colspan="3">Potatoes nature
Clams, Créole. Heat two dozen clams in their own juice, but do not allow them to boil. Then add one pint of Créole sauce.
Poached eggs with clams, Créole. Serve poached eggs on toast, covered with clams Créole.
Ox tail, English style. Cut two ox tails in small pieces, put on the fire in cold water, salt, and bring to the boiling point. Take off the stove and allow to cool. Put in sauce pan four ounces of butter, melt, add the oxtail, and roast until colored. Then sprinkle the pieces with two large spoonsful of flour, and cook again until of a good brown color. Then add one gallon of bouillon, stock or hot water; bring to a boil, and skim. Then boil for one hour. Now add three carrots and two turnips cut in very small squares, and one pound of whole barley, and boil for two hours. Then add one pint of purée of tomatoes, one spoonful of Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper, a little Cayenne, some chopped parsley, and one-half cup of tomato ketchup. Boil again for ten minutes, and before serving add one glass of sherry wine.
Broiled sweet potatoes. Peel four boiled sweet potatoes, and slice lengthwise, one-quarter inch in thickness. Sprinkle with salt, wet with olive oil, and broil on both sides on an iron broiler. Serve on a platter with melted butter poured over them.
Brussels sprouts in bouillon. Clean and wash thoroughly one quart of Brussels sprouts. Put a vessel on the fire, with one gallon of water and a tablespoonful of salt. When boiling add the sprouts and cook for five minutes; then cool off with cold water. Put the cold sprouts in a casserole, add two ounces of butter, salt, pepper, one cup of bouillon and a little chopped parsley. Cover, and simmer until well done. Sprouts should be served whole, so do not touch with spoon while cooking.
Stewed rhubarb | Smoked goosebreast | ||||
Boiled eggs | Tomcods, meunière | ||||
Dry toast | Broiled fresh spareribs, with lentils | ||||
Coffee | Vanilla bavarois, with Bar le Duc | ||||
Cookies | |||||
Demi tasse | |||||
DINNER | |||||
Consommé Doria | |||||
Scallops, Jerusalem | |||||
Spring lamb tenderloin, Thomas | |||||
Fried egg plant | |||||
Chicory and escarole salad | |||||
Homemade apple pudding | |||||
Coffee |
Tomcods, meunière. Season six tomcods with salt and pepper, and roll in flour. Melt four ounces of butter in a frying pan, put in the tomcods and fry. When done put on platter and sprinkle with chopped parsley and the juice of two lemons. Put four ounces of butter in the pan and cook to the color of a hazelnut. Pour the butter over the fish, garnish with quartered lemon and parsley in branches.
Broiled spareribs with lentils. Broil some spareribs and place on platter. Garnish with lentils, and serve with a border of Madeira sauce.
Lentils. Soak two pounds of lentils in cold water for six hours, then put on fire with one quart of water, a pinch of salt, one ham bone, one carrot, one onion and a bouquet garni. Boil for about two hours, when the lentils should be soft; remove the vegetables and the bouquet, and drain off the water. Then chop two large onions very fine, put in casserole with three ounces of butter, cover, and simmer until done. Add the lentils and a cup of brown meat gravy, some chopped parsley and ground pepper, simmer for twenty minutes, and serve hot.
Lentil salad. Take some of the boiled lentils, before the onions and brown gravy have been added, and serve with French dressing.
Vanilla Bavarois with Bar le Duc. Bar le Duc is a currant jelly made in the village of Bar le Duc, France. There are two kinds, red and white. Make a vanilla bavarois, place on platter, and pour some red Bar le Duc around the base.
Homemade cookies. Work one-quarter pound of butter and one-quarter pound of sugar together until creamy, then add three eggs, one by one, and whip well. Then add one-quarter pound of sifted flour and some flavoring, preferably the rind of a lemon. Dress the batter in fancy, or plain round, shapes, on a buttered pan, and bake in a quick oven.
Grapefruit | Canapé of sardines | ||||
Ham and eggs | Eggs Benedict | ||||
Rolls | Sweetbread cutlets, cream sauce | ||||
Coffee | Broiled fresh mushrooms | ||||
Fruit salad, Chantilly | |||||
Coffee | |||||
DINNER | |||||
Potage Lamballe | |||||
Frogs' legs, sauté à sec | |||||
Wiener schnitzel | |||||
Spaghetti Milanaise | |||||
Terrine de foie gras, cold | |||||
Lettuce salad | |||||
Nesselrode pudding | |||||
Cakes | |||||
Coffee |
Eggs Benedict. Cut an English muffin in two, toast, and put on platter. Put a slice of broiled ham on top of each half, a poached egg on top of the ham, cover all with Hollandaise, and lay a slice of truffle on top of the sauce.
Wiener Schnitzel. Cut from a leg of veal some cutlets; or have your butcher cut them for you. Season with salt and pepper, roll in flour, then in beaten eggs, and then in bread crumbs. Put some melted butter in a frying pan and fry the cutlets, or schnitzel, on both sides, until yellow and well done. Dish up on a platter with tomato sauce. Put on each schnitzel a thin slice of lemon. Roll a fillet of anchovy around your finger to form a ring, place on a slice of lemon and fill the ring with capers.
Fruit salad, Chantilly. Slice some fresh fruit, such as oranges, pears, pineapple, apples, strawberries, cherries, etc. Put in a bowl, add one spoonful of granulated sugar, one pony of kirschwasser or maraschino, and allow to macerate for about an hour. Put in glasses or saucers, and serve with whipped cream on top.
Fruit salad au kirsch. Same as above, but use kirschwasser only, to macerate, and omit the whipped cream.
Fruit salad au marasquin. Same as au kirsch, only use maraschino instead of kirschwasser.
Guava jelly | Hors d'oeuvres variés | ||||
Rolled oats with cream | Fillet of halibut, au vin blanc | ||||
Plain omelet | Broiled pig's feet, special | ||||
Rolls | Celery root, field and beet salad | ||||
Coffee | Assorted