grate, (camp stove—already listed under camping gear section), cooking spices, cooking oil, Dutch oven, frying pan and pots (best if they’re cast iron), unbreakable dishes, eating utensils, camp-style coffee maker, mixing bowls (metal can be used to cook with), spatula, stir spoon, metal drinking cups, can openers, dish soap, dish towel, matches or lighters—there’s NO such thing as too many matches, scrubbing pads, buckets, zip-lock bags, tin foil, plastic wrap, hot pads and canned goods.
Clothing: Hiking boots/high top tennis shoes, socks, stocking cap, gloves, jacket, bandana, extra changes of clothes and underwear—always plan ahead for clothing appropriate to your climate zone and don’t count on warm weather if your area has distinct seasons. Many of us have been caught in a freak snowfall, especially in mountainous areas. Never assume that summertime means packing shorts and T-shirts!
Hygiene Products: Shampoo, body soap, solar camp shower, hand lotion, razor, feminine pads, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, liquid laundry soap, clothes pegs and clothesline (already mentioned under camping gear).
Car Repair & Navigation: Spare tire, jack and lug wrench, fix-a-flat, street and topographical maps, compass, extra motor oil, jumper cables, basic toolkit and battery-run air pump.
List of Suggested Suppliers and Reading Material
Note: Although the author has studied, and in some cases ordered from the following suggested sites, it is always wise to do your own research for the best pricing and availability for your geographic location. At the time of the publication of Survival: Prepare Before Disaster Strikes, each site listed was operational.
Suggested Courses
Red Cross
Emergency Kit Supplies
First Aid Supplies
Emergency Plans and Utility Shut-Off
Fire Extinguisher Basics
Chimney Fire Information
Wood Burning Devices & Hot Water Installation
Driving Safety and Emergency Preparedness
EMP: Electromagnetic Pulse
What to Do During Storms and Flooding
Recommended Reference Books and Articles
How to Stay Alive in the Woods by Bradford Angier
Ramifications of Cyber Attack on the U.S. Grid—Article
Boy Scouts Handbook Note: try to find an edition written before 1970 for best content.
First Aid (American Red Cross Handbook) Responding to Emergencies
Hesparian Health Guides—some have free PDF downloads. Others may be available upon request
Free Downloads
Nuclear War Survival