan of keeping your finger on the pulse of society. One day, I go to the pub and meet there a familiar face. He pays, and I see out of the corner of my eye that his bill is painfully similar to the Euro. As it turned out, it was a new dvuhlitrovuyu. I have not met, and therefore, asked, jokingly, of course, only in jest, asked if he began to trade currency. This is quite in line with the character of a particular person, with his sly smile and ability to fill the ears. He was so confused, at first, barely

