M. R. James

The Greatest Supernatural Tales of Sheridan Le Fanu (70+ Titles in One Edition)

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rel="nofollow" href="#ua5d49045-8fdd-5ef6-a0fa-9ae3b3494982">Chapter 57. In which Dr. Toole and Mr. Lowe Make a Visit at the Mills, and Recognise Something Remarkable While There

       Chapter 58. In which One of Little Bopeep’s Sheep Comes Home Again, and Various Theories are Entertained Respecting Charles Nutter And Lieutenant Puddock

       Chapter 59. Telling How a Coach Drew up at the Elms, and Two Fine Ladies, Dressed for the Ball, Stepped in

       Chapter 60. Being a Chapter of Hoops, Feathers, and Brilliants, and Bucks and Fiddlers

       Chapter 61. In which the Ghosts of a by-Gone Sin Keep Tryst

       Chapter 62. Of a Solemn Resolution which Captain Devereux Registered Among His Household Gods, with a Libation

       Chapter 63. In which a Liberty is Taken with Mr. Nutter’s Name, and Mr. Dangerfield Stands at the Altar

       Chapter 64. Being a Night Scene, in which Miss Gertrude Chattesworth, Being Adjured by Aunt Becky, Makes Answer

       Chapter 65. Relating Some Awful News that Reached the Village, and How Dr. Walsingham Visited Captain Richard Devereux at His Lodgings

       Chapter 66. Of a Certain Tempest that Arose and Shook the Captain’s Spoons and Tea-Cups; and How the Wind Suddenly Went Down

       Chapter 67. In which a Certain Troubled Spirit Walks

       Chapter 68. How an Evening Passes at the Elms, and Dr. Toole Makes a Little Excursion; and Two Choice Spirits Discourse, and Hebe Trips in with the Nectar

       Chapter 69. Concerning a Second Hurricane that Raged in Captain Devereux’s Drawing-Room, and Relating How Mrs. Irons was Attacked With a Sort of Choking in Her Bed

       Chapter 70. In which an Unexpected Visitor is Seen. In the Cedar-Parlour of the Tiled House, and the Story of Mr. Beauclerc and the ‘Flower De Luce’ Begins to Be Unfolded

       Chapter 71. In which Mr. Irons’s Narrative Reaches Merton Moor

       Chapter 72. In which the Apparition of Mr. Irons is Swallowed in Darkness

       Chapter 73. Concerning a Certain Gentleman, with a Black Patch Over His Eye, who Made Some Visits with a Lady, in Chapelizod and its Neighbourhood

       Chapter 74. In which Doctor Toole, in His Boots, Visits Mr. Gamble, and Sees an Ugly Client of that Gentleman’s; and Something Crosses an Empty Room

       Chapter 75. How a Gentleman Paid a Visit at the Brass Castle, and There Read a Paragraph in an Old Newspaper

       Chapter 76. Relating How the Castle was Taken, and How Mistress Moggy Took Heart of Grace

       Chapter 77. In which Irish Melody Prevails

       Chapter 78. In Which, While the Harmony Continues in Father Roach’s Front Parlour, a Few Discords are Introduced Elsewhere; and Doctor Toole Arrives in the Morning with a Marvellous Budget of News

       Chapter 79. Showing How Little Lily’s Life Began to Change into a Retrospect; and How on a Sudden she Began to Feel Better

       Chapter 80. In which Two Acquaintances Become, on a Sudden, Marvellously Friendly in the Church-Yard; and Mr. Dangerfield Smokes a Pipe in the Brass Castle, and Resolves that the Dumb Shall Speak

       Chapter 81. In which Mr. Dangerfield Receives a Visitor, and Makes a Call


       Chapter 83. In which the Knight of the Silver Spectacles Makes the Acquaintance of the Sage ‘Black Dillon,’ and Confers with Him in His Retreat

       Chapter 84. In which Christiana Goes Over; and Dan Loftus Comes Home

       Chapter 85. In which Captain Devereux Hears the News; and Mr. Dangerfield Meets an Old Friend After Dinner

       Chapter 86. In which Mr. Paul Dangerfield Mounts the Stairs of the House by the Church-Yard, and Makes Some Arrangements

       Chapter 87. In which Two Comrades are Tete-A-Tete in Their Old Quarters, and Doctor Sturk’s Cue is Cut Off, and a Consultation Commences

       Chapter 88. In which Mr. Moore the Barber Arrives, and the Medical Gentlemen Lock the Door

       Chapter 89. In which a Certain Songster Treats the Company to a Dolorous Ballad Whereby Mr. Irons is Somewhat Moved

       Chapter 90. Mr. Paul Dangerfield has Something on His Mind, and Captain Devereux Receives a Message

       Chapter 91. Concerning Certain Documents which Reached Mr. Mervyn, and the Witches’ Revels at the Mills

       Chapter 92. The Wher-Wolf

       Chapter 93. In which Doctor Toole and Dirty Davy Confer in the Blue-Room

       Chapter 94. What Doctor Sturk Brought to Mind, and All that Doctor Toole Heard at Mr. Luke Gamble’s

       Chapter 95. In which Doctor Pell Declines a Fee, and Doctor Sturk a Prescription
