John Skelton

The Poetical Works of John Skelton (Vol. 1&2)

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      Miseremini mei, ye that be my frendis!

      What creature is borne to be eternall?

      Thus say I Edward, that late was youre kynge,

      Some vnto pleasure, and some to no lykynge:

      Mercy I aske of my mysdoynge;

      Sith I can not resyst, nor amend your complaining?

       Quia, ecce, nunc in pulvere dormio!

      I slepe now in molde, as it is naturall

      What ordeyned God to be terestryall,

      Sith that in this world nothing may indure?

      For now am I gone, that late was in prosperyte: 20

      To presume thervppon, it is but a vanyte,

      Reygned not I of late in greate felycite?

       Et, ecce, nunc in pulvere dormio!

      Where was in my lyfe such one as I,

      Whyle lady Fortune with me had continuaunce?

      Graunted not she me to haue victory,

      In England to rayne, and to contribute Fraunce?

      She toke me by the hand and led me a daunce,

      And with her sugred lyppes on me she smyled; 30

      But, what for her dissembled countenaunce,

      I coud not beware tyl I was begyled:

      Now from this world she hath me excyled,

      When I was lothyst hens for to go,

      And I am in age but, as who sayth, a chylde,

       Et, ecce, nunc in pulvere dormio!

      And hathe me made, to ȝow that be my perys,

      Example to thynke on Had I wyst: 40

      With taskys takynge of the comenalte;

      I toke ther tresure, but of ther prayȝeris mist;

      Whom I beseche with pure humylyte

      For to forgeve and have on me pety;

      I was ȝour kynge, and kept ȝow from ȝowr foo:

      I wold now amend, but that wull not be,

       [Quia,] ecce, nunc in pulvere dormio!

      I had ynough, I held me not content,

      Without remembraunce that I should dye; 50

      I knew not how longe I should it occupy:

      I made the Tower stronge, I wyst not why;

      I knew not to whom I purchased Tetersall;

      I amendid Douer on the mountayne hye,

      And London I prouoked to fortify the wall;

      Yet at the last I went from them all,

      Et, ecce, nunc in pulvere dormio! 60

      Where is now my conquest and victory?

      Where is my riches and my royal aray?

      Wher be my coursers and my horses hye?

      O lady Bes, longe for me may ye call!

      But loue ye that Lorde that is soueraygne of all.

      Where be my castels and buyldynges royall?

      But Windsore alone, now I haue no mo, 70

      And of Eton the prayers perpetuall,

       Et, ecce, nunc in pulvere dormio!

      Why should a man be proude or presume hye?

      Sainct Bernard therof nobly doth trete,

      And shall returne vnto wormis mete.

      Why, what cam of Alexander the greate?

      Or els of stronge Sampson, who can tell?

      And of Salomon, that was of wyt the well? 80

      Absolon profferyd his heare for to sell,

      Yet for al his bewte wormys ete him also;

      And I but late in honour dyd excel,

       Et, ecce, nunc in pulvere dormio!