Luke Bradbury

Undercover: The Adventures of a Real Life Gigolo

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Veuve Clicquot . The good stuff.

      ‘So, Luke, where did you say you came from?’ Sasha asked, pouring a glass for herself. She was wearing, I noted, what looked like a wedding ring.

      ‘Out West London way,’ I mumbled, and took a gulp of the drink.

      ‘Where the dragons don’t roam,’ added Chloe.

      ‘Yeah, something like that.’

      A voice in my head was telling me that it was my job to ask them about themselves and help them relax. I’d just about felt comfortable chatting to Chloe. But the two of them together was too much. Their beauty left me tongue-tied.

      The girls chatted, and I sipped my champagne and desperately tried to join in. It was a relief when eventually Sasha rose from her chair, picked up the bottle of champagne, and reached out her hand to take Chloe’s, before turning to me. ‘You’ll join us in the bedroom?’

      ‘Yes. Okay,’ I nodded, a bit too eager. A good escort was supposed to suggest the next move too, but I wasn’t about to argue the toss.

      Chloe stood and, taking her hand out of Sasha’s, slipped her arm around her girlfriend’s waist. It was like they’d melted into each other; you couldn’t have got a card between them. I was like a lost sheep trotting behind. Or a lamb to the slaughter. I wasn’t sure which. I’d seen girls together on the telly of a night with the lads, but those girls weren’t a patch on these two in front of me. I was mesmerised by their naked butts. Yup, Sasha and Chloe were the type who featured in my wildest dreams.

      The girls slipped onto the bed together and stretched out before me like a pair of Siamese cats. Sleek, their lithe legs entwined, watching me. I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience. Like the very fact that I was looking on at this dream scene meant it couldn’t really be happening. I breathed out again and I was too, too aware of myself standing there, fearing they’d caught me out of my depth.

      ‘Now, Luke,’ announced Sasha, her tongue running across her teeth, ‘it’s your turn.’ She stole a glance at Chloe, and then both of them, heads cocked in parallel, watched me undress.

      ‘Slowly,’ purred Chloe, tracing her middle finger from just above her cleavage gently up to her top lip and drawing it back down again.

      That brought me to my senses. This was first-base stuff. Easy as pie. I peeled off my jacket and placed it on the steel-grey chaise longue in the corner of the room. I turned squarely towards the bed and fixed my eyes on the two of them. With one hand on my hip, I unhitched a button and allowed the seconds to tick away before reaching for the next in line. With the final button undone, I placed the other hand on my hip and let the shirt fall open.

      ‘Wow!’ Sasha blurted out. ‘That’s one fine body.’

      ‘You know just how to exercise, and just when to stop, don’t you?’ chimed in Chloe.

      I was secretly flattered but kept schtum. All those extra hours at the gym and playing footie had paid off. I unzipped my flies, let my jeans fall to the floor, and stepped out of them.

      ‘Miaow,’ yelped Chloe, eyeing my dick, which was now straining to be freed from my Calvins.

      ‘Luke,’ Sasha beckoned with the bottle, ‘get your glass and come right here. Now.’

      I grinned, peeled off my boxers, and slid onto the bed beside the girls. We chinked glasses.

      ‘You enjoying yourself, Luke?’

      Chloe was younger than me but she was doing her best to make me feel relaxed. For all my naked bravado, she could still tell that I was winging it.

      I could feel myself blushing: ‘Yes, I am.’

      It came out quieter than I wanted it to. If they were going to try and get me talking more, it wasn’t going to work. I still wasn’t up to having much of a conversation. It was just enough to sit with Sasha and Chloe, and enjoy being with them. And then a second later, they were kissing, their hands running down each other’s body.

       Oh God.

      All I knew how to do was to sit there within inches of them and watch. This was heading way beyond any sex I’d had before. My own body yearned to join in but my mind was wondering how to go about it. Sasha’s hand reached out and stroked my leg, willing me to be part of the action. And the next minute Sasha went down on Chloe, and Chloe writhed deeper into the bed—and I felt as if I might as well not have been there. Except, except, there was something almost stage-managed about the sex. Like they knew exactly what they were doing to me.

       God, it was working.

      I shifted closer and readied myself. But still I held back. They were so caught up in each other.

       How do I join in on this without ruining the moment?

      My focus shifted from Sasha to Chloe beneath her, and then back again.

       Who do I go for first?

      I was on the brink of every guy’s wet dream—ready to jump the chasm.

       Just go for it, Luke. You’ve just got to get in there somehow.

      I felt the lull in my storm. All the attention laser-beamed onto my suddenly limp dick.

      NO! Don’t do this to me. Kick in, you bastard. Get your damn act together.

      ‘You’re not gay, are you?’

      Everything else in me stiffened. I looked up. Chloe had spoken but both she and Sasha, embracing horizontally, were now watching me.

      ‘Oh God, no,’ I laughed.

      Beyond them, I could see a sliver of a window through a gap in the burgundy curtain that ran the length of the room. A split-second urge swept through me to dive through the glass and down to the cold stone floor however many storeys below.

      I clambered off the bed.

      ‘I need to go to the bathroom,’ I muttered, avoiding catching their eyes. My self-esteem felt like my dick.

      I closed the bathroom door behind me and breathed out.

       What the fuck’s going on?

      I turned on the cold tap and cupped my hands beneath it and looked at myself, tight-lipped in the mirror. The glass reflected back the shiny oxblood tiles behind me, which when I looked from the right angle appeared to line up exactly with the tiles on the wall I faced. Like I was bricked in. I washed my face and gripped the marble washbasin and wondered what Sasha and Chloe were thinking about me. Sniggering, no doubt. Or angry that they weren’t getting what they’d bargained for. I was experiencing what every guy says ‘never happens to me’ when it does.

      My dick was making no effort to rejoin the party. I looked down at it, frowning.

       What are you playing at? Why NOW?

      I gave it a damn hard helping hand.

      Come on, come on. Oh, congratulations. About bloody time. Where the fucking hell have you been?

      I returned to the bedroom, spirits and cock revived. In my absence, the girls had decided to carry on without me. They were so wound up in each other that they barely noticed me watching their every move as I walked towards the bed and climbed onto it beside them. Sasha was on her back and Chloe sat astride her with one hand behind her as if she was riding rodeo. Sasha bucked in pleasure.

       Thank you, God. Fantasy made flesh.

      Chloe caught my eye and drew her girlfriend to a canter and then to a gentle halt. Her gaze didn’t waver from my face as she climbed off her mount and made her way on all fours across the bed towards me. Her hand reached out to encircle my prick, and I took a deep breath. She sat back on her haunches to steady herself, and neither