projects or are becoming partners in campus-wide networks or research data services centers. The new models require strong collaborative skills and building bridges between a library, information technology unit, legal services, and other departments on campus.
The roles, responsibilities, and competencies of RDM librarians are not clearly defined and the practices continue evolving. RDM requires diverse expertise, not only in metadata and information organization standards but also technical skills. RDM creates a demand for information professionals with skills in managing and curating data and with an understanding of the scientific process and research methods. The findings of the IFLA Data Curation project point to some competency gaps in the traditional LIS education, especially in technical training and research methods. RDM as a new area of responsibility for librarians and information professionals requires a combination of technical, instruction, research, and digital archiving skills. Academic librarians have expertise in many areas but also need to acquire new skills and knowledge through expanded professional development. LIS education could also respond to the demand for data experts by developing new programs and concentrations in RDM.
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