href="#ulink_bbc10f4b-9cd3-5876-88ee-9f2a5b6c2322">17. Examples, Vol. 1. p. 510.
18. Socrate's Hist. p. 7. C. 38.
19. Lege Villalpond de Magia, &c. L. 2. Cap. 27.
20. Part 1. Chap. 19. Pag. 8.
21. Epistol. 2.
22. In Disput. de Magia. P. 575.
23. In Mr. Couper's Mystery of Witchcraft, Pag. 174, 175.
24. Acta Eruditorum Anno 1690. Pag. 113.
25. In Mr. Glanvil's Philosophical Considerations.
26. De subtilitate. Lib. 29.
27. P. 75, 76.
28. In his Sadducism Triumph. Collection, p. 201.
29. P. 215. (Disa. Magic.) l. 1. c. 3. p. 22.
30. Vairus de Fascino. Lib. 2.
31. P. 131.
32. V. Germ. Ephemer. Anno 16. p. 379.
33. Henkelius de obsessis, pag. 86.
34. Camerar. cent. I. c. 73. Cardan de rerum varietate, Lib. 16. cap. 93.
35. In his Britannia, p. 609.
36. See the Hist. of Lapland, and Mr. Burton's Hist. of Dæmons.
37. Schotten, Physic. curios, lib. 1. c. 16.
38. See Wanly of the Wonders of the World, p. 215.
39. Ubi Supra.
40. De Spectris, p. 86, 87.
41. Disput. Select. Vol. 1. pag. 1008.
42. P. 944.
43. Thyræus de Apparitionibus, Lib. 2. Cap. 14.
44. Binsfield de confessionibus sagarum, p. 183. 191.
45. Disquis. Magic. Lib. 2. Q. 12. p. 143.
46. Printed at Frankfort, Anno 1681.
47. Discourse of Witchcraft, Ch. 7. Sect. 2. p. 644.
48. In his Witchcraft discovered, p. 277.
49. Webster's displaying of supposed Witchcraft, p. 298. 308.
50. Ubi supra, p. 207, 208.
51. Ch. 15. p. 14, &c.
52. Pag. 121, 122.
53. In vita Hilarion.
54. Anastasius, Qu. 23.
55. In Disput. de Dæmoniacis, part 1. chap. 16. p. 30.
56. Thuanus, lib. 130. p. 1136.
57. Thyræus, ubi supra, p. 16.
58. Henkel, ubi supra, p. 47. 50.
59. Brockmand, Theol. p. 265.
60. Melancthon, Epist.
61. Tostatus, in Mat. 8. Q. 114.
62. Baldwin, Case of Cons. l. 3. c. 3. p. 621.
63. Lib. 7. Cap. 2.
64. 5 Sympos. Cap. 7.
65. Med. Precl. lib. 6. pars 9. cap. 1.
66. Lib. 2. cap. 2. Wierus, l. 6. c. 9. p. 683.
67. See the Tryal, p. 40. 43. 45.
68. In Dæmonomania. See Mr. Bromhal's History of Apparitions, p. 136.