John Skelton

The Poetical Works of John Skelton (Vol. 1&2)

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Latin verses mentioned in a preceding page) has since been allowed to wander away from that ill-guarded collection.

      When Prince Henry was a boy of nine years old, Erasmus dedicated to him an ode De Laudibus Britanniæ, Regisque Henrici Septimi ac Regiorum Liberorum. The Dedication contains the following memorable encomium on Skelton; “Et hæc quidem interea tamquam ludicra munuscula tuæ pueritiæ dicavimus, uberiora largituri ubi tua virtus una cum ætate accrescens uberiorem carminum materiam suppeditabit. Ad quod equidem te adhortarer, nisi et ipse jamdudum sponte tua velis remisque (ut aiunt) eo tenderes, et domi haberes Skeltonum, unum Britannicarum literarum lumen ac decus, qui tua studia possit, non solum accendere, sed etiam consummare;” and in the Ode are these lines;

      “Jam puer Henricus, genitoris nomine lætus,

      Monstrante fonteis vate Skeltono sacros,

      The mother of Henry the Seventh, the Countess of Richmond and Derby, is well known to have used her utmost exertions for the advancement of literature: she herself translated some pieces from the French; and, under her patronage, several works (chiefly works of piety) were rendered into English by the most competent scholars of the time. It is to her, I apprehend, that Skelton alludes in the following passage of the Garlande of Laurell, where he mentions one of his lost performances;

      “Of my ladys grace at the contemplacyoun,

      Owt of Frenshe into Englysshe prose,

      Of Mannes Lyfe the Peregrynacioun,

(Easter term, 17. Henry vii.) Johanne Skelton vidue de regard. Domini Regis[64] iij. li. vj. s. viij. d.

      “Auctore Skelton, rectore de Dis.

      But the meaning evidently is, that the curate of Trumpington had written out the verses composed by the rector of Diss; and that the former had borrowed them from the latter for the purpose of transcription, is rendered probable by two lines which occur soon after among some minor pieces of our author;

      “Hanc volo transcribas, transcriptam moxque remittas