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      Kim, Eugene. “Amazon Sinks on Revenue Miss.” Business Insider. February 2, 2017. http://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-earnings-q4-2016-2017-2.


      Miglani, Jitender. “Amazon vs Walmart Revenues and Profits 1995–2014.” July 25, 2015. Revenues and Profits. http://revenuesandprofits.com/amazon-vs-walmart-revenues-and-profits-1995-2014/.


      Baird, Nikki. “Are Retailers Over-Promoting for Holiday 2016?” Forbes. December 16, 2016. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nikkibaird/2016/12/16/are-retailers-over-promoting-for-holiday-2016/#53bb6fbb3b8e.


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      Ho, Ky Trang. “How to Profit from the Death of Malls in America.” Forbes. December 4, 2016. https://www.forbes.com/sites/trangho/2016/12/04/how-to-profit-from-the-death-of-malls-in-america/#7732f3cc61cf.


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      Концепция «длинный хвост» описывает новую модель бизнеса, ориентированную на продажу продуктов и услуг, нацеленных на узкие, нишевые аудитории, которые оказались в хвосте кривой спроса; концепция сформулирована Крисом Андерсоном. Подробнее об этом см. Андерсон К. Длинный хвост. Эффективная модель бизнеса в интернете. М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2012. Прим. ред.


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      Del Rey, Jason. “Amazon has at least 66 million Prime members but subscriber growth may be slowing.” Recode. February 3, 2017. https://www.recode.net/2017/2/3/14496740/amazon-prime-membership-numbers-66-million-growth-slowing.


      Gajanan, Mahita. “More Than Half of the Internet’s Sales Growth Now Comes From Amazon.” Fortune. February 1, 2017. http://fortune.com/2017/02/01/amazon-online-sales-growth-2016/.


      Cassar, Ken. “Two extra shopping days make 2016 the biggest holiday yet.” Slice Intelligence. January 5, 2017. https://www.rakutenintelligence.com/industries/retailers.


      Cone, Allen. “Amazon ranked most reputable company in U.S. in Harris Poll.” UPI. February 20, 2017. http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2017/02/20/Amazon-ranked-most-reputable-company-in-US-in-Harris-Poll/6791487617347/.


      “Amazon’s Robot Workforce Has Increased by 50 Percent.” CEB Inc. December 29, 2016. https://www.cebglobal.com/talentdaily/amazons-robot-workforce-has-increased-by-50-percent/.


      Takala, Rudy. “Top 2 U.S. Jobs by Number Employed: Salespersons and Cashiers.” CNS News. March 25, 2015. http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/rudy-takala/top-2-us-jobs-number-employed-salespersons-and-cashiers.


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      Full transcript: Internet Archive founder Brewster Kahle on Recode Decode. Recode. March 8, 2017. https://www.recode.net/2017/3/8/14843408/transcript-internet-archive-founder-brewster-kahle-wayback-machine-recode-decode.


      Amazon Dash is a button you place anywhere in your home that connects to the Amazon app through Wi-Fi fo