Kim O'Neill

The Way of Knowingness

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to explore what I refer to as the “Five Guiding Principles of Spiritual Destiny.”

       “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

      Harriet Tubman (c. 1820-1913; Civil War nurse, suffragist, Civil Rights activist)

      The Five Guiding Principles

      BEFORE ANY SPIRITUAL being leaves heaven for a lifetime on the earthly plane, he must make a series of vital decisions that will chart his course and determine what he will be able to accomplish.

      The decisions you make regarding your upcoming itinerary in this life center on the issues you still have left to resolve. Your decisions are reached along with other souls who are also choosing to return to the earthly plane and with whom you plan to interact. In addition, your plans take into account the existing level of enlightenment you earned from past earthly incarnations and what this enlightenment will allow you to accomplish as a life’s work.

      The course you chart will allow you to achieve as much as possible on your earthly journey, although you may be sidetracked from time to time by emotional upheavals, physical illness, and other obstacles.

      Have you ever wondered if destiny actually represents an inescapable series of preordained events that propel you inevitably toward certain people, places, or things? Or, is your destiny more accurately defined as a series of open-ended opportunities that you can accomplish by exercising free will?

      Destiny can best be described as the blueprint of achievable goals you create for each earthly lifetime that forms your purpose and direction. While each spiritual goal you are meant to achieve is preordained from the moment of birth, the method you employ to accomplish each goal is open entirely to choice and free will.

      Although the spiritual destiny that forms the depth and substance of an earthly life is predetermined by each individual soul before birth, how he goes about fulfilling it is up to him. Therefore, despite the fact that you have already specifically created your unique blueprint for this lifetime, the way in which you accomplish it is absolutely a matter of your own awareness, initiative, and perseverance. I refer to the dynamics of your spiritual blueprint for each earthly lifetime as the Five Guiding Principles of Spiritual Destiny.

       The Five Guiding Principles of Spiritual Destiny

      • Life’s Work

      • Issues to Resolve

      • Spiritual Contracts

      • Awareness of Past Lifetimes

      • Preventive Maintenance of the Physical Body

      Each of the guiding principles represents a cornerstone in the foundation of your quality of life. It is only through accomplishing your spiritual agenda that you’ll feel a sense of self-worth, direction, and purpose in your life, allowing you to become empowered enough to build relationships with people who will help create joy, peace, and contentment in your everyday existence. Let’s explore each of the Five Guiding Principles of Spiritual Destiny.

       Principle One: Life’s Work

      Without exception, everyone currently living on the earthly plane has a very specific kind of work to accomplish. Your life’s work represents your purpose in this lifetime, which is one of the most important missions you came to earth to fulfill.

      Over the years, many of my clients have confided that they had always believed that their life’s work involved making a substantial difference in other people’s lives.

      What I have learned through my channeled sessions is that every soul is destined to make a difference in other people’s lives. We are all reborn on earth to make a significant contribution to the welfare and spiritual progress of other human beings and to leave something positive behind when we decide to return to our home in heaven. If you have already sensed that you have an important kind of work to do, I applaud your awareness! If, however, you remain unconvinced about your ability to meaningfully contribute to the world and make your presence known, you simply have not awakened to the nature of your life’s work.

      If you awaken to your purpose and then work systematically and persistently to fulfill it, you are guaranteed success, happiness, fulfillment, and abundance.

      But how is this accomplishment possible—when so many people work as hard as they do and never achieve success—or any kind of happiness? What about people who have attained what appears to be the absolute pinnacle of achievement but who are bored and miserable? If success and abundance are guaranteed to everyone, why aren’t more people happy and fulfilled?

      The answer is simple. No matter how skilled a person may be in a certain area, no matter how much money he makes, no matter how celebrated he is, no matter how many people may depend on him for their sustenance, he will never feel an ongoing, true sense of fulfillment if he has not discovered his life’s work. No level of affluence or recognition will satisfy the hunger one feels inside his soul if he is not navigating his intended path.

      Once we discover the right path, we have the power to manifest material abundance to enjoy a more comfortable life. Although we are all responsible for assisting others on their spiritual paths, we must never forget that we have a responsibility to self as well. Therefore, when we become aware of our purpose and continue to strive toward our spiritual goals, there is ultimately nothing that will obstruct our path to success. If we work through adversity, sidestep unnecessary obstacles, and remain focused on our goals, we are guaranteed success!

      Through the years, however, I have learned that it’s possible to have found the right path and still encounter plenty of adversity. The objective is to never give up. Use the adversity that you encounter to fuel your momentum rather than allowing it to be an excuse to become derailed.

      But how can you know exactly what your life’s work really is? There are two wonderful sources of information available to you. First, I recommend that you look inward and ask yourself the following question. “If I had only one year left in my life and I could work in any occupation—and I’d be assured of resounding success—what would I choose?”

      By answering this question, you’re getting in closer touch with your soul and all the information recorded in its memory bank about your current life’s work. You can be confident that you’re accessing soul information when you sense a passionate emotional feeling in response to your question. If you don’t feel any particular passion when you ask that question, perhaps you need to give yourself more time to become comfortable in accessing your feelings, particularly if you are more of a thinker than a feeler. You may also consider hypnosis, which may be a very valuable resource in opening the communication with your soul.

      The second option open to you is asking your guardian angels about your life’s work. From my experience, I can assure you that once you develop your channeling ability, you can learn exactly what you planned for yourself as a purpose, how you can successfully move into your life’s work, and how you can time the transition to make it as stress-free as possible. Having the ability to access such detailed and comprehensive information about your life’s work is one of the best incentives you’ll ever have for learning to channel!

      In many of our incarnations, we do not plan to perform our life’s work until we’ve reached our thirties or forties. Up to that point, we expect to be consumed by the business of resolving issues that often hamper forward movement and chances of success. Of course, there are obvious exceptions. Child actress Shirley Temple found the path of her very extraordinary life’s work in Hollywood—at the ripe old age of three—in the 1930’s.

      As a side note, I recognize that retrieving information from the soul takes some practice, as does building the ability to channel, and I have developed several practice exercises that are included at the end of this book.

      Next, to further your awareness, I’ve created