of the Foundling Asylum--Social Attitude Towards Illegitimacy Responsible for Abortion Evil--Dangers of Abortion--The Girl Who Has Lost Her Virginity. XXXIV. Advice To Parents of Unfortunate Girls 273 Attitude of Parents Towards Unfortunate Girl--The Case of Edith and What Her Father Did--The Pitiful Cases of Mary B. and Bridget C. XXXV. Sexual Relations During Menstruation 279 Heightened Sexual Appetite of Many Women During Menstruation--Sexual Intercourse During Menstrual Period--When Inter- course May be Permitted--Injection Before Coitus During Menstruation--Fallacy of Ancient Idea of Injuriousness. XXXVI. Sexual Intercourse During Pregnancy 282 Complete Abstinence During Pregnancy--Bad Results of Complete Abstinence--Intensity of Relations During First Four Months--Intercourse During Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Months--Intercourse During Eighth and Ninth Months--Abstinence After Birth of Child. XXXVII. Sexual Intercourse for Propagation Only 284 Belief in Sexual Intercourse for Propagation Only--What Such Practice Would Lead to--Nature and the Sex-fanatics--Sexual De-sire in Woman After Menopause--Sex Instinct of Sterile Men and Women--Sex Instinct Has Other High Purposes. XXXVIII. Vaginismus 288[16] Vaginismus--Dyspareunia--Difference Between Vaginismus and Dyspareunia--Adherent Clitoris a Cause of Masturbation and Convulsions. XXXIX. Sterility 291 Definition of Sterility--Husband Should First be Examined--One-child Sterility--The Fertile Woman--Salpingitis as a Cause of Sterility--Leucorrhea and Sterility--Displacement of Uterus and Sterility--Closure of Neck of Womb and Sterility--Sterility and Constitutional Disease--Treatment of Sterility. XL. The Hymen 294 Difference Between Chastity and Virginity--Worship of Intact Hymen--Sacrificing Hymen Sometimes Essential for Health of the Girl--Certificate from Physician who has Ruptured Hymen. 6 XLI. Is the Orgasm Necessary for Impregnation? 297 Suppression of Orgasm by Woman to Prevent Impregnation--Bad Results of Suppression by the Woman--Orgasm: Relation of to Impregnation--A Hypothesis--A Fanciful Hypothesis--Why Passionate Women Frequently Fail to Become Mothers--Advice to Passionate Women who Desire to Conceive. XLII. Frigidity in Women 301 Meaning of Term Frigidity--Types of Frigidity--Large Percentage of Frigid Women--Repression of Sexual Manifestations and Frigidity--Frigidity and Masturbation--Frigidity and Sexual Weakness of Husband--Frigidity and Dislike of Husband--Organic Causes of Frigidity--A Frigid Woman May Become Passionate--Treatment of Frigidity. XLIII. Advice to Frigid Women, Particularly Wives 304 Advice to Frigid Women--Attitude of Different Men Towards Frigid Wives--Orgasm a Subjective Feeling--A Justifiable Innocent Deception--The Case of a Demi-Mondaine. XLIV. Rape 308[17] Definition of Rape--Age of Consent--Unanimous Opinion of Experts--Exceptional Cases--False Accusation of Rape Due to Perversion--Erotic Dreams Under Anesthesia Causing Accusations Against Doctors and Dentists. XLV. The Single Standard of Sexual Morality 311 Chastity--Double Standard of Morality--Attempt to Abolish Double Standard--Late Marriages and Chastity in Men--Harmful Advice Given to Young Women--Chastity in Men Not Always Due to Moral Principles--Chaste Men and Satisfactory Husbands-- A Statement by Professor Freud--A Statement by Professor Michels--What a Girl has a Right to Demand of Her Future Husband--Three Cases Showing Disastrous Effects of Wrong Teachings. XLVI. Difference Between Man's and Woman's Sex and Love Life 318 Seemingly Contradictory Statements--Faulty Interpretations of Words Sexual Instinct and Love--Difference in Manifestations of Male and Female Sexual Instincts--Man's Sex Instinct Grosser Than Woman's--Awakening of Sexual Desire in the Boy and in the Girl--Woman's Desire for Caresses--Man's Main Desire for Sexual Relations--Normal Sex Relations as Means of Holding a Man--A Physiological Reason Why Man is Held--Man and Physical Love--Woman and Spiritual Love--Preliminaries of Sexual Intercourse in Men and Women--Physical Attributes--Mental and Spiritual Qualities--Difference Between Love and "Being in Love"--Love as a Stimulus to Man--When the Man Loves--When the Woman Loves--Man's More Engrossing Interests--Lovemaking Irksome to Man--Man's Polygamous Tendencies--Woman Single-affectioned in Her Sex and Love Life--Man and Woman Biologically Different. XLVII. Maternal Impressions 327 Widespread Belief in Maternal Impressions--No Single Well-authenticated Case of Maternal Impression--Birth of Monstrosities--Ridiculous Examples Given by Physicians--So-called Shock Often a Product of Mother's Imagination--Four Cases of Alleged Maternal Impressions--Mother's Health During Pregnancy May Have Effect Upon Child's General Health. XLVIII. Advice to the Married and Those About to Be 336[18] Marriage as an Ideal Institution--Monogamic Marriage--Some Reasons for Husbands' Deviations--Importance of First Few Weeks of Married Life--Necessity for Understanding at Beginning--Preventing and Breaking Habits--The Wife's Individuality--Husbands Who are Childish, Not Vicious--Wife's Interest in Husband's Affairs--The "Slob" Husband--The Well-groomed Husband--Bad Odor from the Mouth--Odors from Other Parts of the Body--Treatment for Bad Odor from Perspiration--A Beneficial Powder--Advice Regarding Flirting--Dainty Underwear--Fine External Clothes and Cheap and Soiled Underwear--Delicate Adjustments of Sex Act Required with Some Men--Wife Who Discusses Her Husband's Foibles--A Professional Secret--A Case of Temporary Impotence--The Wife's Indiscretion--The Disastrous Result--A Big Stomach--The Wife's Attitude Towards the Marital Relation--Behavior Preliminary to and During the Act--Congenital Frigidity--Prudish and Vicious Ideas About the Sex Act--Sexual Intercourse for Procreative Purposes Only--Fear of Pregnancy on the Part of the Wife--The Remedy--Other Causes--Wife who Makes too Frequent Demands--Sacrificing the Future to the Present--Esthetic Considerations. XLXIX. A Rational Divorce System 356 A Rational Divorce System--Storms and Squalls--Two Sides of the Divorce Question--Outside Help and Marital Tangles--A Husband who was a Paragon of Virtue--The Case of the Sweet Wife--The Proper Untangling of Domestic Tangles. L. What Is Love? 361 Is Love Definable?--Raising a Corner of the Veil--Two Opinions of Love--The First Opinion: Sexual Intercourse and Love-- 7 The Second Opinion--The Grain of Truth in Each--The Truth Concerning Love--Foundation of Love--Sexual Attraction and Love--The Frigid Woman and Her Husband--Puzzling Cases of Love--The Paradox--Blindness of Love and the Penetrating Vision of Love--Limits of Homeliness--Physical Aversion and Genesis of Love--Mating in the Animal Kingdom--Mating in Low Races--Love in People of High Culture--Difference in Love of Savage and Man of Culture--Distinctions Between Loves--Varieties of Love and Varieties of Men--"Love" Without Sexual Desire--Refraining and Wanting--Cause of Love [19]at First Sight-- "Magnetic Forces" and Love at First Sight--The Pathological Side--Differentiation of Phases of Love--Infatuation--Difference Between "Infatuation" and "Being in Love"--Sexual Satisfaction and Infatuation--Sexual Satisfaction and Love--Infatuation Mistaken for Love--Love the Most Mysterious of Human Emotions--Great Love and Supreme Happiness. LI. Jealousy and How to Combat It 375 Jealousy the Most Painful of Human Emotions--Impairment of Health--Mental Havoc--Jealousy as a Primitive Emotion--Jealousy in the Advanced Thinker and in the Savage--Jealousy in the Child--Feelings and Environmental Factors--Essential Factors--Vanity--Anger--Pain--Envy--The Impotent Husband's Jealousy--Antisocial Qualities--The Jealous and the Unfaithful Husband--Means of Eradicating the Evil--Iwan Bloch on the Question--Prof. Robert Michels' Statement--Remark of Prof. Von Ehrenfels--Havelock Ellis on Variation in Sexual Relationships--Advanced Ideas--Woman as Man's Chattel--The Change and the Changer--Teaching the Children--Casting Epithets at Jealousy--Free Unions and Jealousy--Feelings, Actions and Public Opinion--The Adulterous Wife of the Present Day--Jealousy Defeating Its Own Object--Jealousy of Inanimate Objects. LII. Remedies for Jealousy 395 Prevention and Cure--Prophylaxis of Jealousy--Fitting Remedy to Circumstances--The Neglectful and Flirtatious Husband--No Question of Love--Advice to the Wife of the Flirtatious Man--An Efficient Though Vulgar Remedy--Jealousy Must Be Experienced to Be Understood--Necessity for Freedom of Association--Lines of Conduct for the Wife--Contempt for a Certain Type of Wife and Husband--The Abandoned Lover--The Effects of Unrequited Love--Sublimated Sexual Desire--Replacing Unrequited Love--The Attitude of Goethe--Simultaneous Loves Possible--Successive Loves Possible--Eternal Loves--When Sex Relationships May Be Beneficial--Purchasable Sex Relations and Their Value--The Broken Engagement--The Terrible Effects on the Young Man--The Young Streetwalker--Sex Relations with Fiance--Inundating Sense of Shame--Collapse--Attempts at Suicide--An Active Sex Life--The Results--The Prevention of Jealousy. LIII. Concluding Words 409 WOMAN: HER SEX AND LOVE LIFE [25] WOMAN: HER SEX AND LOVE LIFE Chapter OneToC THE PARAMOUNT NEED OF SEX KNOWLEDGE FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN Why Sex Knowledge is of Paramount Importance to Girls and Women--Reasons Why a Misstep in a Girl Has More Serious Consequences than a Misstep in a Boy--The Place Love Occupies in Woman's Life--Woman's Physical Disabilities. All are agreed--I mean all who are capable of thinking and have given the subject some thought--that for the welfare of the race and for his own physical and mental welfare it is important that the boy be given some sex instruction. All are not agreed as to the character of the instruction, its extent, the age at which it should be begun and as to who the teacher should be--the