thousands of years ago and turned into oil and coal. The modern world cannot be imagined without these sources, they have given people the opportunity to make a technological breakthrough and reach a qualitatively new level of development. The basis of progress is the invention of machines capable of converting natural energy into a form useful for humans. It was man who was able to curb and put at his service the energy of nature. Machines for energy conversion are quite complex systems, the same system of energy conversion, is the man himself.
Living beings inhabiting the earth, like machines invented by humans, are systems for transforming external energy into a universal form that feeds the organism. Life exists due to the presence of this particular form of energy.
How does the human body receives the necessary life energy?
In ancient times, a special kind of energy used by man was noticed in China. This energy was given the name – Qi. This is a special – a vital form of energy used to sustain life.
Qi is all around us; it is in the air, in the water, in matter. Qi can manifest itself in the form of Yang and accumulate in the form of Yin, seeking to achieve a state of equilibrium of the polarities of Tai-Ji. This property of Qi was the cause of the formation of matter. Solar, electric, thermal energy is a manifestation of Yang. The movement of air masses, water, electrons around atoms, any manifestation of life is also Yang.
The first source of energy for the animal world is the Qi of elements. Qi delivers oxygen in the air and in the water. The process of obtaining energy is based on its interaction with other elements in the process of chemical oxidation reactions. Of great importance in which, in addition to oxygen, carbon and nitrogen play. If you look at the periodic table, we will see their neighborhood. These elements have unique properties: they are able, to give and transfer Qi energy precisely in the form in which it is absorbed by plants and living organisms, to be together with other elements of the basis for building complex systems, including intellectual ones. Qi, as an elementary energy, can be of different density or saturation, and our body is able to use it only in a certain form. Oxygen, which is part of air or water, has the property of its transfer. Organisms that use this chemical element for life support have a system of organs whose work is aimed at its transformation. Breathing is the basis of life without it, the existence of man is impossible. The energy of respiration can be called basic, but the volume of this energy is not enough, so a person, like all living things, needs additional sources of it.
Food is the second largest for humans and the first in terms of energy source. It is a trace element, plant and animal foods.
Plants and animals accumulate energy in themselves in the form in which it can be used by humans or other living beings. For its accumulation, the second most important chemical element for life, carbon, is often used. It contributes to the accumulation and conservation of Qi energy, giving it away due to chemical transformations. Combustion, fermentation, photosynthesis – these are processes associated with the chemical interaction of carbon and oxygen, as a result, energy is released. Plants and animals use in life and accumulate energy in the same form in which we use it. Consuming them for food, people use the elementary Qi they have saved. Any biological system is an energy storage device. Humanity is still using for industrial purposes hydrocarbons created by living organisms in the distant past.
The digestive system is a biochemical reactor, which is a complex in which, in addition to human systems, more than 10 thousand bacteria are involved, each of which has its own DNA. Food processing in this system takes place using chemical compounds synthesized by the digestive organs and the bacterial environment. This leads to the release of previously accumulated by other organisms nutrients that enter the body and are converted into energy at the cellular level, ensuring its needs. Nutrients, obtained in excess, are stored in a special way for later use.
In Eastern esoteric traditions, the abdomen area is called the boiler. This is a place of energy conversion. If in this area, in any way deliver additional Qi – the body can use it. This principle is based on the eastern esoteric techniques of working with energy: Indian Yoga, and Chinese Tao. People who possess the skills of delivering the energy of space to their cauldron need less food and have more vitality.
The energy of space comes from the Sun, from space and is generated by the Earth. For a person, this is the third largest source of energy. The amount of Qi coming from it depends on the shape of the body and how it is attracted. A person has the ability to use energy from this source, but going on about the built-in bacterial system, prefers to feed along with it secondary Qi.
For the plant world, the energy extracted from this source is in the first place in terms of volume and value. Plants transform three types of energy: space, air, and chemical elements. The bulk of the spatial energy comes from the sun. Carbon is absorbed from the air. Chemical elements are extracted from the earth and air using water. The main process of energy production for plants is photosynthesis. The resulting energy is converted into thin Qi and accumulated by plants during growth.
Many representatives of the animal world have learned to be content with small, some have enough breathing to sustain life. Insects can go without food for months, dormant, reptiles, amphibians and some mammals hibernate, during which all life processes in their bodies slow down to a minimum, during this period they use the energy of breathing and previously accumulated reserves.
Qi is a special energy that is easily assimilated and used by living beings, and all living beings are biological systems that consume it. The sun emits the energy obtained as a result of a thermonuclear reaction, but this form of it requires processing into a thinner variety suitable for consumption by living organisms. The light that comes from the Sun is not Qi – it is rather a vehicle by which huge amounts of energy are delivered to Earth in a concentrated form, where it is subsequently consumed. Qi is the energy released after the processing of light, easier for living beings to consume. The main work on the processing of light energy, make plants, they directly turn light into Qi and accumulate it.
Qi also comes directly from space, but this energy requires special methods of trapping, which are much more complicated than absorbing the concentrated energy of sunlight. This energy is dispersed in space, and its amount is small to fully meet the needs of most biological systems of our planet.
The existence of elementary energy is confirmed by modern scientific research. Modern physics has managed to catch a particle of this energy. If a person finds a way to control elementary Qi, he will get unlimited possibilities, completely eliminating the secondary consumption of previously accumulated energy.
Separately, we should mention the water, it uses all living things. Water is able as a battery to hold Qi for a certain time and deliver it to the right place. Water is easy both to charge with energy, and to discharge. No wonder that fairy tales mention living and dead water. Living water gives off energy, while dead water absorbs it. Psychics and healers to use for their own purposes learned this extraordinary property of water. Studies have shown that water reacts to human speech, which is emotionally colored in a certain way. In the relationship of the sexes, water is also of great importance. It can transfer energy charge.
Water has the ability to capture and preserve cosmic Qi. Priests of Christian churches noticed this feature. They actively use water for various ceremonies. Probably, in a certain period (in the second half of January), the water is subjected to a powerful influence of Qi. The question remains open: where does this energy come from, either the planet itself radiates it, or the Earth falls into a powerful stream of cosmic energy. Without instruments capable of fixing Qi, it is almost impossible to determine. Water can receive both streams of energy that enter into the process of polar interaction. Thus, the water receives a pure, balanced quality energy of Tai-Ji.
If during this period water is put inside the form that best concentrates energy, the water can accumulate a powerful charge, becoming literally alive. In this context, fairy tales about the return of a person to life with the help of living water look quite real.