Edgar Wallace

The Greatest Thrillers of Edgar Wallace

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      “But my dear good fellow,” said Kara, pulling on his gloves, “you have already asked me whether I didn’t burn the letter.”

      “I said envelope,” said T.X., with a little laugh.

      “And you were going to say something about the other clue?”

      “The other is the revolver,” said T.X.

      “Mr. Lexman’s revolver!” drawled the Greek.

      “That we have,” said T.X. shortly. “What we want is the weapon which the Greek had when he threatened Mr. Lexman.”

      “There, I’m afraid I cannot help you.”

      Kara walked to the door and T.X. followed.

      “I think I will see Mrs. Lexman.”

      “I think not,” said T.X.

      The other turned with a sneer.

      “Have you arrested her, too?” he asked.

      “Pull yourself together!” said T.X. coarsely. He escorted Kara to his waiting limousine.

      “You have a new chauffeur tonight, I observe,” he said.

      Kara towering with rage stepped daintily into the car.

      “If you are writing to the other you might give him my love,” said T.X., “and make most tender enquiries after his mother. I particularly ask this.”

      Kara said nothing until the car was out of earshot then he lay back on the down cushions and abandoned himself to a paroxysm of rage and blasphemy.

       Table of Contents

      Six months later T.X. Meredith was laboriously tracing an elusive line which occurred on an ordnance map of Sussex when the Chief Commissioner announced himself.

      Sir George described T.X. as the most wholesome corrective a public official could have, and never missed an opportunity of meeting his subordinate (as he said) for this reason.

      “What are you doing there?” he growled.

      “The lesson this morning,” said T.X. without looking up, “is maps.”

      Sir George passed behind his assistant and looked over his shoulder.

      “That is a very old map you have got there,” he said.

      “1876. It shows the course of a number of interesting little streams in this neighbourhood which have been lost sight of for one reason or the other by the gentleman who made the survey at a later period. I am perfectly sure that in one of these streams I shall find what I am seeking.”

      “You haven’t given up hope, then, in regard to Lexman?”

      “I shall never give up hope,” said T.X., “until I am dead, and possibly not then.”

      “Let me see, what did he get — fifteen years!”

      “Fifteen years,” repeated T.X., “and a very fortunate man to escape with his life.”

      Sir George walked to the window and stared out on to busy Whitehall.

      “I am told you are quite friendly with Kara again.”

      T.X. made a noise which might be taken to indicate his assent to the statement.

      “I suppose you know that gentleman has made a very heroic attempt to get you fired,” he said.

      “I shouldn’t wonder,” said T.X. “I made as heroic an attempt to get him hung, and one good turn deserves another. What did he do? See ministers and people?”

      “He did,” said Sir George.

      “He’s a silly ass,” responded T.X.

      “I can understand all that” — the Chief Commissioner turned round— “but what I cannot understand is your apology to him.”

      “There are so many things you don’t understand, Sir George,” said T.X. tartly, “that I despair of ever cataloguing them.”

      “You are an insolent cub,” growled his Chief. “Come to lunch.”

      “Where will you take me?” asked T.X. cautiously.

      “To my club.”

      “I’m sorry,” said the other, with elaborate politeness, “I have lunched once at your club. Need I say more?”

      He smiled, as he worked after his Chief had gone, at the recollection of Kara’s profound astonishment and the gratification he strove so desperately to disguise.

      Kara was a vain man, immensely conscious of his good looks, conscious of his wealth. He had behaved most handsomely, for not only had he accepted the apology, but he left nothing undone to show his desire to create a good impression upon the man who had so grossly insulted him.

      T.X. had accepted an invitation to stay a weekend at Kara’s “little place in the country,” and had found there assembled everything that the heart could desire in the way of fellowship, eminent politicians who might conceivably be of service to an ambitious young Assistant Commissioner of Police, beautiful ladies to interest and amuse him. Kara had even gone to the length of engaging a theatrical company to play “Sweet Lavender,” and for this purpose the big ballroom at Hever Court had been transformed into a theatre.

      As he was undressing for bed that night T.X. remembered that he had mentioned to Kara that “Sweet Lavender” was his favorite play, and he realized that the entertainment was got up especially for his benefit.

      In a score of other ways Kara had endeavoured to consolidate the friendship. He gave the young Commissioner advice about a railway company which was operating in Asia Minor, and the shares of which stood a little below par. T.X. thanked him for the advice, and did not take it, nor did he feel any regret when the shares rose 3 pounds in as many weeks.

      T.X. had superintended the disposal of Beston Priory. He had the furniture removed to London, and had taken a flat for Grace Lexman.

      She had a small income of her own, and this, added to the large royalties which came to her (as she was bitterly conscious) in increasing volume as the result of the publicity of the trial, placed her beyond fear of want.

      “Fifteen years,” murmured T.X., as he worked and whistled.

      There had been no hope for John Lexman from the start. He was in debt to the man he killed. His story of threatening letters was not substantiated. The revolver which he said had been flourished at him had never been found. Two people believed implicitly in the story, and a sympathetic Home Secretary had assured T.X. personally that if he could find the revolver and associate it with the murder beyond any doubt, John Lexman would be pardoned.

      Every stream in the neighbourhood had been dragged. In one case a small river had been dammed, and the bed had been carefully dried and sifted, but there was no trace of the weapon, and T.X. had tried methods more effective and certainly less legal.

      A mysterious electrician had called at 456 Cadogan Square in Kara’s absence, and he was armed with such indisputable authority that he was permitted to penetrate to Kara’s private room, in order to examine certain fitments.

      Kara returning next day thought no more of the matter when it was reported to him, until going to his safe that night he discovered that it had been opened and ransacked.

      As it happened, most of Kara’s valuable and confidential possessions were at the bank. In a fret of panic and at considerable cost he had the safe removed and another put in its place of such potency that the makers offered to indemnify him against any loss from burglary.
