Francis Grose

1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue

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a quarrel with the passengers in a boat, boarding it, plundering, stripping, and throwing them overboard, &c. A species of badger. CANT.

      ARRAH NOW. An unmeaning expletive, frequently used by the vulgar Irish.

      ARS MUSICA. A bum fiddle.

      ARSE. To hang an arse; to hang back, to be afraid to advance. He would lend his a-e and sh-te through his ribs; a saying of any one who lends his money inconsiderately. He would lose his a-e if it was loose; said of a careless person. A-e about; turn round.

      ARSY YARSEY. To fall arsy varsey, i.e. head over heels.

      ARTHUR, KING ARTHUR, A game used at sea, when near the line, or in a hot latitude. It is performed thus: A man who is to represent king Arthur, ridiculously dressed, having a large wig made out of oakum, or some old swabs, is seated on the side, or over a large vessel of water. Every person in his turn is to be ceremoniously introduced to him, and to pour a bucket of water over him, crying, hail, king Arthur! if during this ceremony the person introduced laughs or smiles (to which his majesty endeavours to excite him, by all sorts of ridiculous gesticulations), he changes place with, and then becomes, king Arthur, till relieved by some brother tar, who has as little command over his muscles as himself.

      ARTICLES. Breeches; coat, waistcoat, and articles.

      ARTICLE. A wench. A prime article. A handsome girl.

       She's a prime article (WHIP SLANG), she's a devilish good

       piece, a hell of a GOER.

      ASK, or AX MY A-E. A common reply to any question;

       still deemed wit at sea, and formerly at court, under the

       denomination of selling bargains. See BARGAIN.

      ASSIG. An assignation.

      ATHANASIAN WENCH, or QUICUNQUE VULT. A forward girl, ready to oblige every man that shall ask her.

      AUNT. Mine aunt; a bawd or procuress: a title of eminence for the senior dells, who serve for instructresses, midwives, &c. for the dells. CANT. See DELLS.

      AVOIR DU POIS LAY. Stealing brass weights off the counters of shops. CANT.

      AUTEM. A church.

      AUTEM BAWLER. A parson. CANT.

      AUTEM CACKLERS, AUTEM PRICKEARS. Dissenters of every

       denomination. CANT.

      AUTEM CACKLETUB. A conventicle or meeting-house for

       dissenters. CANT.

      AUTEM DIPPERS. Anabaptists. CANT.

      AUTEM DIVERS. Pickpockets who practice in churches; also churchwardens and overseers of the poor. CANT.

      AUTEM GOGLERS. Pretended French prophets. CANT.

      AUTEM MORT. A married woman; also a female beggar with several children hired or borrowed to excite charity. CANT.

      AUTEM QUAVERS. Quakers.

      AUTEM QUAVER TUB. A Quakers' meeting-house. CANT.

      AWAKE. Acquainted with, knowing the business. Stow the books, the culls are awake; hide the cards, the fellows know what we intended to do.

      BABES IN THE WOOD. Criminals in the stocks, or pillory.

      BABBLE. Confused, unintelligible talk, such as was used at the building the tower of Babel.

      BACK BITER. One who slanders another behind his back,

       i.e. in his absence. His bosom friends are become his back

       biters, said of a lousy man.

      BACKED. Dead. He wishes to have the senior, or old

       square-toes, backed; he longs to have his father on six

       men's shoulders; that is, carrying to the grave.

      BACK UP. His back is up, i.e. he is offended or angry; an expression or idea taken from a cat; that animal, when angry, always raising its back. An allusion also sometimes used to jeer a crooked man; as, So, Sir, I see somebody has offended you, for your back is up.

      BACON. He has saved his bacon; he has escaped. He has a good voice to beg bacon; a saying in ridicule of a bad voice.

      BACON-FACED. Full-faced.

      BACON FED. Fat, greasy.

      BACK GAMMON PLAYER. A sodomite.


      BAD BARGAIN. One of his majesty's bad bargains; a worthless soldier, a malingeror. See MALINGEROR.

      BADGE. A term used for one burned in the hand. He has got his badge, and piked; he was burned in the hand, and is at liberty. Cant.

      BADGE-COVES. Parish Pensioners. Cant.

      BADGERS. A crew of desperate villains who robbed near rivers, into which they threw the bodies of those they murdered. Cant.

      BAG. He gave them the bag, i.e. left them.

      BAG OF NAILS. He squints like a bag of nails; i.e. his eyes are directed as many ways as the points of a bag of nails. The old BAG OF NAILS at Pimlico; originally the BACCHANALS.

      BAGGAGE. Heavy baggage; women and children. Also a familiar epithet for a woman; as, cunning baggage, wanton baggage, &c.

      BAKERS DOZEN. Fourteen; that number of rolls being allowed

       to the purchasers of a dozen.

      BAKER-KNEE'D. One whose knees knock together in

       walking, as if kneading dough.

      BALDERDASH. Adulterated wine.

      BALLOCKS. The testicles of a man or beast; also a vulgar

       nick name for a parson. His brains are in his ballocks,

       a cant saying to designate a fool.

      BALUM RANCUM. A hop or dance, where the women are

       all prostitutes. N. B. The company dance in their

       birthday suits.

      BALSAM. Money.

      BAM. A jocular imposition, the same as a humbug. See


      TO BAM. To impose on any one by a falsity; also to

       jeer or make fun of any one.

      TO BAMBOOZLE. To make a fool of any one, to humbug or

       impose on him.

      BANAGHAN. He beats Banaghan; an Irish saying of one

       who tells wonderful stories. Perhaps Banaghan was a

       minstrel famous for dealing in the marvellous.

      BANDBOX. Mine a-se on a bandbox; an answer to the

       offer of any thing inadequate to the purpose for which

       it is proffered, like offering a bandbox for a seat.


       nonsensical story.

      BANDOG. A bailiff or his follower; also a very fierce

       mastiff: likewise, a bandbox. CANT.

      BANG UP. (WHIP.) Quite the thing, hellish fine. Well done. Compleat. Dashing. In a handsome stile. A bang up cove; a dashing fellow who spends his money freely. To bang up prime: to bring your horses up in a dashing or fine style: as the swell's rattler and prads are bang up prime; the gentleman sports an elegant carriage and fine horses.

      TO BANG. To beat.

      BANGING. Great; a fine banging boy.

      BANG STRAW. A nick name for a thresher, but applied to all the servants of a farmer.

      BANKRUPT CART. A one-horse chaise, said to be so