is not present the end to cares where to get sezam, rice, salt, clothes, fuel even the wisest person loses reason in poverty». My familiar professor from MEPhI has told to me a typical case. With huge work it has beaten out the grant for the scientific group. Joyful, he has come running for work and has informed on it to employees. To his surprise, on their persons he has not seen delight. It has appeared, that all of them were attached to earn additionally for a long time already somewhere, and in working hours. And here to work it is necessary really on the basic work. Money small pays for the grant, and in two years it will end. That will be further – it is not known. Additional work you will throw, and whether then it will be possible to renew it?
Whether there is a sense to the modern young man to go to a science (in our country)? Money, material benefits scanty, and that, all «in the long term». Any «ecstasy» because, what you in any narrow area can be, something new will dig out? But even if you will make something, standing politicians and officials will dispose of it finally. If you will distract completely on a science, you at this time lawyers-economists will rob to a thread, and all will be under the law. (If now all national property belongs to a small group of billionaires what for my relatives all during war protected it?). To count the grown rich inventors fingers of one hand, probably, will suffice. Respect of a society? More likely a sneer. Now in honor only successful swindlers. It is interesting, that in our society it is accepted to name «creative intelligence» and «stars» first of all any clowns and actors that is people who on a scene represent from itself not at all what they actually are. Not casually among them the large quantity of mental diseases when the person so will get used, for example, at image of Napoleon or D’Artanjan develops what to «be survived» cannot any more. So, recently one actor playing supermen, has rushed off on the car, as at cinema, on a counter strip. And here, «carry away». Another was forgot so, that has arranged pogrom and shooting at restaurant. It is enough actor to have cool, fool a physiognomy – and you already Talent. If also physiognomies idiotic to build has learnt, you in general the genius! One of them is a talent because he is thick, as a dirigible balloon. Another has The Shrill opposite voice. The most intellectual in this circle Zadornov. But also that last time drives such flat jokes! But In a hall laugh, already from armchairs fall. Here if I with such nonsense have got out, then a nasty broom have sent on errands.
Certainly creative people musicians, that is people who under the set program in a step have got skilled at to press buttons of various musical instruments admit also. The computer does it incomparably better. Though, of course, in a good company, at a fire, together to sing under a guitar… And if before a many thousands audience, yes for big money, it not art, but business. And here it is the best to replace actors with computer avatars. That, however, in Japan already also have started to do with success, having replaced some TV presenters. And so already on Body To the screen electronic stuffed animals skip and shout (and even in general howl worse dogs of Bascerwill) any delirium under a soundtrack.
Strange to see, how in a huge hall of thousand people motionlessly sit, sitting out callosities on a back place while on a scene dance or sing. The grandfather to me told, that earlier in any village people danced, drove round dances, sang chorus, played accordions or balalaikas, composed russian chastooshkas, at last, box fights arranged. That is, were engaged in art. And has now sat at theatre, as a sack with dung – and type a sack has spent time.
Often on TV shed tears concerning that any actor known in due time now on pension lives in misery. It ostensibly a disgrace! It is necessary for it to provide comfort, and to help all world. And when the person of a useful trade – the miner, bread-maker, or the turner on pension live in misery are like as normally, and indignation special does not cause.
Or we will consider Very much Disputable trade in moral sense – lawyers. At me the woman – the lawyer bragged, as it has dexterously withdrawn from punishment of the notorious criminal. I to her have told: «Than brag? Same meanness». And she to me: «Is not present-is not present! That you!! Here at all no meanness is present, you simply backward person, not understand … … it … … … mmm …. …. eee … …. Well, simply it is a trade such! Doctors treat a body, and we treat souls! Here is how!!». So gradually these sights enter into a essence of the person-lawyer, and it begins similar perverted principles to be guided even in home life. Therefore any personal relations with them to have it is impossible. Here, for example, a sight from within – the statement of the lawyer V.I.Lenin: «It is necessary to take lawyers echinoid mittens, to put in a state of siege, for this intellectual the swine often do bad things». (V.I.Lenin, v. 49, p. 154)
And as about super-intellectual elite of intelligency – Journalists? Them have already done over any measure. All wish to be engaged in such job. And in what it consists? Yes here, for example, recently in several editions has come across on same байку how the daughter has bought mothers new mattress on birthday as a surprise. Old has on the sly thrown out. And in that mattress старушенция hid one million dollars! Here they also are fed with that, that copy each other similar bosh which actually, most likely and was not. And then, years through five when all will forget, again same story will pull out, will turn a little, and again a money on it will cut down. The main principle here – has uttered a crow, money has received, and there though do not dawn! I was not too lazy, have looked quotations for the publication of such articles. Also has understood, that for decent earnings journalists should rivet such bosh as on the conveyor, littering it all mass media. That they with success also do.
Why period of validity of the patent for the invention is limited by 20 years at very considerable payments for its maintenance in force, and the founder of a work of art has the rights for life, moreover and numerous descendants round its product are fed throughout 70 years after his death? From here and crisis. All youth aspires not in sphere of production of goods or other socially useful area, and there where has guessed (notice, has guessed or has learnt by heart, instead of has shown creative abilities!) a word – also receive one million! And for the rest of the life it is possible to live a parasite! Here the true purpose of modern youth (mine too). Well and it is natural, presently «especially creative people» have run to register in gays that though somehow to be allocated and get any, but popularity. One example. The inventor of kersey boots Ivan Vasilevich Plotnikov, (Which it is made more than 150 million pairs and which utility is difficult for overestimating) All life veins in municipal apartment on modest pension. And insignificant men give interview, sitting in the magnificent country houses. The paradox consists that room service society for elite (cooks, clowns, hairdressers, newsdealers, tailors) suddenly steels society «elite».
So, we, representatives of a scientific and technical direction, unlike them, probably, any second-grade, «not creative» intelligency. Abroad it is accepted the person with scientific degree validly to call the doctor or the professor such. At us it is the representative of any doubtful «layer». So, Lenin’s statement in this occasion is widely known. I have begun to doubt, itself have got into his compositions, and here that have dug out: «Intellectual forces of workers and peasants grow and get stronger in struggle for overthrow of bourgeoisie and its helpers, intelligency, Footmen of the capital, thinking itself a nation brain. In practice it not a brain, and a shit» (V.I.Lenin, From A.M.Bitter’s letter, the September, 15th, 1919, the Full collected works, the edition the fifth Publishing house of the political literature, 1978 v. 51, p. 48—49). Though, may be he only «creative intelligence» meant?
For last years there was a definitive falling of prestige of a trade of the scientist in our country. «Levada-centre» researches show, that only 6% of Russians would like to see children and grandsons professors, scientists and teachers, 10% – sportsmen, 16% – businessmen, 23% – economists. At the same time, in the USA by results Researches on ranging of prestigious trades in 2002 the trade of the scientist has appeared the most prestigious – 51% of the population named it «extremely prestigious».
Though, we also do not take offence. As they say, let though a pig-iron pot will call, if only in the furnace did