Thomas Zeller

Vascular Medicine

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2 Thoracic arteries

       2.1 Arteriosclerotic and acquired inflammatory and congenital diseases of the thoracic aorta

       2.1.1 Anatomy of the whole aorta

       2.1.2 Clinical pictures and epidemiology of arteriosclerotic and acquired diseases of the thoracic aorta

       2.1.3 Clinical Undings

       2.1.4 Differential diagnoses

       2.1.5 Diagnosis

       2.1.6 Treatment

       2.1.7 Clinical results

       2.1.8 Prospects

       2.1.9 Marfan syndrome and aortic diseases determined genetically

       2.1.10 Adults with congenital aortic isthmus stenosis

       2.2 Diseases of the pulmonary arteries

       2.2.1 Pulmonary artery embolism

       2.2.2 Pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH)

       2.2.3 Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs)

       3 Abdominal vessels

       3.1 Diseases of the abdominal aorta

       3.1.1 Abdominal aortic aneurysm

       3.1.2 Aortic stenosis

       3.2 Diseases of the branches of the abdominal aorta

       3.2.1 Anatomy of the mesenteric and renal arteries

       3.2.2 Acute and chronic mesenteric occlusive disease

       3.2.3 Renal artery stenosis

       3.2.4 Renal sympathetic denervation

       3.2.5 Aneurysms of the branches of the abdominal aorta

       3.2.6 Arteriovenous malformations and other vascular malformations

       4 Diseases of the arteries of the extremities

       4.1 Stenotic diseases of the proximal arteries of the upper extremity

       4.1.1 Anatomy of the proximal arteries in the upper extremities

       4.1.2 Clinical picture

       4.1.3 Clinical Undings

       4.1.4 Diagnosis

       4.1.5 Differential Diagnosis

       4.1.6 Treatment

       4.2 Creation of dialysis fistulas and treatment of dialysis shunt insufficiency

       4.2.1 Introduction

       4.2.2 Shunt creation

       4.2.3 Alternative dialysis procedures

       4.2.4 Dialysis shunt insufficiency

       4.2.5 Shunt aneurysms

       4.2.6 Shunt infection

       4.2.7 Summary and prospects

       4.3 Raynaud syndrome

       4.3.1 Introduction

       4.3.2 Diagnostic procedure

       4.3.3 Treatment

       4.4 Stenoses and occlusive processes in the lower extremity

       4.4.1 Clinical picture, clinical findings, diagnosis and differential diagnosis

       4.4.2 Prevention and management of cardiovascular risk factors

       4.4.3 Conservative treatment for chronic peripheral arterial occlusive disease

       4.4.4 Conservative treatment of chronic ischemic wounds

       4.4.5 Regenerative treatment for peripheral arterial occlusive disease

       4.4.6 Rehabilitation in peripheral arterial occlusive disease

       4.4.7 Endovascular and surgical treatment in the pelvic arteries.technique, clinical results, prospects

       4.4.8 Conservative, endovascular, and surgical treatment for femoropopliteal lesions

       4.4.9 Endovascular and surgical treatment in the infrapopliteal arteries: technique, clinical results, prospects

       4.5 Aneurysms in the arteries of the extremities

       4.5.1 True aneurysm

       4.5.2 Pseudoaneurysm

       4.6 Arteriovenous fistula

       4.6.1 Clinical picture

       4.6.2 Clinical findings

       4.6.3 Differential diagnosis and diagnosis

       4.6.4 Prevention

       4.6.5 Treatment

       4.7 Compression syndromes in the extremities

       4.7.1 Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)

       4.7.2 Compression syndrome in the brachial artery

       4.7.3 Compression syndrome in the popliteal artery

       B Diseases of the veins

       1 Venous thrombosis

       1.1 Venous thrombosis in the lower extremity

       1.1.1 Basic anatomy

       1.1.2 Clinical picture

       1.1.3 Diagnosis and differential diagnosis

       1.1.4 Treatment

       1.2 Venous thrombosis in the upper extremity

       1.2.1 Clinical picture

       1.2.2 Diagnosis and differential diagnosis

       1.2.3 Treatment

       2 Superficial thrombophlebitis