Chetan Parkyn

The Book of Destinies

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other elements) in complete detail. This book is concerned with your Life Theme. The name of your Life Theme includes the theme’s grouping (Personal, Fixed, or Interpersonal), the Sun’s Quarter (in parentheses), the Gate number, and a descriptive aspect according to the Sun’s placement.

      In the example above, the name of the Life Theme includes both a descriptive title (“Refinement”) and a grouping (“Interpersonal”). Life Themes have three particular groupings: “Personal,” “Fixed,” and “Interpersonal.” As you will see, each named “Personal” Life Theme has four variations, each named “Interpersonal” Life Theme has two variations, and each named “Fixed” Life Theme appears only once. The number in parentheses (4) relates to the Quarter of the sky in which the Sun is placed. The symbol for the Sun is and the symbol for Earth is .

      Although the other numbers influence your Life Theme, you can ignore them and focus on your Sun in Gate position. To find your Life Theme, locate your Sun in Gate position — 19 in this example — and then your grouping or kind of Life Theme: Personal, Fixed, or Interpersonal. Here’s how this example would appear in the table of contents:

       The Interpersonal Life Theme of Refinement (4)

      The superscript numbers (from 1 to 6) refer to the particular line placement within each IChing hexagram, or Human Design Gate.

      A full description of each line is given in our second book, The Book of Lines: A 21st Century View of the IChing, the Chinese Book of Changes.


      Each of the sixty-four genetic codons in the human makeup correspond to the sixty-four Sun Gate positions, and each has three kinds of Life Theme: “Personal,” “Fixed,” and “Interpersonal.”

      If yours is a Personal Life Theme, you are on a journey of self-discovery; you pursue a hands-on exploration of the multiplicity of interesting things that life offers. You break new bounds and are not always privy to the implications of the effects of your activities on others, whether in past, present, or future instances. Each Personal Life Theme appears four times at equally spaced, three-month intervals in a year. Thus, four variations of each Personal Life Theme appear in this book. Since some of the information is the same for each Personal Life Theme variation, this material is repeated each time for ease of reading.

      If you happen to have one of the very rare Fixed Life Themes, you hold a very specific characteristic of the human experience. You have an exact, fixed trajectory through life and must hold to that trajectory. In a world that is full of “good advice” — full of all kinds of rules and regulations, dogmas and creeds — it is important for those rare beings who have a Fixed Life Theme to know about it, honor it above all things, and stay true to it, regardless. Each of the sixty-four Fixed Life Themes happens during a space in time of just under three hours once a year, hence Fixed Life Themes are very particular and very rare.

      Those with an Interpersonal Life Theme take on a supervising role with other people, providing leadership and education, or taking on positions of authority in other people’s affairs. You often clean up other people’s messes and take charge, whether willingly because it appears to be easy and natural for you to do so or reluctantly because no one else is qualified to do it. Your role will naturally be as a guide, a way-shower, a teacher, a wise advisor, or a leader with the responsibility to advise others. Each Interpersonal Life Theme appears twice a year exactly six months apart. Thus, two variations of each Interpersonal Life Theme appear in this book. Since some of the information is the same for each Interpersonal Life Theme variation, this material is repeated each time for ease of reading.

      It must be understood that no Life Theme is any better or more important than any other. However, among the world’s population, Personal Life Themes appear more frequently than Interpersonal ones, and the Fixed Life Themes are much rarer.

      What is essential is to appreciate how very particular and refined your Life Theme is. Once you fully embrace your Life Theme, you naturally let go of resistance and needless entanglements. Accepting and indulging your Life Theme’s attributes will guide you to effortlessly embrace your unique journey through life. Once you have found it, sit quietly with your Life Theme.

      For the many people we have provided personal readings and mentoring to over the past two decades, a profound recognition is experienced upon first hearing about their Life Theme. Often our clients have tears running down their faces — tears of recognition, of relief, at finally having that ever-present longing in their heart and world named.


      In the Human Design system, Life Charts are categorized into five “Types.” These Types are identified by comparing which particular parts of the chart are defined (colored in) and which parts are undefined (colored white). Your Type is essentially a description of your overall nature, how you access and use energy to live your life easily. No one Type is better than any other, and all are described more fully in my previous book Human Design.

      The five Types are as follows: Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector.


      If you have a Manifestor Life Chart, activity is your way, whether it is yourself in motion or activating movement in others! Because you have a natural abundance of energy that catalyzes activity in the world around you, you manifest life to move toward wherever you set your intentions.

      As a Manifestor, you have consistent access to a uniquely powerful drive that creates results, and when you include others in your creations, you inspire a cooperative team of support. However, you can be so quick to act that you find yourself getting ahead of everybody else, often taking on others’ work and responsibilities to just “get it done.” And, having left everybody behind, you may find that they begin to hold resentment toward you! When you get impatient with others’ lack of speed or productivity and choose to take over their responsibilities, you’ll alienate those who could potentially assist in your endeavors.

      You may have noticed others’ silent concern over, even fear of, your manifesting power — how you can get things in motion, whereas they cannot. They may harbor concerns that you will manifest something that changes their lives completely and in ways they will not appreciate. They may even go so far as to block your movements and activities, causing you to either force your way through, put all your energy into avoiding them completely, or worse, give in and become their personal Manifestor, doing everything for them and nothing for yourself. When others appear uncertain about what you are going to do next, give them some information about your intentions, and you will find that, not only will they get out of your way, they may suddenly be keen to assist you. It can be a lot of fun being around a Manifestor! Who knows what might happen next?


      If you have a Generator Life Chart, then you possess the simplest process in that you are “designed to respond” to all of life’s offerings — before you engage your powerhouse energy. This response is something that comes from your lower belly, your Sacral Center, and can be described as a “gut response.” All Generator Life Charts have this inherent Sacral, gut response; however, this is not automatically