4.2 Philosophical and Structural Divides
4.3 Legal Hierarchy of Trade and Human Rights Norms
4.4 Indispensable Role of Government
5 Who Belongs, Who Rules: Citizenship—Voice and Participation in the Global Marketplace
5.3 Citizenship in a Globalized World
5.4 Transnationalization of the Individual
5.5 The Transnational Corporation and the Rise of Economic Citizenship
6 Ecosystem Degradation and Economic Growth: Trade’s Unexploited Power to Improve Our Environment
6.2 Human Rights Framework
6.3 International Trade Framework
6.4 Processes or Production Methods (PPMs)
6.5 GATT’s Public Health and Welfare Clause
6.6 Harmonization of Product Standards: TBT Agreement
6.7 From Rio to Johannesburg: Sustainable Development Sues for Peace with Trade Rules
6.8 Natural Capitalism and the Equator Principles
6.9 Final Thoughts
7 Not Just a Question of Capital: Health and Human Well-Being
7.2 Human Rights Framework
7.3 International Trade Framework
7.4 SPS Agreement
7.5 Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
7.6 Using the WTO and Biosafety Protocol’s Health Provisions for Human Rights Ends
7.7 Health in the Americas and WTO’s TRIPS Agreement
7.8 Colorism and Health in the Americas
7.9 GATT’s General Exceptions and the Right to Health
7.10 Final Thoughts
8 Exploitation or Progress? Terms and Conditions of Labor
8.2 Human Rights Framework
8.3 International Trade Framework
8.4 How May GATT’s General Exceptions Heighten Labor Rights Compliance?
8.5 Relevance of the TBT Agreement
8.6 Trade and Labor in the Americas
8.7 Trade and Immigration
8.8 Colorism and Labor Rights
8.9 Role of Corporate Governance
8.10 Soft Landings: Retraining Assistance
8.11 Final Thoughts
9.2 Human Rights Framework
9.3 International Trade Framework
9.4 The Reality of Trafficking
9.5 The Ubiquity of Trafficking
9.6 The Faces of Trafficking
9.7 Final Thoughts
10 Bebel Redux: The Woman Question
10.2 Human Rights Framework
10.3 International Trade Framework
10.4 The Woman Question
10.5 Women and Culture in the Americas
10.6 Women and Work
10.7 Final Thoughts
11 First Peoples First: Indigenous Populations
11.2 Human Rights