Husks of 1222
Anchovy, the 226
Butter 1637
Butter or paste 227
Paste 228
Sauce 362
Toast 228
Anchovies, fried 226
Potted 227
Animals, period between birth and maturity 92
Quality of the flesh of 93-5
Saxon names of 709
Tails of 640
Tongues of 675
Apoplexy 2634-6
Apple, the 111
Charlotte 1420
Charlotte aux pommes 1418
an easy method of making 1419
Cheesecakes 1226
Constituents of the 1229
Custard, baked 1389
Dumplings, baked 1225 boiled 1227
Fritters 1393
Ginger 1424, 1516
Jam 1517
Jelly 1518-19 clear 1396
or marmalade 1395
Pudding, baked, rich 1228 more economical 1229 very good 1231
boiled 1232 iced 1290
rich, sweet 1230
Sauce, brown 364
for geese or pork 363
Snow 1401
Snowballs 1235
Souffle 1402
Soup 111
Tart, creamed 1234 or pie 1233
Tourte or cake 1236
Trifle 1404
Universally popular 1236
Uses of the 1225-6
Apples, a la Portugaise 1398
And rice 1400
a pretty dish 1397
Buttered 1390
Compote of 1515
Dish of 1603
Flanc of 1391-2
Ginger 1424
Ices 1394
In red jelly 1399
Stewed, and custard 1403
To preserve in quarters (imitation of ginger) 1520
Apprentices 2724
Apricot, cream 1405
Jam or marmalade 1522
Pudding 1238
Qualities of the 1239
Tart 1239
Apricots, compote of 1521
Flanc of 1406
Arrowroot, biscuits, or drops 1738
Blancmange 1407
Arrowroot, Manufacture of 387, 1240
Pudding, baked or boiled 1240
Sauce for puddings 1356
To make 1855
What Miss Nightingale says of 1855
Arsenic 2656
Artichoke, composite or composite flowers of 1080
Constituent properties of the 1083
Jerusalem 1086
Uses of the 1084
Artichokes, a French mode of cooking 1082
A l'Italienne 1083
Fried 1081
Jerusalem, boiled 1084 mashed 1085
soup 112
with white sauce 1086
To boil 1080
Asparagus, ancient notion of 114
Boiled 1087
Island 1087
Medicinal uses of 1088
Peas 1088
Pudding 1089
Sauce 365
Soup 113-14
Aspic, or ornamental savoury jelly 366
Attestation to wills 2750
Bachelor's omelet 1462
Pudding 1241
Bacon, boiled 804
Broiled rashers of 803
Curing of 822
and keeping it free from rust 806-9 in the Devonshire way 821
in the Wiltshire way 805
Fried rashers of, and poached eggs 802
Bain-Marie 430
Bakewell pudding, very rich 1242
Plainer 1243
Ball suppers pp. 957-8
Bandoline, to make 2255
Bantam, the 939
Barbel, the 229
To dress 229
Barberries, in bunches 1523
Barberry, description of the 1245
Tart 1245
Barley, 116
Gruel 1856
Soup 116
Sugar 1524
Water, to make 1857
Baroness pudding 1244
Basil 173
Baths and fomentations, remarks on 2599
Cold 2603
Heat of 2600
Warm and hot bath 2601
Batter pudding, baked 1246 with fruits 1247
boiled 1248 orange 1249
Bay or laurel, varieties of 180
Consecrated by priests 512
Bean, haricot, the 1120
Beans, boiled, broad or Windsor 1092
French 1090
Broad, a la poulette 1093
French mode of cooking 1091
Haricots and minced onions 1121 blancs a la maitre d'hotel 1120 blancs, or white haricots 1119 and lentils 1119
Nutritive properties of 1092
Origin and varieties of 1093
Bechamel, or French white sauce 367
Maigre, or without meat 368
Sauce 406
Beef, aitchbone of, boiled 607 to carve an p. 316
A la mode 601-2
Baked 598-9
Baron of 679
Bones, broiled 614
Brisket of, a la Flamande 649 to carve a p. 317
to stew 649
Broiled, and mushroom sauce 612 oyster sauce 613
Cake 610
Carving p. 316
Collared 617
Collops 18 minced 619
Curried 620
Different seasons for 611
Dripping, to clarify 621-2
Fillet of roast, larded 623