arrange these parts in their original position and then take additional photos if necessary to document their relation to one another. Armed with these photos, reassembly at a later date will be much simpler with no need to guess, or relearn how the parts originally fit together.
Unless you are planning to perform a partial, driving type of restoration, removing the engine and transmission is generally done early on. This lightens the car considerably and allows these components to be detailed individually, or delivered to a machine shop for inspection or rebuilding as necessary. Removing the drivetrain also allows greatly improved access to the engine compartment for cleaning, rust repair, and refinishing.
Once a difficult component is removed, it may be useful to create another photo of the parts arranged as they will need to go back together. In six months or a year when you’re ready to reassemble your car consulting these photos can save time and headaches.
Disconnected and stripped of most accessories, this engine is ready for removal. Be sure to remember the ground cable located at the passenger-side motor mount and the speedometer cable. Cardboard keeps bolts or any other objects from falling into the engine once the carburetor is removed.
With the front suspension and steering systems still in place, the engine and transmission must be removed from the top. Store the hood in a safe place, and use caution not to damage the firewall or upper core support. Adjusting the chain to achieve a suitable angle for the engine and transmission helps with removal.
With the engine and transmission out, it’s time to remove the wiring harness, brake lines, and booster, as well as the heater fan and windshield wiper motors. The complete engine compartment can now be degreased in preparation for refinishing. Note any surface rust that must be removed, especially underneath the battery tray.
The complete engine and transmission assembly can be stored, or cleaned and detailed by resting the motor mounts on jack stands and the transmission mount on a sturdy crate. Be careful, because coolant may still be leaking from the water pump. When degreasing, take care not to get water or anything else inside the engine.
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