Malcolm Doney


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61 ‘Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public’

       62 Question everything

       63 Take a day off

       64 Kiss the ground

       65 Find your own way home

       66 When you fail – come clean

       67 Be enchanted

       68 Pay attention

       69 Expect the unexpected

       70 Love is a verb

       71 Come to Jesus

       72 Make big decisions slowly and small decisions fast

       73 See the entire universe in the meal you’re about to eat

       74 Disorientate yourself

       75 Thanks will be enough

       76 Get religion

       77 Make yourself up

       78 Shhhh...

       79 Share this bread

       80 Become your best self

       81 Take the overview

       82 Light a candle

       83 Practise resurrection

       84 Put down roots

       85 Live your way into a new kind of thinking

       86 Let evening come

       87 Everybody worships

       88 Lighten up

       89 You’ll never walk alone

       90 Take the journey with the dead guy

       91 Replay the day

       92 Make your mark

       93 Live in the long now

       94 Believe it or not

       95 Create a clearing

       96 Blessed are the crazy ones, the rebels, the misfits

       97 Travel light

       98 Let go

       99 All you need is love


       Copyright Acknowledgements




      What does a good life look like and where can I get one?

      There’s nothing novel about this question, but the answer remains as elusive as ever. When questions about the meaning of life are answered convincingly, we’re quite likely not to notice. That’s because the ‘answer’ comes as often from the exemplary lives of shining individuals as it does from the advice of books or the words of teachers.

      Still, every day we’re surrounded by questions as old as the human race, and the clues we find in one generation may not resonate so much with the next:

      Why is there something rather than nothing?

      What is this thing called love?

      Why am I sometimes such a bastard?

      Why did she have to get sick?

      How come music makes me cry?

      ... come to think of it, what’s this life all about?

      For a few thousand years, we might have looked to find answers to questions such as these in churches or synagogues, in mosques or temples. The great households of religion often claimed to have a monopoly on truth.

      But then more and more of us stopped believing in them, stopped belonging to them.

      Today, many of us don’t really do religion like that. We may be fine sitting in the tranquility of some ancient house of prayer, but we’ll probably slip off if anything resembling a service begins. We don’t like to be told what to believe. We’re shy of certainty, suspicious of authority.

      Sometimes institutional religion itself seems to obscure the truths it lays claim to, worrying that people might interpret them in their own way, in their own lives. The gatekeepers of the faith traditions lose sleep over the terrifying prospect of their brand being diluted. It can feel like they’d rather keep people out than invite them in; that their preoccupations and anxieties are not those of the rest of us. This rigidity was summed up by the singer and activist Bono: ‘In the war between the church and God, sadly, the church is winning.’1

      But if many of us feel disconnected from formal religion, still we retain a longing for some deeper, richer narrative by which to navigate our days. We’re inveterately curious, and open to ideas. We haven’t closed the door on life’s strange mysteries. How the big moments – the birth of a child, say, or the death of a friend – can leave us wondering about how to live in the small moments.

      How to forgive someone.

      If love is worth it.

      What is enough?

      Why people pray.

      The authors of this book (that’s us) have grown up in quirky, generous, god-haunted