Анна Пигарёва

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railings around the Hindu temple in the state of Himachal Pradesh broke, causing panic, with people trampling over falling women and children, they said.

      «As of now we have 123 people dead, including more than 40 children,» Daljit Singh Manilas, a police officer said.

      «The injured have been taken to two places, and the toll could be more as we are awaiting news from other hospitals,» Manhas added. He said at least 45 women were among the dead.

      Children were among the first to fall to the ground and were trampled by pilgrims running to safety as their parents tried to save them, police officers said.

      Thousands of worshippers had gathered at the temple in Bilaspur district to pray to a Hindu goddess during an annual festival.

      More than 3,000 people were trying to get into the temple at the same time when part of the iron railing broke, officials said. Most of the worshippers were from the neighboring state of Punjab, they said. Television pictures showed people being carried on stretchers to a hospital, many writhing in pain. Stampedes at temples are not uncommon in India where thousands of people gather to pray during festivals.5

      Annual                Ежегодный

      Break (broke, broken)       Ломаться

      Cause                  Быть причиной

      Crush                   Давить

      Fall (fell, fallen)  Падать

      Goddess              Богиня

      Iron railing          Металлические перила

      Pain                     Боль

      Stampede            Паническое бегство

      Stretcher             Носилки

      Temple                Храм

      The injured         Раненые

      Toll                      Потери

      Trample               Растаптывать

      Uncommon          Редкий

      Worshipper          Верующий

      Writhe                  Корчиться от боли

      Bulgaria Gives Fuel to Russia


      WASHINGTON – Bulgaria has sent its remaining highly enriched uranium to Russia for safeguarding from terrorist or other potential misuse.

      More than 6 kilograms of the spent fuel were received Thursday at a Russian nuclear facility, the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration announced. A first shipment of 16.92 kilograms of fresh uranium fuel was sent to Russia in December 2003.

      «With this shipment there is no more highly enriched uranium in Bulgaria,» said Brian Wilkes, a spokesman for the U.S. agency, which was established in 2001. «Bulgaria now joins Latvia in clearing out all Soviet-era dangerous nuclear fuel.»

      Remaining in Bulgaria, he said, are small quantities of low-enriched uranium, on which most civilian reactors run.

      In the 1970s, the Soviet Union sent shipments of enriched uranium to Bulgaria, which was then part of the Soviet bloc. The returned shipment was transported under guard in casks to the Danube River, loaded on a barge and shipped to Ukraine, and then shipped by rail to the secure Russir facility near Chelyabinsk, in the Urals region.

      Spent and fresh uranium fuel has also been returned to Russia from Serbia, Romania, Libya, Uzbekistan, Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Vietnam. At the same time, all highly enriched uranium spent fuel was returned to the United States by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Greece, Italy, the Philippines, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden and Thailand.6

      By rail                По железной дороге

      Cask                   Бочка

      Enriched            Обогащенный

      Establish            Создавать, учреждать

      Fuel                   Топливо

      Join                    Присоединяться

      Misuse               Неправильное использование

      Nuclear facility     Ядерная установка

      Remain              Оставаться

      Return                Возвращать

      Run (ran, run)     Работать, функционировать

      Safeguard           Защищать, охранять

      Ship (v)               Перевозить грузы

      Shipment           Груз, партия товара

      Spent fuel          Отработанное ядерное топливо

      3 Killed in Evraz Coal MiniNG Accident


      Three miners died Sunday in an accident at a Siberian coal mine owned by Evraz Group, the country’s largest steelmaker by domestic volume, the company and the Emergency Situations Ministry said.

      The accident occurred at around 8:45 a.m. local time at Mine No. 12 in Kiselyovsk, in the Kemerovo region, the ministry said. An investigation is under way to establish the cause.

      Officials could not say whether production would be affected.

      «There was an accident. Three people died,» a ministry spokesman said. «Over 70 people were inside the mine at the time of the accident. All the rest have been moved out to the surface.»

      The ministry official said there had been «a breach of the technological process with methane involved,» but he did not confirm an explosion.

      «An investigation is being carried out to find out the reasons.»

      A spokesman for Evraz confirmed that three miners had died in an accident at the mine.

      Evraz acquired full ownership of the mine in March 2005. Mine No. 12 produced 893,000 tons of coal in 2007, including over 667,000 tons of coking coal used in the steel industry, Evraz said of its web site.7

      Accident              Авария, несчастный случай

      Acquire               Приобретать

      Affect                  Затрагивать

      All the rest          Все остальные

      Breach                 Нарушение

      Carry out             Выполнять, осуществлять
