See notes.
[367] the] So other eds. Not in Kele’s ed.
[368] is] Not in other eds.
[369] gaunce] Other eds. “gaunte.”
[370] cormoraunce] Other eds. “cormoraunte.”
[371] The route and the kowgh] See notes.
[372] wilde] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “wynde.”
[373] water hen] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “wather hen.”
[374] puffin] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “pussyn.”
[375] No] Kitson’s ed. “Nor.”
[376] doth freat] So Marshe’s ed. Other eds. “so great.”
[377] Ga] Marshe’s ed. “Fa.”
[378] cought] Other eds. “caught.”
[379] tought] Other eds. “taught.”
[380] nightly] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “nyghly.”
[381] summes] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “sumes.”
[382] a] Not in other eds.
[383] reflary] Qy. “reflayre?”
[384] eyre] Other eds. “ayre.”
[385] to] Not in Marshe’s ed.
[386] Whyles, &c.] So, perhaps, Skelton wrote: the line is imperfect in eds.
[387] the] Eds. “thye” and “thy.”
[388] gerfawcon] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “grefawcon.”
[389] the] Not in other eds.
[390] holy water] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “holy wather.”
[391] eis] I may just notice that here Skelton quotes literatim the Off. Defunct.
[392] re] So Kitson’s ed. Not in other eds.
[393] Tyll] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “Thyll.”
[394] desteny] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “destey.”
[395] to mynde] Kitson’s ed. “to mi mynde.”
[396] That] So Marshe’s ed. Other eds. “Thay” and “They.”
[397] comyne] Other eds. “commen” and “common.”
[398] Amund] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “Emund.”
[399] then] So Marshe’s ed. Other eds. “than.”
[400] of] Not in other eds.
[401] though] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “thought.”
[402] Hannyball] Other eds. “of Hannyball.”
[403] That] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “What.”
[404] unmerciful] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “mercyfull.”
[405] the] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “tha.”
[406] sweat] Eds. “smart.”
[407] Or] Kitson’s ed. “Or of.”
[408] Symonides] Eds. “Dymonides.”
[409] Philistion] Marshe’s ed. “Philiston.”
[410] elect] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “clere.”
[411] ornatly] Other eds. “ordinately.”
[412] told] Other eds. “is tolde.”
[413] No] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “Ne.”
[414] Flos volucrum, &c.] So these lines (each one cut into two) are given in the eds.