Agata Lubowicka

Mapping Ultima Thule

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at the universities of Gdańsk, Poznań, Cracow and Warsaw.77

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      Although these studies by Danish scholars rely on postcolonial theory, they exemplify the biographical approach to the study of Rasmussen’s works, which continues the prevalent tendency registered by Van der Liet and Surmatz in 2004. Only in recent years have the accounts of polar expeditions started to invite more literary-minded readings. Important studies in this respect include Den svenske Ikaros. Berättelserna om Andrée (2003), in which Per Rydén of the University of Lund focuses on discursive representations of the balloon expeditions of Swedish polar explorer Salomon August Andrée (1854–1897), and the PhD project completed by Silje Solheim Karlsen at the University of Tromsø in 2011. Her dissertation, entitled Triumf, lojalitet, avstand: Fridtjof Nansens Fram-ekspedisjon [1893–1896] – og bøker i dens kjølvann (2011), examined accounts of Fridtjof Nansen’s expedition to the Arctic Sea.

      As a result of an increased interest in the North Pole rivalry involving the countries that possess Arctic territories and in the role of Greenland in the context of global warming, polar themes are climbing their way out of the obscurity of the northern peripheries. It is likely only a matter of time before the humanities, including literary studies, develop a vigorous interest in the Arctic regions and their inhabitants.

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