| ISBN 9781544388021 (paperback) | ISBN 9781544388038 (pdf) | ISBN 9781544388045 (epub)
Subjects: LCSH: Sociology.
Classification: LCC HM585 .R567 2021 | DDC 301—dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019028925
This book is printed on acid-free paper.
Acquisitions Editor: Jeff Lasser
Content Development Editor: Anna Villarruel
Editorial Assistant: Tiara Beatty
Marketing Manager: Will Walter
Production Editor: Veronica Stapleton Hooper
Copy Editor: Renee Willers
Typesetter: C&M Digitals (P) Ltd.
Proofreader: Barbara Coster
Indexer: Judy Hunt
Cover Designer: Candice Harman
Brief Contents
4 Chapter 1: An Introduction to Sociology in the Global Age
5 Chapter 2: Thinking About and Researching the Social World
7 Chapter 4: Socialization and Interaction
8 Chapter 5: Organizations, Societies, and Global Relationships
9 Chapter 6: Deviance and Crime
10 Chapter 7: Social Stratification in the United States and Globally
11 Chapter 8: Race and Ethnicity
12 Chapter 9: Gender and Sexuality
14 Chapter 11: Education and Religion
15 Chapter 12: Politics and the Economy
16 Chapter 13: The Body, Medicine, Health, and Health Care
17 Chapter 14: Population, Urbanization, and the Environment
18 Chapter 15: Social Change, Social Movements, and Collective Action
19 Glossary
20 References: Chapter-Opening Vignettes
21 References: Comprehensive List
22 Index
Detailed Contents
4 Chapter 1: An Introduction to Sociology in the Global AgeLearning ObjectivesA Sociology of Revolutions and CounterrevolutionsThe Changing Nature of the Social World—and SociologyCentral Concerns for a Twenty-First-Century SociologyGlobalizationConsumptionMcDonaldizationCritiquing Consumption• Trending: The McDonaldization of SocietyThe Digital WorldDigital Living: Blogging and Tweeting about SociologyGlobalization, Consumption, the Digital World, and YouSociology: Continuity and ChangeThe Sociological ImaginationPrivate Troubles and Public IssuesThe Micro–Macro RelationshipThe Agency–Structure RelationshipThe Social Construction of RealitySocial Structures and ProcessesSociology’s Purpose: Science or Social Reform?Sociology, the Other Social Sciences, and Common SenseSummaryKey TermsReview Questions
5 Chapter 2: Thinking About and Researching the Social WorldLearning ObjectivesDo Sociological Theory and Research Help Us Understand Today’s Overheated Politics?Theorizing the Social WorldClassical Sociological TheoryKarl MarxMax WeberÉmile DurkheimGeorg SimmelW. E. B. Du Bois• Trending: The Scholar DeniedThorstein VeblenContemporary Sociological TheoryStructural/Functional TheoriesStructural–FunctionalismStructuralismConflict/Critical TheoriesConflict TheoryCritical TheoryFeminist TheoryQueer TheoryCritical Theories of Race and RacismPostmodern TheoryInter/Actionist TheoriesSymbolic InteractionismEthnomethodologyExchange TheoryRational Choice TheoryResearching the Social WorldThe Scientific MethodSociological ResearchQualitative and Quantitative ResearchObservational ResearchParticipant and Nonparticipant ObservationEthnographyDigital Living: NetnographyInterviewsTypes of InterviewsThe Interview ProcessSurvey ResearchTypes of SurveysSamplingExperimentsSecondary Data AnalysisHistorical-Comparative MethodContent AnalysisIssues in Social ResearchReliability and ValidityResearch EthicsPhysical and Psychological HarmIllegal ActsViolation of Trust• Trending: On the RunObjectivity, or “Value-Free” SociologySummaryKey TermsReview Questions
6 Chapter 3: CultureLearning ObjectivesA Reflection of U.S. CultureA Definition of CultureThe Basic Elements of CultureValuesNormsMaterial CultureSymbolic Culture and LanguageCultural DifferencesIdeal and Real CultureIdeologySubculturesCounterculturesCulture WarsMulticulturalism and Assimilation• Trending: The Left BehindIdentity PoliticsCultural Relativism and EthnocentrismGlobal CultureThe Globalization of ValuesCultural ImperialismConsumer CultureChildren in a Consumer CultureNontraditional Settings for ConsumptionA Postconsumer Culture?Culture JammingCybercultureDigital Living: NetiquetteSummaryKey TermsReview Questions
7 Chapter 4: Socialization and InteractionLearning ObjectivesSocialization and VarianceThe Individual and the SelfSymbolic Interaction and Development of the SelfHumans and NonhumansSymbolic InteractionMind and SelfThe Generalized OtherThe “I” and the “Me”The Individual as PerformerImpression Management• Trending: Alone TogetherFront and Back StageSocializationChildhood SocializationFamilyPeersGenderMass Media and New MediaDigital Living: CyberbullyingConsumer CultureAdult SocializationWorkplacesTotal InstitutionsOther Aspects of Adult SocializationInteractionSuperordinate-Subordinate InteractionsReciprocity and Exchange“Doing” InteractionInteraction OrderStatus and RoleMicro-Level Social StructuresInterpersonal RelationshipsSocial