И. П. Сенченко

Султанат Оман. Легенды, сказания и факты истории

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      Charles J. Cruttenden, Journal of an Excursion from Morbat to Dyreez, the principal town of Dofar, Transections of the Bombay Geographical Society, 1, p. 185, 186.


      C.S.D. Cole, An Account of an Overland Journey from Leskkairee to Muscat and the “Green Mountain” of Oman, Transections of the Bombay Geographical Society, 8 (1847-1848), p. 106–119.


      Henry John Carter. The Ruins of El Balad, Journal of the Geographical Society, 16 (1846), p. 187–199.


      Аравия. Материалы по истории открытия. М., 1981. С. 195.


      Сенченко И. П. Аравия. Фрески истории. СПб, 2016. С. 41, 42.


      Сенченко И. П. Арабы Аравии. Очерки по истории, этнографии и культуре. СПб, 2015. С. 52–54.


      Robbert Binning, A Journal of Two Years Travel in Persia, Ceylon, Etc., 2 vols, London, 1857, p. 123-129.


      Charles Rathbone Low. The Land of the Sun, London, 1870, p. 178-203.


      William Ashton Shepherd, From Bombay to Bushir, and Bassora, Including an Account of the Present State of Persia, and Notes of the Persian War, London, 1857, p. 43-58.


      Пальгрэв, Джиффорд. Путешествие по Средней и Восточной Аравии. СПб, 1875. С. 415-433; Hogarth, D.G. The Penitration of Arabia: A Record of the Development of the Western Knowledge Concerning the Arabian Peninsula, NewYork, 1904, p. 127-279.


      James Theodor Bent, Southern Arabia, London, 1900, p. 58, 63.


      Vinchenzo Maurizi, History of Seyd Said Sultan of Muscat, 2ndedition, Cambridge, 1984.


      S. B. Miles, On the Route between Sohar and el-Bereymi in Oman, with a note on the Zatt, or gipsies in Arabia, Journal of the Asiatic Siciety of Bengal, 46 (1877), p. 57-59.


      S. B. Miles, Across the Green Mountain of Oman, Geographical Journal, 18 (1901), p. 468.


      J. C. Wilkinson, Bayasirah and Bayadir, Arabian Studies, 1 (1974), p. 75-85.


      S. B. Miles, Across the Green Mountain of Oman, Geographical Journal, 18 (1901), p. 484, 485.


      S. B. Miles, On the Route between Sohar and el-Bereymi in Oman, op. cit., p. 44.


      S. B. Miles, Across the Green Mountain in Oman, op. cit., p. 471.


      Там же. С. 467, 471.


      S. B. Miles, On the Border of the Great Desert: A Journey in Oman (part I), The Geographical Journal, vol. 36, № 2, Aug. 1910, p.159-178.


      S. B. Miles, Across the Green Mountain in Oman, op. cit., p. 495.


      S. B. Miles, Journal of an excursion in Oman, in south-east Arabia, Geographical Journal, 7 (1896), p. 533.


      S. B. Miles, On the Border of the Great Desert: A Journey in Oman (part II), Geographical Journal, 36 (1910), p. 414.


      Colonel S. B. Miles. The Cuntries and the Tribes of the Persian Gulf, London, 1919, vol. I, p. 9-11.


      Nicholas Clapp. The Road to Ubar: Findingthe Atlantis of the Sands, London, 1999; Ranulph Fiennes, Atlantis of the Sands: the Search of the lost city of Ubar, London, 1993.


      Muhammad Morsy Abdullah. The United Arab Emirates: A Modern History, London, 1978, p. 60.


      Bertram Tomas, Among Some Unknown Tribes of South Arabia, Journal of the Royal Authropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 59, № 32 (1929), p. 101.


      Bertram Tomas, Arabia Felix: Across the “Empty Quarter” of Arabia, London, 1932, p. 71, 72.


      Bertram Tomas, Arabia Felix, op. cit., p. 55, 56.


      Там же. С. 42.


      Там же. С. 94, 95.


      Там же. С. 84-86.


      Там же. С. 154, 155.


      Bertram Sidney Tomas, Alarms and Excursions in Arabia, London, 1931, p. 117, 118.


      Bertram Tomas. The Musandam Peninsula and its People the Shihuh, Journal of the Royal Antropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 59 (1929), p. 104.


      Bertram Sidney Tomas, Alarms and Excursions in Arabia, op. cit., p. 168.


      Там же. С. 178.


      Там же. С. 278.


      Там же. С. 119.


      Там же. С. 115.


      Там же. С. 185, 186.


      Там же. С. 154, 155.

