John Van Auken

Edgar Cayce on the Spiritual Forces Within You

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planets and stars—as also being or having higher dimensions to them, and how our celestial selves can adapt to those dimensions—expressing or taking form that is natural or appropriate for that dimension. Notice also how he sees the planets in our solar system as more than just three-dimensional objects to land on. And finally, notice how he reveals that these dimensions are accessed within us: “inner forces, inner sense.”

      Cayce would begin life readings for individuals by identifying the planetary and stellar influences affecting their souls—explaining that these were influences because of our souls’ journeys through these other dimensions prior to incarnating here on earth. We are celestial beings even though we feel so earthly and terrestrial in our daily lives. This is only a temporary sojourn in this dimension of reality—albeit, a purposeful and intentional sojourn with much to be done for soul growth.

      Cayce said that our taking many forms in many different dimensions and spheres helps us to experience the whole of our being and of our Creator’s consciousness. He said that “self is lost in that of attaining for itself the nearer and nearer approach that builds in manifested form, whether in the Pleiades, Arcturus, Gemini, or in Earth, in Vulcan, or in Neptune.” (136-83) Yet, despite our taking on many “forms” as we manifest ourselves, our true nature is “as light, a ray that does not end, lives on and on, until it becomes one in essence with the source of light.” (136-83)

       Planetary Sojourns

      Fascinatingly, Cayce gave specific activities that our souls experience when we are not incarnate in this reality. Earth is not our only dimension in this particular solar system, but all the planets in this system have dimensions to them that our souls experience! In reading 311-2, he described them this way:

      “The common theory … that incarnation into the Earth plane is the only source of incarnation or appearance is erroneous, you see … When [a soul enters] in … this present solar system’s forces, the contacts or the relative relationships bear out the cycles of appearances in the various spheres of development; in Mercury, the mental life, its relative position to … this solar system’s center, making for those radiations in those forms … which represent mental in its greater aspect. Then, in Venus [the development] is more in the form of love. In Mars and its radial effect or position about the solar center … make for those known as vengeance, wrath, madness, and such; and can one but know that each thought, each act, is that being built … in Earth, we have that position in which matter takes all its various forms of presentation of a given energy, or force, as radiated from the various effects of this solar aspect, and take on bodily form, occupying a position of, as it were, three in one or all force in this sphere taking on that appearance of that known as threefold … in Jupiter, taking on those ennobling forces, whether they be from Earth, from Venus, from Mercury, from Mars, they are broadened; they are changed in their aspects, in their forms, as they are taken on in and about this sphere … in Saturn—that to whom all insufficient matter is cast for its remoulding … in the … Uranian … taking on those forces known in Earth’s plane as from occult influences—which makes for the accentuations of very good or very bad, and making for extraordinary conditions.” (311-2)

      In reading 900-10, Cayce identified the planetary influences this way:

      “As in Mercury pertaining of Mind; in Mars of Madness; in Earth as of Flesh; in Venus as Love; in Jupiter as Strength. In Saturn as the beginning of earthly woes, that to which all insufficient matter is cast for the beginning. In that of Uranus as of the Psychic. In that of Neptune as of Mystic. In Septimus as of Consciousness. In Arcturus as of the developing.”

      In reading this passage, one is tempted to think that Septimus is Cayce’s name for Pluto, but in reading 826-8, he said that Vulcan is Pluto. Septimus may well be the latest dwarf planet discovered, which would have been the tenth planet in our solar system after Pluto. It is the largest known dwarf planet in our system, and it was discovered by California’s Palomar Observatory in 2005, and given the name “Eris” in 2006. In Greek mythology, Eris is the goddess of warfare and strife who stirs envy and jealousy. Following some of Cayce’s other readings, there may actually be two more planets in our system yet to be found, for a total of twelve.

      Curiously, the Cayce readings reveal that we do not have to die physically in order to travel to other dimensions. Sleep, which Cayce called the “shadow of death,” affords our souls an opportunity to travel. Here’s one example, in reading 3412-2 for a 66-year-old homemaker: “As to the emotions from other sojourns, or the dream life of the entity, we find Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus have brought those abilities …” Some portions of our dream life are as real as our physical life and allow soul travel and other-dimensional experiences that influence our daily physical lives.

       Arcturus and Other Solar Systems

      Beyond the planetary realms of this solar system, Cayce gave several stellar locations. The most important one was the star Arcturus, claiming a special place in Cayce’s cosmology: “Arcturus is that which may be called the center of this [part of the] universe, through which individuals pass and at which period there comes the choice of the individual as to whether it is to return to complete … in this planetary system—our sun, the Earth’s sun and its planetary system—or to pass on to others.” (5749-14)

      Arcturus (Alpha Boötis) is in the constellation Boötes, and is the brightest star in the northern celestial hemisphere. It is the fourth brightest star in the night sky. It is a relatively close star at only 36.7 light-years from Earth, and, together with Vega and Sirius, one of the most luminous stars in our Sun’s neighborhood.10 The name Arcturus comes from the Greek word meaning “guardian of the bear.” Sometimes Arcturus is depicted as leading the hunting dogs of nearby Canes Venatici (a small constellation, its name is Latin for “hunting dogs”) and driving the bears of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Boötes means herdsman or plowman (literally, ox-driver; from boos, related to the Latin bovis, “cow”). The name Boötes was first used by Homer in his Odyssey as a celestial reference point for navigation.

      For Cayce, Arcturus was our Star Gate in and out of this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy to the Universe! He referred to it as a junction to the cosmic forces and to beginnings.

      “For Arcturus is that junction between the spheres of activity as related to cosmic force … As those influences indicated in Atlantis were as a beginning, so Arcturus in the present might be termed as a beginning.” (263-15)

       Completing the Soul’s Journey

      When asked if it was “necessary to finish the solar system cycle before going to other systems,” Cayce simply answered, “Necessary to finish the solar cycle.”

      When asked, “Can oneness be attained on any system, or must it be in a particular one?” He answered, “Depending upon what system the entity has entered, to be sure. It may be completed in any of the many systems.” (5749-14) Clearly, from Cayce’s deep-trance attunement to the Universal Consciousness, there are “many systems” in which a soul can achieve oneness with its Creator and its purpose for existence. Not all of the created souls are involved with this system and the Earth. And we might think of them as aliens, but they’re part of the greater family of souls, whether they’re aware of it or not.

      When asked, “Must the solar cycle be finished on Earth, or can it be completed on another planet, or does each planet have a cycle of its own which must be finished?” Cayce answered, “If it is begun on the Earth it must be finished on the Earth. The solar system of which the Earth is a part is only a portion of the whole. For, as indicated in the number of planets about the Earth, they are of one and the same and they are relative one to another. It is the cycle of the whole system that is finished, see?” (5749-14)

       Planetary Colleges in the Solar University

      Here are the details on Cayce’s planetary sojourns concepts, giving each planet his description of what is learned there. Each planetary environ (not on the surface, but in the dimensional planes of these planets) may be compared to a college within a