One of the most important criteria specific to citizenship is of course the overall reputation of the country and its passport. It is futile to obtain a second passport if the country has a poor reputation at a regional and international level, and if therefore its passport is not well regarded and does not afford much visa-free travel.
16 See for example Torpey (2000) or Lloyd (2005)
17 See The Henley & Partners Visa Restrictions Index (HVRI) 2011;
18 This can happen even to citizens of small and generally neutral countries, like Danish citizens have experienced following the publication of Mohammed cartoons in the Jyllands-Posten newspaper in Denmark on 30 September 2005
19 See Betten (1998) and the chapter in this book by Professor Langer on relinquishment of U.S. citizenship.
20 As an example, the Maltese Permanent Residence Scheme has been abruptly suspended by the Government in 2010, and following a review of the program new, stricter conditions and higher taxes were imposed.
21 For example in St. Kitts and Nevis
22 Although some countries, such as the United Kingdom or New Zealand, have introduced limits to the ius sanguinis rule, i.e. the passing on of citizenship infinitely through blood line.
23 Some countries even do not allow you to give up your citizenship unless you have another one
24 For example in the UAE, Malaysia, China and many other countries, there are many minority groups which are resident there but are prevented from acquiring citizenship of the country they live in
25 in some Swiss Cantons for example, you have to pass an “integration” test, which means that you may need to learn some Swiss history and other things deemed useful to qualify for the privilege to apply for Swiss citizenship. In some Asian countries, if you are not of that particular ethnic origin, your chances of ever being granted citizenship are close to zero
26 See the chapter by Professor Weil for further information on this
27 Ireland for example
28 For a good overview see Bauman (2009) and
29 For an in-depth discussion of these three options see Part IV
30 For example Montenegro, Bulgaria, Cyprus and others.
31 Montenegro for example granted citizenship to the controversial former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on the basis of a mere promise to invest in the country.
32 Panama, under its retiree residence program
33 Tonga and a couple of African countries
34 For more information see the website of the Ministry of Interior of Iceland
35 as it happened in Costa Rica during many years
36 The information is based on the author’s own interpretation of citizenship legislation in the relevant countries; for a definitive assessment of the legal situation and possible exemptions, it is necessary to seek legal advice from a specialist in the relevant country
37 Persons may retain their former citizenship only if they apply to do so prior to taking out another citizenship (Beibehaltungsgenehmigung). Otherwise dual citizenship is generally not allowed, and if another citizenship is acquired Austrian citizenship is lost ex lege.
38 You may become an Egyptian citizen only if they apply to do so prior to acquiring another citizenship. Otherwise dual citizenship is generally not allowed, and if another citizenship is acquired the Egyptian citizenship is lost ex lege.
39 Persons may retain their German citizenship only if they apply to do so prior to obtaining another citizenship (Beibehaltungsgenehmigung). Otherwise dual citizenship is generally not allowed, and if another citizenship is acquired voluntarily German citizenship is lost ex lege.
40 According to Chapter 14, Annex J-Article 6* of 1951 Pakistani Nationality Law and the amendments 1952, 1972, 1973 and 2000 stated that holding dual citizenship was not permitted. But now the government of Pakistan, based on bilateral treaties signed by Pakistan, recognizes and allows its citizens to also hold citizenships of 16 countries, including of the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Belgium, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, the United States, Switzerland, and others.
41 Spain has dual citizenship treaties with Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Argentina, and Honduras. Spanish citizens residing in these countries do not lose their citizenship if they adopt that citizenship. For all other countries, Spanish citizenship is revoked upon the acquisition of foreign citizenship.
42 In the case of the Czech Republic two specific exceptions apply. Most importantly in case of restoration of the Czech citizenship (while keeping the one possessed to date, for example U.S. citizenship) when the citizenship of former Czechoslovakia was illegally taken away between1948-1990 by the Communist regime or without losing the Slovak one