Lord Byron

3 books to know Juvenalian Satire

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evening silk, or, in the summer, muslin,

      And other stuffs, with which I won't stay puzzling.

      She knew the Latin—that is, 'the Lord's prayer,'

      And Greek—the alphabet—I 'm nearly sure;

      She read some French romances here and there,

      Although her mode of speaking was not pure;

      For native Spanish she had no great care,

      At least her conversation was obscure;

      Her thoughts were theorems, her words a problem,

      As if she deem'd that mystery would ennoble 'em.

      She liked the English and the Hebrew tongue,

      And said there was analogy between 'em;

      She proved it somehow out of sacred song,

      But I must leave the proofs to those who 've seen 'em;

      But this I heard her say, and can't be wrong

      And all may think which way their judgments lean 'em,

      ''T is strange—the Hebrew noun which means "I am,"

      The English always use to govern d—n.'

      Some women use their tongues—she look'd a lecture,

      Each eye a sermon, and her brow a homily,

      An all-in-all sufficient self-director,

      Like the lamented late Sir Samuel Romilly,

      The Law's expounder, and the State's corrector,

      Whose suicide was almost an anomaly—

      One sad example more, that 'All is vanity'

      (The jury brought their verdict in 'Insanity').

      In short, she was a walking calculation,

      Miss Edgeworth's novels stepping from their covers,

      Or Mrs. Trimmer's books on education,

      Or 'Coelebs' Wife' set out in quest of lovers,

      Morality's prim personification,

      In which not Envy's self a flaw discovers;

      To others' share let 'female errors fall,'

      For she had not even one—the worst of all.

      O! she was perfect past all parallel—

      Of any modern female saint's comparison;

      So far above the cunning powers of hell,

      Her guardian angel had given up his garrison;

      Even her minutest motions went as well

      As those of the best time-piece made by Harrison:

      In virtues nothing earthly could surpass her,

      Save thine 'incomparable oil,' Macassar!

      Perfect she was, but as perfection is

      Insipid in this naughty world of ours,

      Where our first parents never learn'd to kiss

      Till they were exiled from their earlier bowers,

      Where all was peace, and innocence, and bliss

      (I wonder how they got through the twelve hours),

      Don Jose, like a lineal son of Eve,

      Went plucking various fruit without her leave.

      He was a mortal of the careless kind,

      With no great love for learning, or the learn'd,

      Who chose to go where'er he had a mind,

      And never dream'd his lady was concern'd;

      The world, as usual, wickedly inclined

      To see a kingdom or a house o'erturn'd,

      Whisper'd he had a mistress, some said two—

      But for domestic quarrels one will do.

      Now Donna Inez had, with all her merit,

      A great opinion of her own good qualities;

      Neglect, indeed, requires a saint to bear it,

      And such, indeed, she was in her moralities;

      But then she had a devil of a spirit,

      And sometimes mix'd up fancies with realities,

      And let few opportunities escape

      Of getting her liege lord into a scrape.

      This was an easy matter with a man

      Oft in the wrong, and never on his guard;

      And even the wisest, do the best they can,

      Have moments, hours, and days, so unprepared,

      That you might 'brain them with their lady's fan;'

      And sometimes ladies hit exceeding hard,

      And fans turn into falchions in fair hands,

      And why and wherefore no one understands.

      'T is pity learned virgins ever wed

      With persons of no sort of education,

      Or gentlemen, who, though well born and bred,

      Grow tired of scientific conversation:

      I don't choose to say much upon this head,

      I 'm a plain man, and in a single station,

      But—Oh! ye lords of ladies intellectual,

      Inform us truly, have they not hen-peck'd you all?

      Don Jose and his lady quarrell'd—why,

      Not any of the many could divine,

      Though several thousand people chose to try,

      'T was surely no concern of theirs nor mine;

      I loathe that low vice—curiosity;

      But if there 's anything in which I shine,

      'T is in arranging all my friends' affairs,

      Not having of my own domestic cares.

      And so I interfered, and with the best

      Intentions, but their treatment was not kind;

      I think the foolish people were possess'd,

      For neither of them could I ever find,

      Although their porter afterwards confess'd—

      But that 's no matter, and the worst 's behind,

      For little Juan o'er me threw, down stairs,

      A pail of housemaid's water unawares.

      A little curly-headed, good-for-nothing,

      And mischief-making monkey from his birth;

      His parents ne'er agreed except in doting

      Upon the most unquiet imp on earth;

      Instead of quarrelling, had they been but both in

      Their senses, they 'd have sent young master forth

      To school, or had him soundly whipp'd at home,

      To teach him manners for the time to come.

      Don Jose and the Donna Inez led

      For some time an unhappy sort of life,
