href="#fb3_img_img_2c0a0923-308d-52cd-8dc7-0a99ad58d081.jpg" alt="image"/> Whenever you file something that is related to an action you must take in the future, make a note about it on one of your to-do lists immediately, so that it doesn’t become a casualty of “out of sight, out of mind.”
The following are a few common types of files you might keep:
One manager keeps a purple file of little things that have to get done, like taxes, letters to be mailed, or an audit that needs to be sent out to somebody.
What other types of files do you have?
Do you have any thin files that you might be able to eliminate or combine with others? If so, which ones?
Do you have any files that you haven’t needed to access for several months, which could possibly be eliminated or moved to archives? If so, which ones?
Your filing system should be manageable and simple. It should not be chaotic or overcrowded. Your filing system is a foundational element of your work environment and you should feel completely comfortable with it. Smooth information retrieval affords you a sense of ease and control.
Occasionally, you may find yourself working with a standard company form that documents information you don’t really need, or information that’s duplicated elsewhere. Perhaps this form could be combined with another existing form, or even eliminated.
Minimizing paperwork saves time and energy. A lot of forms generate more work than they save. Be on the lookout for unnecessary reports and forms, and cull them from your workspace.
If you don’t have the authority to do away with an unnecessary form or reporting mechanism, tell someone who does have the authority why eliminating this superfluous paperwork could benefit your organization by improving efficiency.