Britain. Quill, Solitary APPARITION, published by The Post-Apollo Press in Sausalito, California. Served as Judge for the America Awards and the Columbia Book Award. Received the Josephine Miles Award for Poetry for Selected Poems; the Fund for Poetry Award, and the America Awards for Literature in the Best Poetry category for Quill, Solitary APPARITION. Gave the Gertrude Clarke Whitthall Lecture at the Library of Congress. Recorded Barbara Guest Recording Her Poems in the Mumford Room at the Library of Congress and Barbara Guest Reading Her Poems for the Lannan Foundation.
Works by Barbara Guest
The Location of Things. New York: Tibor de Nagy, 1960.
Poems: The Location of Things, Archaics, The Open Skies. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1962.
The Blue Stairs. New York: Corinth Books, 1968.
Moscow Mansions. New York: Viking Press, 1973.
The Countess from Minneapolis. Providence, R.I.: Burning Deck, 1976, reprint 1991.
The Türler Losses. Montreal: Mansfield Book Mart, 1979.
Biography. Providence, R.I.: Burning Deck, 1980.
Quilts. New York: Vehicle Editions, 1980.
Fair Realism. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1989, reprint 1995.
Defensive Rapture. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1993.
Selected Poems. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1995. Cover collage by Barbara Guest.
Quill, Solitary APPARITION. Sausalito, Calif.: Post-Apollo Press, 1996.
Rocks on a Platter: Notes on Literature. Hanover, N.H.: Wesleyan University Press, 1999. Cover collage by Barbara Guest.
If So, Tell Me. London: Reality Street Editions, 1999.
The Confetti Trees. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1999.
Outside of This, That Is. Calais, Vt.: Z Press, 1999.
Miniatures and Other Poems. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 2002. Cover collage by Barbara Guest.
The Red Gaze. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 2005. Cover art by Barbara Guest.
Seeking Air: A Novel. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Black Sparrow, 1978; reprint, Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1997.
Herself Defined. The Poet H.D. and Her World. New York: Quill, William Morrow, 1984.
Herself Defined. The Poet H.D. and Her World. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1984.
Herself Defined. The Poet H.D. and Her World. London: Collins, 1985.
Herself Defined. The Poet H.D. and Her World. Tucson, Ariz.: Schaffner Press, Inc., 2003.
Robert Goodnough, Painter. (With B. H. Friedman.) Paris: Georges Fall, 1962.
I Ching: Poems and Lithographs. (With artist Sheila Isham.) Paris: Mourlot Art Editions, 1969.
The Nude. (With watercolors by artist Warren Brandt; includes Barbara Guest’s poem “The Nude”.) New York: International Editions, 1986.
Musicality. (With artist June Felter.) Berkeley: Kelsey St. Press, 1988.
The Altos. (With artist Richard Tuttle.) San Francisco: Hank Hine Editions, 1991.
Stripped Tales. (With artist Anne Dunn—see also her cover for Barbara Guest’s If So, Tell Me.) Berkeley: Kelsey St. Press, 1995.
Etruscan Reader VI. (With Robin Blaser and Lee Harwood.) South Devonshire, England: Etruscan Books, 1998.
Strings. (With artist Ann Slacik.) St. Denis, France: 1999: Limited, handmade copies by Ann Slacik.
The Luminous. (With artist Jane Moorman—see also Barbara Guest’s poem “The Luminous” in If So, Tell Me.) Palo Alto, Calif.: 1999. One copy, handmade.
Often. (With Kevin Killian.) Produced in San Francisco by Poets Theater, California College of the Arts and Crafts, 2000.
Symbiosis. (With artist Laurie Reid.) Berkeley: Kelsey St. Press, 2000.
Art Criticism:
Dürer in the Window, Reflexions on Art. New York: Roof Books, 2003.
Forces of Imagination: Writing on Writing. Berkeley: Kelsey St. Press, 2003.
The Ladies’ Choice, produced in New York at Artists Theater, 1953.
The Office, produced in New York at Café Cino, 1963.
Port, produced in New York at American Theater for Poets, 1965.
Port, produced in San Francisco by Poets Theater, California College of the Arts and Crafts, 2000.
Ninth Street, New