the federal bureaucracy. The losers would be patriots “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” dumb enough to believe even today in the US Constitution and the freedoms our Founding Fathers bequeathed to all subsequent generations of Americans. With the willing complicity of globalists, central bankers, intelligence operatives, and military leaders around the world, Hillary planned to perpetuate the Clinton Foundation for decades to come as a vast criminal enterprise, designed to enrich Bill, Hillary, Chelsea, and their descendants into perpetuity.
As radical socialists in sympathy with Muslim radicals gained control of the Democratic Party, Hillary’s 2016 presidential campaign championed a hard-left brand of identity politics. The goal of her “antihate” agenda was to undermine what is left of the American Republic. What Hillary and the hard-left ideology she embraced aimed to destroy was the Judeo-Christian ethics and the free enterprise principles that have been keys to the success of the American experiment.
What is at stake today is not just the presidency of Donald J. Trump but the very survival a United States of America that allows the Constitution and our fundamental freedoms to continue for future generations.
To “kill” the Deep State, Donald J. Trump must defeat Robert Mueller’s plan to remove him from office one way or the other—either by impeachment or by declaring him mentally unfit under the terms of the 25th Amendment. To save his presidency, Trump must expose a host of criminally cunning Deep State political operatives as enemies to the Constitution, including John Brennan, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, and Robert Mueller—as well as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
The NSA spying on the American people must end now. The CIA must finally be “broken up into a thousand pieces,” as John F. Kennedy swore in a promise that cost him his life. Trump must not delay in “draining the swamp” at the FBI, the DOJ, and the IRS in addition to the CIA. President Trump must end the Deep State’s control of the international drug trade, even if doing so requires legalizing a wide range of drugs that can be controlled as we control alcohol today.
Under the past four presidencies, the United States has been the leading nation competing in the international arms trade. President Trump must make certain that no secretary of state will ever repeat Hillary Clinton’s secret plan to use the Department of State as a cover to destabilize nations like Libya or to subsequently run guns illegally through Libya to equip al-Qaeda terrorists fighting in Syria.
President Trump must direct the FBI and the Department of Justice to return to their duly constituted duties of faithfully executing and enforcing laws on the books, including laws regarding illegal immigration.
The bloated bureaucracy with its Clinton and Obama holdovers operates today as a fourth branch of government, enacting its own laws by inventing thousands of rules and regulations. Trump must end this leftist monster, firing bureaucrats by the thousands and closing departments pursuing their own ideological agendas.
Trump must put an end to the Federal Reserve System and its bubble-generating fiat currency before central bankers have time to execute their plan of plunging the global economy into a nightmare of global economic depression. The IRS must be disbanded, as the American people reject both the Federal Reserve system and the income tax as unconstitutional pillars on which Deep State globalists and central bankers depend to finance their evil, unconstitutional shadow government.
While all this will not be accomplished in one year, or perhaps even in one term, President Trump must begin. This is a war Trump can win, even though as in the general election itself, the odds are against him. But to win this war, the “Trump Train” must gain momentum against the Deep State, proving once again that the so-called basket of deplorables are yet a formidable force, capable of defeating even the Deep State’s well-established and well-financed traitors.
We patriots must today resolve that we are once again the last, best hope to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States and fundamental freedoms we have been bequeathed as Americans. In moments of doubt, we must always recall the fundamental truism of our yet uncertain existence on this small planet: in the end, God wins.
Let us persist in our resolve that by supporting President Trump, we have chosen to be on the right side of history.
Let us join President Trump in making America great again.
With the help of God, we the deplorables pray we will be able to propel President Trump to victory in this project of killing of the Deep State that we have undertaken together.
This man cannot be president.
—Lisa Page, FBI agent, March 2016
THROUGHOUT 2017, DESPITE NO clear evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, the mainstream media continued the negative drumbeat. Obsessed with coverage of FBI Director Comey’s firing as obstruction of justice, the mainstream media and Deep State forces glossed over Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s own conflict of interest in the case. Rosenstein picked the prosecutor to investigate Comey’s firing even though Rosenstein himself played a central role in that firing. But by the end of 2017, the Deep State’s grip on the coverage took a shocking turn, with proof of anti-Trump forces at work in the FBI.
The turn came with an investigation that Michael Horowitz, the inspector general of the Department of Justice, undertook to determine if preelection bias among top officials in the DOJ caused them to make decisions favorable to Hillary Clinton and prejudicial to Donald Trump.
On or about December 12, 2017, in advance of General Horowitz releasing emails from top DOJ officials to fulfill an oversight request of the House Judiciary Committee, the Department of Justice—without consulting with General Horowitz—turned over 375 text messages exchanged between FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page.1 These messages quickly moved to the center of an intensifying argument by Republican members of Congress that members of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe were biased against President Trump.
The 375 released text messages opened up a floodgate of information that strongly suggested the FBI and DOJ had conspired to prevent Hillary Clinton from being prosecuted over her email scandal while simultaneously setting up the pretext that Donald Trump’s campaign had colluded with Russia to prevent Trump from serving as president should he win the 2016 election.
The Smoking Gun Text Message
In total, General Horowitz obtained some 10,000 text messages exchanged between Strzok and Page over their government-issued cell phones from August 2015 to December 2016. The intensity of the anti-Trump hate sentiment shared by Strzok and Page was perhaps magnified by the extramarital affair the two were enjoying while the text messages were exchanged. Also at that time, both Strzok and Page were working on Mueller’s special prosecutor team. Strzok had played a lead role in conducting the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.
In August 2015, Page wrote to Strzok, “I just saw my first Bernie Sander [sic] bumper sticker. Made me want to key the car.” Strzok replied, “He’s an idiot like Trump. Figure they cancel each other out.” In March 2016, Strzok wondered whether Trump would be a worse president than Senator Ted Cruz. Page answered, “Trump? Yes, I think so.” Strzok then added that Trump is “awful” and “an idiot.” Strzok called the Republican National Convention in Cleveland “pathetic.” In a longer message, Strzok complained, “He [Trump] appears to have no ability to experience reverence which I [sic] the foundation for any capacity to admire or serve anything bigger than self to want to learn about anything beyond self, to want to know and deeply honor the people around you.” Page wrote back, “He’s not ever going