Susan Coolidge

KATY CARR - Complete Illustrated Series: What Katy Did, What Katy Did at School, What Katy Did Next, Clover, In the High Valley & Curly Locks

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I don’t think any of the rest of the girls have half such good times as we. Ellen Robbins says she’d give a million of dollars for such nice brothers and sisters as ours to play with. And, you know, Maria and Susie have awful times at home, though they do go to places. Mrs. Fiske is so particular. She always says ‘Don’t,’ and they haven’t got any yard to their house, or anything. I wouldn’t change.”

      “Nor I,” said Katy, cheering up at these words of wisdom. “Oh, isn’t it lovely to think there won’t be any school to-morrow? Vacations are just splendid!” and she gave her bag another toss. It fell to the ground with a crash.

      “There, you’ve cracked your slate,” said Clover.

      “No matter, I sha’n’t want it again for eight weeks,” replied Katy, comfortably, as they ran up the steps.

      They burst open the front door and raced up stairs, crying, “Hurrah! hurrah! vacation’s begun. Aunt Izzie, vacation’s begun!” Then they stopped short, for lo! the upper hall was all in confusion. Sounds of beating and dusting came from the spare room. Tables and chairs were standing about; and a cot-bed, which seemed to be taking a walk all by itself, had stopped short at the head of the stairs, and barred the way.

      “Why, how queer!” said Katy, trying to get by. “What can be going to happen? Oh, there’s Aunt Izzie! Aunt Izzie, who’s coming? What are you moving the things out of the Blue-room for?”

      “Oh, gracious! is that you?” replied Aunt Izzie, who looked very hot and flurried. “Now, children, it’s no use for you to stand there asking questions; I haven’t got time to answer them. Let the bedstead alone, Katy, you’ll push it into the wall. There, I told you so!” as Katy gave an impatient shove, “you’ve made a bad mark on the paper. What a troublesome child you are! Go right down stairs, both of you, and don’t come up this way again till after tea. I’ve just as much as I can possibly attend to till then.”

      “Just tell us what’s going to happen, and we will,” cried the children.

      “Your Cousin Helen is coming to visit us,” said Miss Izzie, curtly, and disappeared into the Blue-room.

      This was news indeed. Katy and Clover ran down stairs in great excitement, and after consulting a little, retired to the Loft to talk it over in peace and quiet. Cousin Helen coming! It seemed as strange as if Queen Victoria, gold crown and all, had invited herself to tea. Or as if some character out of a book, Robinson Crusoe, say, or “Amy Herbert,” had driven up with a trunk and announced the intention of spending a week. For to the imaginations of the children, Cousin Helen was as interesting and unreal as anybody in the Fairy Tales: Cinderella, or Blue-Beard, or dear Red Riding-Hood herself. Only there was a sort of mixture of Sunday-school book in their idea of her, for Cousin Helen was very, very good.

      None of them had ever seen her. Philly said he was sure she hadn’t any legs, because she never went away from home, and lay on a sofa all the time. But the rest knew that this was because Cousin Helen was ill. Papa always went to visit her twice a year, and he liked to talk to the children about her, and tell how sweet and patient she was, and what a pretty room she lived in. Katy and Clover had “played Cousin Helen” so long, that now they were frightened as well as glad at the idea of seeing the real one.

      “Do you suppose she will want us to say hymns to her all the time?” asked Clover.

      “Not all the time,” replied Katy, “because you know she’ll get tired, and have to take naps in the afternoons. And then, of course, she reads the Bible a great deal. Oh dear, how quiet we shall have to be! I wonder how long she’s going to stay?”

      “What do you suppose she looks like?” went on Clover.

      “Something like ‘Lucy,’ in Mrs. Sherwood’s story, I guess, with blue eyes, and curls, and a long, straight nose. And she’ll keep her hands clasped so all the time, and wear ‘frilled wrappers,’ and lie on the sofa perfectly still, and never smile, but just look patient. We’ll have to take off our boots in the hall, Clover, and go up stairs in stocking feet, so as not to make a noise, all the time she stays.”

      “Won’t it be funny!” giggled Clover, her sober little face growing bright at the idea of this variation on the hymns.

      The time seemed very long till the next afternoon, when Cousin Helen was expected. Aunt Izzie, who was in a great excitement, gave the children many orders about their behavior. They were to do this and that, and not to do the other. Dorry, at last, announced that he wished Cousin Helen would just stay at home. Clover and Elsie, who had been thinking pretty much the same thing in private, were glad to hear that she was on her way to a Water Cure, and would stay only four days.

      Five o’clock came. They all sat on the steps waiting for the carriage. At last it drove up. Papa was on the box. He motioned the children to stand back. Then he helped out a nice-looking young woman, who, Aunt Izzie told them, was Cousin Helen’s nurse, and then, very carefully, lifted Cousin Helen in his arms and brought her in.

      “Oh, there are the chicks!” were the first words the children heard, in such a gay, pleasant voice. “Do set me down somewhere, uncle. I want to see them so much!”

      So Papa put Cousin Helen on the hall sofa. The nurse fetched a pillow, and when she was made comfortable, Dr. Carr called to the little ones.

      “Cousin Helen wants to see you ,” he said.

      “Indeed I do,” said the bright voice. “So this is Katy? Why, what a splendid tall Katy it is! And this is Clover,” kissing her; “and this dear little Elsie. You all look as natural as possible – just as if I had seen you before.” And she hugged them all round, not as if it was polite to like them because they were relations, but as if she had loved them and wanted them all her life.

      There was something in Cousin Helen’s face and manner, which made the children at home with her at once. Even Philly, who had backed away with his hands behind him, after staring hard for a minute or two, came up with a sort of rush to get his share of kissing.

      Still, Katy’s first feeling was one of disappointment. Cousin Helen was not at all like “Lucy,” in Mrs. Sherwood’s story. Her nose turned up the least bit in the world. She had brown hair, which didn’t curl, a brown skin, and bright eyes, which danced when she laughed or spoke. Her face was thin, but except for that you wouldn’t have guessed that she was sick. She didn’t fold her hands, and she didn’t look patient, but absolutely glad and merry. Her dress wasn’t a “frilled wrapper,” but a sort of loose travelling thing of pretty gray stuff, with a rose-colored bow, and bracelets, and a round hat trimmed with a gray feather. All Katy’s dreams about the “saintly invalid” seemed to take wings and fly away. But the more she watched Cousin Helen the more she seemed to like her, and to feel as if she were nicer than the imaginary person which she and Clover had invented.

      “She looks just like other people, don’t she?” whispered Cecy, who had come over to have a peep at the new arrival.

      “Y-e-s,” replied Katy, doubtfully, “only a great, great deal prettier.”

      By and by, Papa carried Cousin Helen up stairs. All the children wanted to go too, but he told them she was tired, and must rest. So they went out-doors to play till tea-time.

      “Oh, do let me take up the tray,” cried Katy at the tea-table, as she watched Aunt Izzie getting ready Cousin Helen’s supper. Such a nice supper! Cold chicken, and raspberries and cream, and tea in a pretty pink-and-white china cup. And such a snow-white napkin as Aunt Izzie spread over the tray!

      “No indeed,” said Aunt Izzie. “you’ll drop it the first thing.” But Katy’s eyes begged so hard, that Dr. Carr said, “Yes, let her, Izzie; I like to see the girls useful.”

      So Katy, proud of the commission, took the tray and carried it carefully across the hall. There was a bowl of flowers on the table. As she passed, she was struck with a bright idea. She set down the tray, and picking out a rose, laid it on the napkin beside the saucer of crimson raspberries. It looked very pretty, and Katy smiled to herself