Cathryn Fox

On Her Terms

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be able to sate my appetite.

      She’s panting and her nails are tugging at the sheet as I take my time, despite the fact that my dick is so hard I’m in agony. I finally clean her and slide out from beneath her body. She rolls over onto her back, and I have to say, that sexy, well-fucked-woman look she’s wearing totally suits her.

      My gaze falls to her hard nipples, and she cups her breasts, squeezes them together. “They need my mouth again?” I ask. She shakes her head, mischief in her eyes, and my gaze roams her face. What is she up to?

      “They need this,” she says and sits up to grab my throbbing cock. Instantly understanding what she wants, I climb up her body, and she squeezes her beautiful breasts together for me. I do love a woman who doesn’t hold back and makes no qualms about what she wants. I slide my cock between her breasts and thrust forward, into her waiting mouth. Fucking her like this is so goddamn hot, pre-cum spills from my tip, and she laps at it with each upward thrust.

      “So good,” I growl as the dual pleasure takes me to the edge fast. I stroke her like this a couple more times, then tear my dick from her perfect tits.

      “Time to really warm you up,” I say and grab my pants. I pull a condom from the pocket and rip into it. Brianna goes up on her elbows again to watch me, her gaze latched on to my dick. Gesù, I really like the way she looks at me, like when she finally gets her mouth on my cock, she’s going to worship it.

      She crooks her finger, urging me back to her, and I don’t waste any time getting between her legs again. I fall over her, and she wraps her legs around my back, trying to force me inside. But I need to go slowly, or I’m going to blow my load before I even get started.

      I give her an inch and her head rolls back. “Yesss,” she hisses, and puts her hands on my shoulders.

      “You’re fucking hot,” I say.

      “So hot,” she murmurs, her lids falling heavily over dark eyes.

      “Maybe you don’t need my cock, then,” I tease, and her eyes open wide. When she catches my grin, she relaxes. “So, you do need it?” I ask, wanting, for some strange reason, to hear her say it.

      “Yes, I need it,” she says, and lifts her hips. “I need your cock, so don’t make me wait any longer.”


      “No,” she repeats, and before she even finishes, I power forward, driving my entire length into her, and seating myself so goddamn high, I’m sure I’ve reached heaven.

      “Luca,” she cries out, and curls forward as I fill her. Her muscles tighten around my girth, her liquid heat coating my cock.

      I move my hips and slide in and out of her, creating friction until we’re both panting, our skin ridiculously hot to the touch.

      “This,” she begins and then swallows hard. She tries to speak again, but her words catch in her throat.

      “This feel good?”

      She nods and whimpers as I angle my body for deeper thrusts. “Oh...” she manages to get out as I slide a hand between our bodies and toy with her clit. Her body vibrates around my dick, and I clench down on my teeth, struggling to hang on. I want this to be amazing for her, because this is a one-time thing. Some working brain cell reminds me it has to be.

      “Are you going to stay out of my swimming hole?” I ask as I slam home, my balls slapping her body with each thrust. She shakes her head and a groan catches in my throat. “What about my warning?”

      “Don’,” she croaks out, her voice broken.

      “I told you I won’t be a gentleman next time.” She quivers harder, liking this little game I’m playing with her.

      Her eyes flash. “And I told you I don’t want you to.”

      “Then I won’t be so nice again.”

      “What...what will you do?”

      I drive into her, slam her against the mattress, my dick ready to explode. Heat zaps my balls and they tighten as I think about bending her over a log and taking her in the woods. “A naked woman in the woods, warned to stay away and choosing not to. Well, that woman might just find herself up against the Big Bad Wolf if she’s not careful.”

      As soon as the words leave my mouth, she comes all over my cock. I pinch my eyes shut as her heat seeps into my body, burns me from the inside out.

      “Fuck,” I murmur, and bury my face in her neck as she rides out the gripping waves. I pull out, slam back in again, and with her last few clenches, I let go on a growl.

      As I come and come and come, I collapse on top of her and breathe in the sweet smell of her skin. We’re both panting, taking deep, labored breaths, and we stay like that until my cock grows soft. I inch out of her, then I pull her to me, hold her close. For the last few months I’ve been all work and no play, but now that I’ve played with Brianna, I can’t help but want more. As I think about that, my cock starts thickening again. Brianna shimmies away, but I reach for her.

      “Where do you think you’re going?” I ask as I pull her on top of me.

      She looks over her shoulder, glances at the door. “I was—”

      I drag her mouth to mine, kiss her deeply. No way is she getting out of here tonight. My cock grows against her body and she moans her approval. Oh yeah, we’re going to fuck until the sun comes up.



      HOW COULD I have been so stupid?

      I shake my head and give myself a good hard lecture for falling for Luca’s charm and letting him seduce me into his bed. Or was it the other way around? I’m not sure. All I know is I was supposed to turn him on and leave him hanging, like he did to me all those years ago. I groan and pound the bed, but settle myself back down when Luca comes back from the bathroom. Shit, I wanted to be out of here before he finished. I close my eyes, pretend I’m sleeping until I can figure out what to do next, how to get myself out of this.

      Yeah, I made a mistake last night, but goddammit the sex was good. Better than good. It was fan-freaking-tastic. The best sex I’ve ever had. The second he put his mouth on my nipple, I had planned to put a stop to things, tell him who I was and bolt. But did I do that? Of course not. How could I? No one has ever worked my nipples quite like that before. I knew I had to see it through. Why shouldn’t I take what I want, on my terms? Unfortunately those terms weren’t supposed to include a stupid sleepover.

      The edge of the mattress dips, and I inch one eye open to find Luca sitting on the bed, a cup of coffee in his hand.

      “Morning,” he says. “Coffee?”

      “Like you even have to ask.” He grins and hands the mug over. I take a much-needed sip. “Thank you. You will be rewarded in heaven,” I say. He stands and my gaze roams his body. This morning he’s dressed in nothing but his jeans. Dammit, what is it about a guy in nothing but jeans that turns me on? Okay, maybe it’s just Luca in jeans that does that.

      Time to go.

      I push the blankets off me, and that’s when I realize I’m stark naked. I grab the sheet and haul it back up.

      Luca angles his head. “I’ve seen you naked, Bri,” he says.

      “It’s Brianna.”

      He grins. “I’ve seen you naked, Brianna. And I’ve been inside you. It’s a little late to cover up, don’t you think?” He grips the sheet and slowly drags it down my body. “You’re beautiful, you know.”

      Old hurts come back in a crushing wave. He didn’t think so years ago, couldn’t see that I was more than just a chubby freshman. “I should go.”
