Ernest Nullmeyer

How I Triumphed Over Multiple Traumas

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      Book design by Burst Impressions

      Printed at Essence Publishing, Belleville

      All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of the publishers.

      Unless otherwise marked Scripture is taken from Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. • Scriptures marked (NKJV) are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. • Scriptures marked (KJV) are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version, which is in the public domain. • Scriptures marked (WEB) are taken from the World English Bible which is in the public domain.

      Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

      Nullmeyer, Ernie, author

       How I Triumphed Over Multiple Traumas

       / Ernie Nullmeyer.

      ISBN 978-1-927355-21-3 (softcover)

       1. Nullmeyer, Ernie. 2. Success. 3. Autobiographies.

      I. Title.

      BF637.S8N85 2017 158.1 C2017-905410-4





       Part One: Traumas Revealed

      1. Loss of My Chosen Vocation

      2. Loss of Employment

      3. Loss of Employment Again

      4. Loss of My Beloved First Wife

      5. Loss of My Beloved Son

      6. “Loss” of My Beloved Wife Through Alzheimer’s

       Part Two: Traumas Relieved


       Chapter 1: Traumas Relieved Through Three Principles

      1 Accept the Circumstances

      2. Adapt to the Circumstances

      3. Advance in Spite of the Circumstances

       Chapter 2: Traumas Relieved Through Seven Pillars

      1. A Strong Faith

      2. A Light Spirit

      3. A Gratitude-Attitude

      4. A Multiplicity of Diversions

      5. A Healthy Lifestyle

      6. An Altruistic Spirit

      7. Family and Friends


      1 Bad Things and God’s Will

      2 Death’s Sting “Be Gone!”

      3 Praise and Worship

      4 Living Happily Ever After


      Dedicated to my beloved son Kevin

      who completed his earthly journey

      and commenced his eternal journey

      August 9, 2010

      “I will go to him, but he will not return to me.”

      (2 Samuel 12:23)

      And to my beloved grandchildren,

      who keep their grandpa “young in spirit”





      Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget

      the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart

      as long as you live. Teach them to your children and

      to their children after them.

      (Deuteronomy 4:9)


      Often when I am out and about and people discover my age and see evidence of how unusually healthy I am in my eighties, I will get asked something like “What is your secret?” My response is always “I don’t know if there’s any secret to it, but I do have three principles and seven pillars that I live by, and of course a little good fortune is involved as well.” As time is usually of the essence when I am asked that question, I decided it was time for me to put into print those principles and pillars that have enabled me—in spite of many traumatic experiences—to enjoy a healthy, joyous life.

      I say “in spite of” because it’s easy to look at someone like me who has a sunny, effervescent, insouciant approach to life and assume that the person has never had any bad experiences to deal with. I guess the old cliché is appropriate here: “You can’t tell a book by its cover.” Often after I have preached a sermon on the subject of pain and shared a number of my painful experiences, someone will say to me on the way out, “I always assumed you hadn’t had any painful experiences.” You see, it’s not so much what we have to deal with in life but how we deal with it that matters!

      That is what this book is about. Life is a long, winding, uncertain road, and none of us knows what’s around the bend for us; nor in many cases would we want to know. I’m sure we can all agree that “The greatest certainty in life is uncertainty” (a Nully Nugget).

      Readers may wonder where that designation “Nully Nugget” originated. I had the pleasure of having five Dutch sisters work for my decorating company, and when new employees would come on board, they would often ask, “What should we call the boss? Shall we call him ‘Reverend’ or ‘Mr. Nullmeyer’ or what?” The sisters got together and decided that my new title and nickname would be “Nully,” and I liked it. The “Nugget” idea came from my son Kevin, who had a master’s degree in marketing and was always full of great new ideas. I liked it, and it stuck.

      Speaking of my beloved son Kevin brings forth another reason I have written this book. Kevin often urged me to put my Nully Nuggets into print and also to write a follow-up to my memoirs. He would say, “Dad, you have had a lot of losses in your life, and yet you just keep on smiling and singing. I think that writing about those losses and yet coming through them without being bitter would be a great inspiration to people.” I thought for a long time about taking Kevin up on his advice but kept putting it off as I knew it would take an incredible amount of time and energy to write a book that I could be proud of and people would want to read. I just kept mulling around in my mind what the title of the book would be and what the structure would look like.

      And then came the moment when I sat down at my computer and commenced putting my thoughts into words. That moment was about a week after family and friends had gathered to celebrate Kevin’s life. That very sad story is related in part 1, Traumas Revealed, chapter 5, “Loss of My Beloved Son.” I kept asking God, “How am I going to get over this one?” And then the answer came loud and clear into my mind and spirit: “Start writing that book Kevin talked to you about and dedicate it to him.”

      So one morning—bright