Жюль Верн

Дети капитана Гранта / The Children of Captain Grant

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would you be able for it, my boy?”

      “Oh, please, my Lord, take me.”

      “Come, then, my boy,” said Glenarvan, delighted not to leave Robert behind. “If we three don’t find out fresh water somewhere,” he added, “we must be very stupid.”

      “Well, well, and what about me?” said Paganel.

      “Oh, my dear Paganel, you must stay with the reserve corps,” replied the Major. “You are too well acquainted with the 37th parallel and the river and the whole Pampas for us to let you go.”

      “I resign myself,” said the geographer.

      “But mind, Paganel, no distractions,” added the Major. “Don’t you take us to the wrong place—to the borders of the Pacific, for instance.”

      “Oh, you insufferable Major,” replied Paganel, laughing. “But how will you understand what Thalcave says, Glenarvan?” he continued.

      “I suppose,” replied Glenarvan, “the Patagonian and I won’t have much to talk about; besides, I know a few Spanish words.”

      The three horses went forward. Thalcave sat motionless in the saddle, but often turned his head to look at Robert, and gave him a shout of encouragement and approval, as he saw how well he rode. Certainly the boy deserved praise.

      “Bravo! Robert,” said Glenarvan. “Thalcave is evidently congratulating you, my boy, and paying you compliments.”

      “What for, my Lord?”

      “For your good horsemanship.”

      “What would papa say to that?” said Robert, laughing. “He wants me to be a sailor.”

      “The one won’t hinder the other[78].”

      “Poor father,” said Robert; “how he will thank you for saving his life.”

      “You love him very much, Robert?”

      “Yes, my Lord, dearly. He was so good to me and my sister. We were his only thought: and whenever he came home from his voyages, we were sure of some souvenir from all the places he had been to; and, better still, of loving words and caresses. Ah! If you knew him you would love him, too. Mary is most like him. He has a soft voice, like hers. That’s strange for a sailor, isn’t it?”

      “Yes, Robert, very strange.”

      “Good, brave papa,” the boy went on, as if speaking to himself. “He put me to sleep on his knee. Ah, my Lord, how we loved him. You will find him?”

      “Yes, we’ll find him,” was Glenarvan’s reply, “Thalcave has set us on the track, and I have great confidence in him.”

      “Thalcave is a brave Indian, isn’t he?” said the boy.

      “That indeed he is.”

      “Do you know something, my Lord?

      “What is it?”

      “That all the people you have with you are brave. Lady Helena, whom I love so, and the Major, with his calm manner, and Captain Mangles, and Monsieur Paganel, and all the sailors on the Duncan. How courageous and devoted they are.”

      “Yes, my boy, I know that,” replied Glenarvan.

      “And do you know that you are the best of all.”

      “No, most certainly I don’t know that.”

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      Duncan – «Дункан» (название яхты)


      Glenarvan – Гленарван


      Helena – Элена


      McNabbs – МакНабс


      Glasgow – Глазго


      John Mangles – Джон Манглс


      hammer-headed shark – рыба-молот


      at all events – в любом случае


      set to work, then – тогда приступайте


      1 фут = около 30 сантиметров


      1 фунт = около 409 граммов


      in a very unceremonious fashion – без всяких церемоний


      Tom Austin – Том Остин


      the mate – помощник капитана


      there are whole lines wanting – не хватает целых строк


      by and by – постепенно


      BRING THEM ASSISTANCE – «Окажите им помощь»


      a three-mast vessel is in question – речь идёт о трёхмачтовом судне


      Britannia – «Британия» (название судна)


      Patagonia –