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3 Epidemiology of Diabetic Neuropathy
J. E Shaw, P. Z. Zimmet, F. A. Gries, and D. Ziegler
The epidemiology of a disease primarily describes the frequency with which it occurs, and determines the risk factors associated with it. The former informs the clinician about the likelihood that the patient in front of him or her has the condition and the public health authorities about the potential overall burden relating to the condition. The latter sheds light on etiological processes, although the associations described by epidemiological studies cannot alone be taken as proof of causality.
In order to understand the epidemiology of a disease properly, it is important to have well-validated diagnostic tests that can be used by a variety of investigators assessing different populations in a similar manner. Furthermore, it is important that the populations studied are representative of the total population being considered, and have not been subjected to significant